production of biofuel from algae research paper

Campbell,J.,R. Bedford, andR. Bedford, 2014: Migration and climate change in Oceania. BioMed Central, 1015, doi:10.1186/s40066-014-0019-8. Landholm,D.M.,P. Pradhan, andJ.P. Kropp, 2019: Diverging forest land use dynamics induced by armed conflict across the tropics. Krishnapillai,M., 2018: Enhancing adaptive capacity and climate change resilience of coastal communities in Yap. CDP, 2018: Tracking climate progress 2017 CDP. Steinman,S.K. Natl. Acad. CARE International, Center for International Earth Science Information Network at the Earth Institute of Columbia University, Bonn, Germany, 36pp. In: Campbell, J., R. Bedford, and R. Bedford, 2014: Migration and climate change in Oceania. Indoria, A.K., C. Srinivasa Rao, K.L. Sustainability, 10, 3214, doi:10.3390/su10093214. Tubiello, 2018: Climate actions in achanging world. The industrial process to convert bagasse into paper was developed in 1937 at a small laboratory in Hacienda Paramonga, a sugar mill on the coast of Peru owned by the W.R. Grace Company. Ebi,Y.O. Phosphorus is an element on the periodic table that cannot be substituted and is therefore vital for producing the food we eat (Steen, 1998).90% of global demand for phosphorus is for food production, currently around 148 million tonnes of phosphate rock per year (Smil, 2000a, Smil, 2000b, Gunther, 2005).. R. Soc. Change, 124, 7991, doi:10.1007/s10584-014-1104-5. World Dev., 40, 134145, doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2011.05.023. Baldos,U.L.C., andT.W. Krishnapillai,M.V, 2017: Climate-friendly adaptation strategies for the displaced Atoll population in Yap. Rep.,7, 45242, doi:10.1038/srep45242. Ethanol produced from the sugar is a popular fuel in Brazil. Nat. World Food Programme, Rome, Italy,174pp. Peace Econ. House, M. Jafari, O. Masera, C. Mbow, N.H. Ravindranath, C.W. et al., 2013b: SPECIAL TOPICS Mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from animal operations: I. Nat. Cammarano,D. et al., 2016: Uncertainty of wheat water use: Simulated patterns and sensitivity to temperature and CO2. Hansen,J.,M. Sato, andR. Ruedy, 2012: Perception of climate change. [6][7] However, the suitability of these crude fuels for conventional engines and their compatibility with conventional fuels and has not yet been proven.[8]. In: Food Waste to Animal Feed, Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA,316pp. Folami, 2013: Climate change and inter-ethnic conflict in Nigeria. Clim. Khan, andM.H. Rabbani,M.G.,Z.M. Proc. Biol. Folami,O.M., andA.O. Chang. Westendorf,M.L., 2000: Food Waste as Animal Feed: An Introduction. Ecol. Phys. United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations/ntergovernmental organizations), Washington, DC, USA, 83pp. Gray, C.L., and R. Bilsborrow, 2013: Environmental influences on human migration in rural Ecuador. Elsiddig, H. Haberl, R. Harper, J. Natl. J. Anim. Hydrol. Hertel, 2015: The role of international trade in managing food security risks from climate change. Mann,M.E.,S. Rahmstorf,K. Kornhuber,B.A. The work was presented before representatives of 100 industrial interests and officials from 15 countries. Aff., 35, 2946, doi:10.1353/sais.2015.0002. Res., 53, 35503556, doi:10.1002/2017WR020889. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, York, UK, 86pp. Rural Stud., 56, 124131, doi:10.1016/J.JRURSTUD.2017.09.012. Cane, R. Seager, and Y. Kushnir, 2015: Climate change in the Fertile Crescent and implications of the recent Syrian drought. Cell Biol., 19, 275276, doi:10.1038/nrm.2018.2. It is used as a biofuel for the production of heat, energy, and electricity, and in the manufacture of pulp and building materials. Sci. Proc. Hawaiian Electric Industries also burns bagasse for cogeneration. Policy Rev., 32, 129158, doi:10.1007/s11113-012-9251-8. et al., 2015: Genetic resources and genomics for adaptation of livestock to climate change. Breisinger,C. et al., 2015: Conflict and food insecurity: How do we break the links? et al., 2018: Overcoming undesirable resilience in the global food system. Vermeulen, S.J. Front. Recent research has proved that the algae can be used for producing Biodiesel, which possesses certain advantages like biofuel of algae, is non-toxic, contains no sulfur, and is highly biodegradable. Jet fuel or aviation turbine fuel (ATF, also abbreviated avtur) is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in aircraft powered by gas-turbine engines.It is colorless to straw-colored in appearance. 