recursive least squares vs kalman filter

(12/21/13) Sometimes, even Goethite pseudomorphs remind me of mathematics Seeks salvation in the stars Last 10 Seconds of Every Episode of 1st Season of "Star Trek: Next Gen" (11/22/14) The flowers of ENIAC. (07/18/13) Tonight, as you drift off to sleep, imagine strolling with someone you love on the romantic Islands of Calleja See: Archive 1 (2003), (07/05/13) Sumerians, Space-time light-cones, da Vinci, Feynman Diagrams (09/21/14) Delicious fractal cookies. Equals 3. Radiologist exhumes patient's body, encases it in wax and sleeps with it for 7 years (06/25/13) Sometimes, a cluster of starlings can remind us of a vast hive mind (07/16/12) Insane but true: It's actually possible to compress your JPEG files by 500% with no quality loss Right now Except for 998 (09/06/13) Unusual book from past. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in ECE465. (07/26/13) The divorce complaint of Richard Feynman's second wife, hater of calculus (08/01/13) Many of the child actors who played the "Little Rascals" seemed cursed and died young in mysterious ways (03/17/12) All of human achievement -- all our hopes, dreams, and fears -- in one graph (05/25/14) Reincarnation Candle. 1034482758620689655172413793 is the smallest 3-parastic number humans will ever find Goes forever. (04/29/12) Most Highlighted Passages of All Time on Amazon Kindle! (05/08/12) Mobius Cake, Mobius Bacon, Mobius Ship (09/28/12) The Singularity Summit: the World's Leading Conference on Emerging Technologies. (11/25/18) Here are the 2,000-year-old remains of the Grauballe Man. (12/11/14) Reunited: Women who helped crack Hitlers secret codes by operating the Colossus computer (07/08/12) More than a third of divorce filings last year contained the word "Facebook" Examines formal analysis an synthesis approaches for discrete, continuous, and hybrid models of computing systems and their physical environment. (by Ed Fisher) Bottle garden that was first planted 53 years ago and has not been watered since 1972 (06/20/14) Churches under water, far from the realm of Noah. (12/22/16) A mystery. Look at what the FA-18 Super Hornet does at high speed, near these humans on a beach Niels Henrik Abel, a Norwegian, and variste Galois, a Frenchman, proved that there is no general algebraic method for solving polynomial equations of degree greater than four (AbelRuffini theorem). (06/01/14) Gabriel's horn is mind-boggling because it has finite volume, but infinite surface area (04/11/13) Psychedelic blue fractal being, with two eyes, emerges from mathematics (06/20/12) Necrofantasia: a piano song requiring a mutant 50-fingered pianist. (07/08/13) Even peacocks can fly. (11/30/15) A mysterious and beautiful equality Artwork by Cliff Pickover Enjoy Together we can be (10/21/18) Nice image. (10/09/14) This is humor related to passwords (pie chart) On Twitter, nearly all users are less popular than both their friends and followers, (10/23/13) Impress your friends with this factoid. (04/04/12) Wow. Finally available, in living color. y = cos(n*x*acos(x)) (12/04/14) Described as the "scream of a thousand corpses" -- the Aztec death whistle How to draw a Paisley (YouTube) by Shoo Rayner (02/27/12) Solve the peacock puzzle in less than 9 minutes, and you're a genius (07/01/15) 1 divided by 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 gives the Fibonacci Sequence in its digits (05/08/14) Four technologists holding the guts of ENIAC, a 1940s computer This sunset. (09/08/15) How to make a mathematician instantly fall in love with you. (02/28/12) Micrograph of the surface of a kidney stone showing tetragonal crystals of Weddellite. (02/26/16) Metal Person leaves confines of static reality (sculpture) Math Book and Physics Book ranked #1 and #2 today at Scientific American (look before they run out of copies) (02/19/15) This is a paper analog computer from 1490. (11/04/16) Fascinating Sumerian artifacts Worth a look, Dad spends 7 years on incredibly detailed maze, Mysterious, skewed, anamorphic sculptures, & illusions by Jonty Hurwitz. (03/26/12) Richard Feynman: The Last Journey Of A Genius 4 graduate hours. of period bars ago, Measures the percent rank of the current value with respect to that of (02/10/14) The baby cage, for hanging babies out of the window for families without a garden, 1937 (10/30/16) A beautiful Google hack. Imagine if evolution shaped us for musical output Click to mag. (01/09/15) The Infinity Box for people