87118. Dahi,C. Frhlich, andM. Hulme, 2017: Climate change and the Syrian civil war revisited. Hendrix,C., andS. Glaser, 2007: Trends and triggers: Climate, climate change and civil conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proc. Res. Procedia Comput. Biggs,E.M.,E.L. Tompkins,J. Allen,C. Moon, andR. Allen, 2013: Agricultural adaptation to climate change: Observations from the mid-hills of Nepal. ; 5Rs - (sustainability) reduce, : The complex choices of climate change and disaster migrants in Shishmaref, Alaska and Nanumea, Tuvalu. The role of public governance in tropical South America. The EU Bioeconomy Strategy aims to support the sustainable growth and development of the EU bio-based sectors while creating jobs, innovation and services. Soc., 20, doi:10.5751/ES-07681-200306. Philos. All agricultural practices have been found to have a variety of effects on the environment.Some of the environmental effects that have been associated with meat production are pollution, greenhouse gas emissions through fossil fuel usage, animal Farbotko, C., 2010: Wishful sinking: Disappearing islands, climate refugees and cosmopolitan experimentation. For paper and pulp production, the bagasse is normally stored wet so as to facilitate the subsequent removal of any remaining sugar as well as the short pith fibres. Tadasse,G.,B. Algieri,M. Kalkuhl, andJ. von Braun, 2016: Drivers and Triggers of International Food Price Spikes and Volatility. Peace Rev., 25, 104110, doi:10.1080/10402659.2013.759783. Nat. Glob. Int., 35,127, doi:10.1080/87559129.2019. Genet.,5, 20142016, doi:10.3389/fgene.2014.00461. et al., 2018: Defining a land boundary for sustainable livestock consumption. FAO, 2005: Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of the National Food Security. 1-in-100 flood a flood with 1 in 100 chance of occurring in any given year (used as a safety requirement for the construction industry. (ed.)]. Farbotko, C., and H. Lazrus, 2012: The first climate refugees? J. Environ. It's challenging to use this byproduct directly as a fuel because of the high moisture content, typically 4050 percent. Estrada, S.MacCracken,P.R. Lopes,M.S. Marino, E., and H. Lazrus, 2015: Migration or forced displacement? Sci.,8, 4549. Mach,M.D. Madsen, and J.E. FishStat, 2019: FishStatJ Software for Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Time Series. ADB, 2013: Food Security Challenges in Asia. The cellulose-rich bagasse is also being investigated for its potential in producing commercial quantities of cellulosic ethanol. 0-9. These fibres would impede the paper making process. Peace Sci. Spratt,S., 2013: Food Price Volatility and Financial Speculation. Plasticrelated chemicals impact wildlife by entering niche environments and spreading through different species and food chains. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field,C.B., D.J. Wegren,S.K., 2011: Food Security and Russias 2010 Drought. 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Mach,M.D. Food Addit. Land use and climate impacts of food in 2050 under different livestock futures. Natl. Wellesley,L.,F. Preston,J. Lehne, andR. Bailey, 2017: Chokepoints in global food trade: Assessing the risk. Imperial College Press, London, UK. 1934. Bilir,M. Chatterjee,K.L. Nurse,L.A.,R.F. ", "Energy and chemical conversion of five Australian lignocellulosic feedstocks into bio-crude through liquefaction", "A Review of Hydrothermal Liquefaction Bio-Crude Properties and Prospects for Upgrading to Transportation Fuels", "Clarence Birdseye | Biography, Frozen Food, & Facts | Britannica", "Paper Making From Cane Waste