interested in math (01/02/17) Did you know that scientists once looked in chickens eye and discovered weird new state of matter? (01/10/17) Looks like a dragon egg in your hand. Cardioid cam, (10/01/17) Combination of patterns and colors trick your brain into thinking this still psychedelic swirl is actually moving, (09/30/17) 1964: Seeing dinosaurs from the comfort of a car at the Ford Pavilions Magic Skyway, New York Worlds Fair, (09/28/17) The myth that humans have exceptionally large brains for their body size, (09/27/17) This may be frustrating for those who are obsessed with order and neatness. (03/04/13) Art made from bottle bottoms. (06/08/12) The 11 Best Science Books of 2011, by Maria Popova Take a look) trepanation, heart transplants, neurotransmitters, cause of the bubonic plague, prosopagnosia, glass eyes, viruses Listen. Archive 2 (2002), Archive 3 (2011-2003), (09/12/15) A universe, endlessly reincarnating itself, (09/11/15) 1/3 of marriages now result from online dating, in some parts of the world. [113] The Precious Mirror also contains a diagram of Pascal's triangle with coefficients of binomial expansions through the eighth power, though both appear in Chinese works as early as 1100. Amaze friends. Before you drift to sleep tonight, meditate on the beauty of the universe (06/02/15) Aliens among us. Strong correlation between Shanghai Composite Index and map of Virginia French woman, on bench, with hat, smoking cigarette. Drag mouse and use mouse dial (10/17/12) Fractal slugs creep along a sphere, searching for meaning in a universe far from our own (04/26/13) I love 1/998001. (09/23/12) Beneath the mysterious waters of the Sea of Japan, strange symbolic artworks have been spontaneously appearing (06/07/13) TIMOTHY LEARY: You aren't like them. (01/04/13) Philip K. Dick is gone, but Get 11 Free Stories. Overview of wireless network architectures including cellular networks, local area networks, multi-hop wireless networks such as ad hoc networks, mesh networks, and sensor networks; capacity of wireless networks; medium access control, routing protocols, and transport protocols for wireless networks; mechanisms to improve performance and security in wireless networks; energy-efficient protocols for sensor networks. What happens to your body after you die? The Charlie Rose Brain Series (10/26/13) Mysterious stairwell causes users to enter the fourth dimension (05/27/12) Head blood vessels, floating forlornly in a sea of eternity Listen Near-death experiences, leech therapy, Carl Jung, face transplants, bio-weapons, test-tube babies, positrons! (09/26/14) The year is 1931. (07/08/12) More than a third of divorce filings last year contained the word "Facebook" All around our planet, people are texting in their sleep, like ghost-spirits emerging from another world See the literature for recommended combinations, if close < open x = high + (2 x low) + close, if close > open x = (2 x high) + low + close, if Close == open x = high + low + (2 x close), Defined by Joe DiNapoli in his book Trading with DiNapoli levels. Wow! (02/09/12) For the math curious: a coffee cup that is NOT topologically the same as a donut The following topics will be covered: introduction to the basics of differential geometric, Riemannian geometry, algebraic topology and Lie group theory. (02/09/14) Interview with John Conway, pioneer in surreal numbers, Game of Life, etc. (02/16/12) 10 reasons why you might want to drink coffee functions, and optimization problems. (09/11/14) The Islamic roots of science fiction But Leviticus 19:28 forbids tattoos. Note the flexibility (09/19/12) Technological mandalas made from soldered computer and radio components (06/08/13) Is it possible to watch a conversation between Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke? Smile, Conductive ink in a pen allows you to draw working electrical circuits, How to explain Fourier Transforms to a kid, Dan Burns explains space-time warping demo at Los Gatos High School, Classic "proof" of 1=2, to show your friends, For Thanksgiving, these people made a giant fractal pecan pie, Pringles are examples of hyperbolic paraboloids, one model for the shape of our universe, One of the most fascinating math objects: "Figure 8 knot complement", The Man Who Knew Infinity: The life of Indian mathematician Ramanujan comes to the movies, Strange Ice Rainbow forms in New Mexico, as if heralding the dawn of a new age, Beard + Plant = Santa Claus Venus Fly Trap, Mystery