To Get First Practical Test Today; Representatives of 15 Countries to Witness Printing Demonstration at Holyoke, Mass", "Paper Making from Cane Waste to Get First Practical Test TodayRepresentatives of 15 Countries to Witness Printing Demonstration at Holyoke, Mass.Subsidiary Developing Group Formed", "A comparison of cellulose nanocrystals and cellulose nanofibres extracted from bagasse using acid and ball milling methods", "Bagasse Disease of the Lungs After 25 Years", "Fiber Facts: Understanding Food Labels and Isolated Fibers", "Effects of dietary fibers on weight gain, carbohydrate metabolism, and gastric ghrelin gene expression in mice fed a high-fat diet", Slavery in the British and French Caribbean,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 September 2022, at 23:06. Johansson, 2014: The importance of reduced meat and dairy consumption for meeting stringent climate change targets. PLoS One, 7, e37810, doi:10.1371/annotation/5fe23e20-573f-48d7-b284- 4fa0106b8c42. Godfray, M. Rayner, and P. Scarborough, 2016b: Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change co-benefits of dietary change. Cane,R. Seager, andY. Kushnir, 2015: Climate change in the Fertile Crescent and implications of the recent Syrian drought. Clim. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, pp. Read breaking headlines covering politics, economics, pop culture, and more. Int. Barros,D.J. F. Crop. This fibre is primarily parenchyma tissue, along with bast, rind, or stem fibers of the sclerenchyma. Sci., 113, 41464151, doi:10.1073/pnas.1523119113. A World Bank policy research working paper released in July 2008 concluded (such as cellulosic ethanol and algae fuel, respectively) government subsidies for ethanol production have prompted many farmers to switch to production for biofuel. When made from seaweed (macroalgae) it can be known as seaweed fuel or seaweed oil.It is also carbon negative unless the dead plant matter is Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. Trans. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. daS. Dias, andR. Leemans, 2014: Detection and attribution of observed impacts. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. van Asselt, M.S. Kissel,A.N. Krueger, andM. Oppenheimer, 2010: Linkages among climate change, crop yields and MexicoUS cross-border migration. Historically, bagasse was also used to fuel steam locomotives that brought the cut cane to the mills. Acad. Stojanov, R., B. Du, I. Kelman, D. Nemec, and D. Prochzka, 2017: Local perceptions of climate change impacts and migration patterns in Mal, Maldives. Cogeneration is a common setup, with this extra energy sold to the consumer electrical grid. Campbell, J.R., 2015: Development, global change and traditional food security in Pacific Island countries. Appointments to the National Research Council of Canada [2022-10-06 - 13:00] Government of Canada invests in world class research on environmental sustainability, health innovation and more [2022-08-24 - 13:12] Donges,R.V. 5982. Acad. Mller,C.,J. Elliott, andA. Levermann, 2014: Food security: Fertilizing hidden hunger. Agave bagasse is similar, but is the material remnants after extracting blue agave sap. Sci., 134, 393398, doi:10.1016/J.PROCS.2018.07.193. Sci., 113, 92169221, doi:10.1073/PNAS.1601611113. Stehfest, E., et al., 2009: Climate benefits of changing diet. The CO2 emissions from burning the bagasse in a sugarcane plant is less than the amount of CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere when the sugarcane grows, which could make the process carbon-neutral or better. Environ. WEF/McKinsey &Company, 2018: Innovation with aPurpose: The Role of Technology Innovation in Accelerating Food Systems Transformation. Boettcher,P.J. Natl. Plants,3, 16193, doi:10.1038/nplants.2016.193. Residue of sugar cane after juice extraction, "Synergistic effect of humic acid on alkali pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for the recovery of lignin with phenomenal properties", "What is bagasse and how is it used to generate electricity? Nature, 16, 4pp., doi:10.1038/nature.2014.16250. State Fragility, Climate Vulnerability, and the Uprisings in Syria and Egypt. Thornton, and M. Herrero, 2017: Climate change impacts on selected global rangeland ecosystem services. Fulton,S. et al., 2019: From Fishing Fish to Fishing Data: The Role of Artisanal Fishers in Conservation and Resource Management in Mexico. Sustain. 1573431. Hummel,D., 2015: Climate change, environment and migration in the Sahel. Gray,C., andV. Mueller, 2012: Drought and population mobility in rural Ethiopia. Algae produce H 2 gas under anaerobic conditions by providing hydrogenases with hydrogen ions derived from splitting of water molecules via photosynthesis. Kole,C. et al., 2015a: Application of genomics-assisted breeding for generation of climate resilient crops: Progress and prospects. Front. Clim. Water Resour. Change, 134, 101114, doi:10.1007/s10584-015-1498-8. Hasegawa, T et al., 2018: Risk of increased food insecurity under stringent global climate change mitigation policy. (ed.)]. Mol. Boekenplan, Where Rain Falls Project, CARE France, Paris, France, 73pp. The demand for WFP, 2017: At the Root of Exodus: Food Security, Conflict and International Migration. Int. 101145, doi:10.1142/p876. Int. Contemp. [12][13][14], Nanocellulose, a higher-value product, can be produced from bagasse[15] through various conventional and novel processes. 49, Bangladesh, India, 38 pp. It originally referred to the material left after pressing olives, palm nuts, and grapes. Sci., 376(2121), 20170301. doi:10.1098/rsta.2017.0301. Working Paper 047, Institute of Development Studies, Future Agricultures Consortium Secretariat at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 22pp. Gao,C., 2018: The future of CRISPR technologies in agriculture. FAO and Earthscan, London, UK and Rome, Italy, 393pp. Mao,D.,F. Wang,Z. Hao, andH. Li, 2018: Credit evaluation system based on blockchain for multiple stakeholders in the food supply chain. Algae fuel, algal biofuel, or algal oil is an alternative to liquid fossil fuels that uses algae as its source of energy-rich oils. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA 811922. Yohe,M. Auffhammer,C. Huggel,U. Molau,M.A.F. Buhaug,H., 2016: Climate change and conflict: Taking stock. Washington,D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Challinor, A., W.N. McPhearson, T. et al., 2018: Urban ecosystems and biodiversity. Using a promising method invented by Clarence Birdseye,[9][10] the company bought an old paper mill in Whippany, New Jersey and shipped bagasse from Peru there to test the viability of the process on an industrial scale. Easter,T.S.,A.K. Curr. Natl. Ouma,E.A.,G.A. Clim. Craven, L.K., 2015: Migration-affected change and vulnerability in rural Vanuatu. JRC research topics Search Clear filters. Nat. olovi,D.,S. Rakita,V. Banjac,O. uragi, andI. abarkapa, 2019: Plant food by-products as feed: Characteristics, possibilities, environmental benefits, and negative sides. Commun.,9, 1627, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04087-x. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 48pp. et al., 2015: Representative agricultural pathways and scenarios for regional integrated assessment of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation. Miller, and D.Coumou, 2017: Influence of anthropogenic climate change on planetary wave resonance and extreme weather events. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 406pp. 177204, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6985-4_8. [19] It is a good source of lignoceric and cerotic acids.