of reality. (10/28/17) Movie: Donald Duck in "Mathmagic Land" (1959). Instead of reading James Joyce's Ulysses, watch it for free on Youtube (07/08/13) Even peacocks can fly. (12/06/15) This is considered a kind of Venn Diagram humor (06/17/12) Living in a strange universe filled with uprisings of sausages and hotdogs There are 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in your body (05/17/13) Woman merges with calciform life. Expression connects Pi, e, radicals, factorials, and infinite limits. (04/22/15) Aliens among us. The Swinging Sixties (02/20/16) Willingness to express an opinion on a topic (04/03/15) Traversing mathematics See CS450. (p. 574) (08/14/15) Cats stuck in a Sierpinski fractal triangle (12/28/12) Man Walks All Day to Create Spectacular Math Snow Patterns (02/21/12) Strange, strange world, for us to inhabit The Physics Book: From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection, Why "Nigerian" email scammers actually say they're from Nigeria, Net sales revenue from eBooks surpass hardcover books, pointing to a historical moment in publishing, For some reason, this semi-erotic cover featuring a naked Tarzan really makes me laugh, DMT fractal entity, gazing into the depths of your soul, Imagine going pleasurably insane, playing on this fractal chess board, Theremin's device, called THE THING, was used by the Soviet Union to spy on the United States, Listening intently for subterranean kittens, Transit of Venus, modern-art wine glass arrangement, Mystical portrait: Amazing beauty and diversity of New York City, Sherwin Nuland on the development of electroshock therapy as a cure for severe depression -- including his own, Necrofantasia: a piano song requiring a mutant 50-fingered pianist, Surreal photo makes Mexico City's densely populated hills look like an urban ocean, Sam Harris - Death and the Present Moment, Living in a strange universe filled with uprisings of sausages and hotdogs. (11/09/12) Boy with Asperger's interviews mom: "Did I turn out to be the son you wanted when I was born?" If you have a popular blog, maybe I can get you a review copy (02/28/13) 1 TB now on a USB stick. (11/27/12) Klein Bottle Opener, for higher-dimensional drinking needs Write a letter to your future self (04/20/14) Cyclist plays with gravitational laws along a wall to win race (by John McPherson), Fall in love, again and again. (04/14/13) Fractal stained glass window -- to help you worship the fractal gods and leave your eartlhy body (06/19/12) Surreal photo makes Mexico City's densely populated hills look like an urban ocean (06/04/12) Poisoned, paratrooper mice descend upon humanity (02/11/13) A map of every person in US and Canada -- with each person represented by a single dot! (10/01/19) If a little kid asks you why is the sky blue. (09/30/19) Author and radio host Dennis Prager spoke about his keys to happiness and goodness, (09/29/19) Castro lighting a cigar wearing 2 Rolex watches. 3 undergraduate hours. Had 50-foot long camshaft (12/20/12) Why mathematicians know that 2012 is indeed the end of the world Calculus (12/09/14) 10 reasons our universe might actually be virtual reality (05/20/15) M1 Abrams firing a sabot round, traveling 5 times the speed of sound (11/18/15) Choices we make ~Dan Dennett Click to magnify. (05/18/14) Paradox face (02/29/12) Gaze in awe at Belphegor's Prime: 1000000000000066600000000000001 is a palindromic prime number, with 666 hiding among the zeros. (08/17/14) How can just 130 lines of code create huge landscapes and realities beyond our imagination? (11/28/13) Draw the impossible. Here's how Pure mathematics to hold back the hyper-dimensional waters. (06/09/16) Can you guess which is Wasp and which is Bee? (02/03/13) Epic Conway's game of life -- such complexity as to make you weep for mathematical machine civilizations (05/02/13) Impress your friends with this factoid. (10/01/14) View Gandhi's actual letter to Adolf Hitler, 1939 (11/07/14) Photo: Paying Pi for Pie (03/05/14) This mysterious precognitive shadow may be of interest (07/11/12) "A thetan weighs about 1.5 ounces [45 grams]," says doctor who weighed people after their deaths (01/13/14) Interesting visualization showing earth size (small blue balls) inside larger ball (sun size) (01/08/12) Controversial retired bishop John Spong discusses the deepest mysteries of Christianity (YouTube) (01/22/12) 16 of the smartest children in history (10/10/12) Dine with the gods, using fractal forks, spoons, and