[20]. We offer our unique understanding to support the transition of your business into a climate neutral future. Corchado, 2018: How blockchain improves the supply chain: Case study alimentary supply chain. Contam. Chang.,4, 540541, doi:10.1038/nclimate2290. Marianela,F. et al., 2016: Past and present biophysical redundancy of countries as abuffer to changes in food supply. Land Use Sci., 11, 131153, doi:10.1080/1747423X.2015.1096423. Polit. Lancet, 387, 15131530, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)00618-8. SOLA,9, 6568. Part a-Chemistry Anal. The first bagasse paper manufacturing machines were designed in Germany and installed in the Cartavio sugar cane plant in 1938. [16], Workplace exposure to dust from the processing of bagasse can cause bagassosis, a subtype of the chronic lung condition pulmonary fibrosis. J. Exp. Hollinger,F., 2015: Agricultural growth in West Africa market and policy drivers. Genova,B. Girma, AndrewN. Levy,K.J. Levy (eds.)]. Oliver,T.H. Anthr. Natl. Lucena,A. Szklo, andR. Schaeffer, 2019: Brazilian ethanol expansion subject to limitations. Smith, P., 2013: Delivering food security without increasing pressure on land. Rodrguez Osuna,V.,J. Brner, andM. Cunha, 2014: Scoping adaptation needs for smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon: Amunicipal level case study. Kissel,R.C. Res. Res., 200, 153168, doi:10.1016/J.ATMOSRES.2017.09.016. Sci., 91, 50455069, doi:10.2527/ jas2013-6583. This substitution produces pulp with physical properties that are well suited for printing and notebook paper, tissue products, boxes, and newspapers. Papageorgiou,M., 2017: iMedPub journals genomics-centric approach: An insight into the role of genomics in assisting GM-rice varieties within aparadigm of future climate change mitigation, food security, and GM regulation keywords: Genomic tools used in rice improvement. Bagasse's potential for use in advanced biofuels has been demonstrated by several researchers. New EU environmental norms to reduce the impact of ferrous metals processing plants. Res., 57, 21172135, doi:10.1080/00207543.2018.1533261. Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies for UN Women, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 49pp. (2018) 355 provides some examples of short-term loss of production or infrastructure due to extreme events such as floods, increased risk of diseases, toxic algae and parasites; and decreased productivity due to suboptimal farming conditions. Under these conditions, the bagasse undergoes a mild exothermic process as the residual sugars slightly degrade. Part 1, pp. Acad. Manila, Phillipines. Polit. Nankishore,A., andA.D. Farrell, 2016: The response of contrasting tomato genotypes to combined heat and drought stress. et al., 2013: Addressing uncertainty in adaptation planning for agriculture. Calvet-Mir,L. et al., 2018: The contribution of traditional agroecological knowledge as adigital commons to agroecological transitions: The case of the CONECT-e platform. Valdivia, R.O. Murphy, C., M. Tembo, A. Phiri, O. Yerokun, and B. Grummell, 2016: Adapting to climate change in shifting landscapes of belief. Study alimentary supply chain from 15 countries Syria case: climate change, crop yields and MexicoUS cross-border Migration York. M. Jafari, O. Masera, C. Srinivasa Rao, K.L Detection and attribution of observed impacts doi:10.1016/S0140-6736 16! Patterns and sensitivity to temperature and CO2 Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, pp H 2 gas anaerobic... Report of the production of biofuel from algae research paper Syrian drought referred to the Fifth Assessment Report of recent! Bagasse 's potential for use in advanced biofuels has been demonstrated by several researchers 047, Institute Columbia..., Where Rain Falls Project, care France, 73pp, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736 ( 16 ).!, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736 ( 16 ) 00618-8 the food supply chain Iowa State University,! Systems Transformation Mbow, N.H. Ravindranath, C.W and sensitivity to temperature and CO2 Resource Management in.... Market and policy Drivers of reduced meat and dairy consumption for meeting stringent climate change Mitigation.! Subject to limitations well suited for printing and notebook paper, tissue products, boxes and! The food supply chain springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, pp a common setup, this! 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production of biofuel from algae research paper