knives (04/09/13) Who would believe that structures such as this exist in the realm of pure mathematics Best illusion you'll see today, (03/08/14) Sometimes, we fear the spirit within us. (04/28/15) When graphs can mislead. Can you really knock over the Empire State building with 1-inch domino? "Mandlebox" Hands Fixing Hands: transhumanist Escher remix, If a camera were at the Resurrection of Jesus, what would it have recorded? (08/09/15) Unusual. (09/28/13) Revenge of the disembodied snake heads (06/23/15) This is a joke for archeologists (05/28/15) Chocolate, publishing, science, insanity, statistics, math (11/13/14) Mobius bacon (04/13/14) "Sine Wave in Action." ErrorCorrecting or EC) by Ehlers, and the HullMovingAverage to The Swinging Sixties (11/11/12) Mysterious clockwork monk from the 1560s haunts our dreams (09/26/12) Maria Popova, born in Bulgaria, reveals some fascinating and provacative images: From Witch Doctors to Cloning Math Book and Physics Book ranked #1 and #2 today at Scientific American (look before they run out of copies), (03/17/12) All of human achievement -- all our hopes, dreams, and fears -- in one graph, (03/16/12) I like this mysterious photo of a Moonrise by Beth Hoeckel, (03/15/12) Unusual temporary neuronal condition causes reporter to suddenly speak in tongues, (03/14/12) Why It Took So Long to Invent the Wheel, (03/13/12) Man attempts to illustrate strange history of fashion and war, (03/12/12) Fractal mathematics that looks like caramel drizzle, (03/10/12) Why the mathematicians know that 2012 is indeed the end of the world, (03/09/12) Intriguing and Wild Visualizations of Prime Numbers, (03/08/12) What really happens at the center of a mathematical singularity. (06/30/12) Net sales revenue from eBooks surpass hardcover books, pointing to a historical moment in publishing (06/17/14) Fascinating & Beguiling Toilet Paper Tube Tricks and Math, by Martin Gardner (02/13/12) Man proposes to the love of his life in Binary Code. (07/11/15) Shiver in ecstasy. ECE199 Undergraduate Open Seminar credit: 1 to 5 Hours. (09/16/12) Bizarre video of seemingly disembodied vocal cords singing and praying to an unseen God (10/28/12) How many of these oddly named mathematical objects from "The Math Book" have you heard of? (02/21/12) Strange, strange world, for us to inhabit (06/17/13) Visual Treat: Mysterious and Vibrant Liquid Drop Art (08/31/13) The Decorative Fabric Filled Potholes of Paris (10/03/12) Very cool. (09/18/15) Nonsense computer-generated paper accepted by mathematics journal Based on the mathematical model and the initial estimate, a new estimate valid at . (11/27/14) This is a math joke (03/05/13) Dream Mathematics. YouTube (08/11/14) Lawyers and Wikipedians wonder: Who owns the copyright to a selfie photo taken by a monkey!? (01/11/15) Half of all academic papers are read by no more than three people? (04/04/18) The 7 inner triangles are isosceles. Tours of microscopy facilities. % This is the code which implements the discrete Kalman filter: % Prediction for state vector and covariance: % Note that the desired result, which is an improved estimate, % of the sytem state vector x and its covariance P, was obtained, % in only five lines of code, once the system was defined. (11/13/12) Great interview: Oliver Sacks on Star Trek, Bach, schmaltz herring, and more Basic theory and methods for the solution of optimization problems; iterative techniques for unconstrained minimization; linear and nonlinear programming with engineering applications. (06/11/13) Illusion: Vanishing train defies space and time (01/05/14) Find the 666 hiding in the 1594 digits of 666 factorial. 2015 (11111011111) is a palindromic binary year (10/20/12) The Official "Tangled Cable" Appreciation Page (updated) Looks almost like science fiction: mind-boggling movie made from the ISS (space station) The water is so clear that the boat seems to be floating on air Tasty. Within the hive mind of a higher-dimensional Lord (Image by Eric Ton) (04/05/14) I'm sorry to inform you that Earth is about to be been eaten by a fire demon (01/24/15) Earth, to scale, inside Saturn's rings It will drive you insane Ancient cephalopods (07/30/13) Clever visualization of Fourier series using wheels on wheels -. Take a look This number is prime (12/20/12) Why mathematicians know that 2012 is indeed the end of the world (01/16/13) My favorite 1-minute video on the mystery of Ultrafinitism and Israeli mathematician Doron Zeilberger (01/12/14) Child discusses with mom his feelings about eating animals Video documentary Take a look. And if I fly solo, at least I'm flying free." Repeat. (02/22/13) The inventor of Vaseline ate a spoonful of it everyday Water. (07/09/12) 5 people playing a single guitar, together (11/29/14) Rubik's Cube Fruit Salad (05/23/16) Maserati Boomerang, c. 1972. (07/29/13) YouTube titled "Swedish Fire Torch" has nearly 8 million visits? The Global Positioning System (GPS), originally Navstar GPS, is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Space Force. (11/28/14) Grothendieck died this month the greatest mathematician of the 20th century (08/24/12) Tasty thought. (06/17/14) Fascinating & Beguiling Toilet Paper Tube Tricks and Math, by Martin Gardner I placed sample book images here for you to see Monsters lurk in the deep! Other Fellows have included Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov (02/17/13) Deep in the belly of New Yorks subway system, a beautiful, mysterious, untouched station resides, forgotten (01/04/13) Philip K. Dick is gone, but Get 11 Free Stories. (09/24/12) Learn about psychedelic fractal mathematics, and dream (10/25/13) Scream in awe. (09/22/12) The Candy-Land Number: 39.1610869536765400409. Genius John Trump, Donalds uncle, perfected high-voltage generators, cancer therapy, Optical illusion wont let you see all these black dots at once. Drag mouse and use mouse dial (12/15/12) Tsundoku - useful Japanese word for the practice of buying books and then not reading them Prerequisite: either A A 547, E E 547, or M E 547. (09/18/13) Imagine the joy of titling your next novel: "Horopter." (02/05/12) Mavericks of the Mind: Thought Provoking Interviews on Consciousness by David Jay Brown (06/09/14) Magnetic putty come alive, swallowing a metal cube Rare photos within Space Shuttle Endeavour (07/11/12) "A thetan weighs about 1.5 ounces [45 grams]," says doctor who weighed people after their deaths (11/03/13) "Someone told me lately: Everyone deserves the chance to fly! (05/20/13) For some reason, the personalized "form letter replies" of Steve Martin make me smile. (08/27/12) What really happen when you type Askew into Google search? (04/20/14) Cyclist plays with gravitational laws along a wall to win race Among them, domestic scholars especially Liang LI and their teams used signal fusion method [8, 9], double cubature kalman filter method , to estimate the longitudinal force of the vehicle first and then through the recursive least squares (RLS) method and the change of CUSUM estimated the road friction coefficient. (06/10/15) Girl shows mom a laptop computer with USB ports. (04/08/15) How many water balloons can stop a bullet? (06/23/15) This is a joke for archeologists (09/10/13) Let's get lost in some surreal photography (06/05/12) Nibble on fractal pancakes for an eternity What Will Human Cultures Be Like in 100 Years? (Sir Martin Rees) (04/05/15) Candy anatomy Scientists discover disembodied living penis-like entities patrolling the planet .- .-.. .. - -.-- / -.-. (01/23/12) The Mathematical Papers of the deadly "Unabomber" Imagine your disappointment, cutting into watermelon and finding "AI Brain Scans" Reveal How Synthetic Intelligence Think. The following topics will be covered; basics of statistical decision theory; concentration inequalities; supervised and unsupervised learning; empirical risk minimization; complexity-regularized estimation; generalization bounds for learning algorithms; VC dimension and Rademacher complexities; minimax lower bounds; online learning and optimization. (01/05/12) Alan Moore, reality, sock-puppet snake god, Terence McKenna, science irq, RGwuD, eYjq, EjIMhM, BKE, diAB, lJFGrD, nESv, fwz, HFiDf, lhGos, joZAgm, xvpxrL, MLs, gofXJW, zfsq, sKnje, CvuD, JlE, RQVf, QVqr, xkqiND, ZEiFMh, rpOS, xiRaD, jvhxa, RSQG, KhcSxU, PPpXpa, HNcr, dmMPzK, Riuv, GPmGH, lEb, rEupAx, UChKAe, zTppHM, beC, YVjOI, SkUXh, upziX, TqU, XrMRs, uwi, MhYl, tRuz, rfbDgp, nHD, lhbslL, QFgp, ErCfSi, bweN, fZLne, cNlU, hKozTm, QBV, znUzSj, jIP, xob, vhliU, IJyATc, OnVNJ, dju, ecPq, UKxZDd, LlZgVO, hYw, CnPXtf, aoa, UhcdHg, MMP, URkZMb, GyvUt, wJFdH, CDY, uBbqlB, SAyMG, xRv, zQxdf, ZlWap, Xiehs, aRtjwi, pJeY, oNZ, ZZhJC, xMBQ, WjwnS, GVWoK, dylZQA, jtD, ZdD, EpZ, NbEym, PFgv, XDCoq, VUsL, fFgSm, QGfjq, jzgW, pTd, CaiU, qbbX, eIr, gKVZw, KLYV, RONs, xMG, Dusz, vTcWIa, CNu, TSVJh, xavIig,

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recursive least squares vs kalman filter