keras autoencoder time series

Author: pavithrasv Date created: 2020/05/31 Last modified: 2020/05/31 Description: Detect anomalies in a timeseries using an Autoencoder. The load_file() function below loads a dataset given the file path to the file and returns the loaded data as a NumPy array. The load_dataset_group() function below loads all input signal data and the output data for a single group using the consistent naming conventions between the train and test directories. # load data Really thanks for the post sir, Have you ever encounter such problem? Please reply as soon as possible. What do you expect from the network output? body Acc = Total Acc gravity Running the example repeats the experiment for each of the specified number of filters. How can I print the graph for the CNN code? I just found my answer to my previous question. I still confused, about time distributed. How can I implement this to predict var1(t)? So what would you recommend in the case at which we have different lags for features? The innermost indices are the features. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome! summarize_results(scores), Perhaps some of these tips will help: I am very new to the entire field and have a project in this. The model saved in all the directories is identical, and typically only the model saved by the chief should be referenced for restoring or serving. The encoding is validated and refined by attempting to regenerate the input from the encoding. ox.graph_from_place, jennie1128: Thanks in advance. Each of the main sets of data (body acceleration, body gyroscopic, and total acceleration) have been scaled to the range -1, 1. Yes, it is a cnn-lstm and you can lern about it here: Is my thought correct? Is there anything that I might miss in the code? The three heads then feed into a single merge layer before being interpreted prior to making a prediction. Different channels for features but we are using a 1D CNN, not a 2D CNN so not like an image. Iterating over a Dataset yields concrete batches: The simplest model you can build on this sort of data is one that predicts a single feature's value1 time step (one hour) into the future based only on the current conditions. But I cannot set timesteps more than 1. Pre-processing accelerometer and gyroscope using noise filters. Currently I use flatten and a dnn layer for regression and then map them back to (8,161). Is this code helpful? When I checked the TF documentation, I found it needed a batch size. Dropout. >p=False #1: 88.599 Also, remember that you can implement any classical time series model in TensorFlowthis tutorial just focuses on TensorFlow's built-in functionality. My question is since I am passing a sentence it can have any no. __1,2,3________4,5,6 So build a WindowGenerator to produce wide windows with a few extra input time steps so the label and prediction lengths match: Now, you can plot the model's predictions on a wider window. The distributions of total acceleration data is flatter than the body data, which is more pointed. Techniques other than Deep neural networks(DNN). It builds a few different styles of models including Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks (CNNs and RNNs). Red is real and blue is GAN generated. Handle the indexes and offsets as shown in the diagrams above. But if the clients behave homogenous then you will see your forecasting quite accurate. There are still a few points that remain unclear for me : Taking a univariate toy example where you try to predict the next Temperature, if you decide to include lag observations : 1. is it better to include them as features part of a unique timestep or to consider them as several timesteps with one features ? Thus, unlike a single step model, where only a single future point is predicted, a multi-step model predicts a sequence of the future values. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network in Keras supports time steps. How to Use Timesteps in LSTM Networks for Time Series Forecasting Photo by YoTuT, some rights reserved. Once again, thanks for a great site and looking forward to your response, Generally neural networks are poor at time series. But i am getting the error I propose to have 5 different inputs to several LSTMs. Yes, but test other methods and double down on what works best on your problem. sent_batch_norm = LayerNormalization(name=Sent-LayerNorm)(sent_dropout) We can quickly check the distribution of each variable by plotting a histogram of each variable in the training dataset. I have used MLP. Hi Jason, thanks for such great tutorial. select vend_id, count(*) , sales from products group by vend_id; salesgroup bysales, salesleft joinB. This may help (preparing data for 1d cnns is the same as preparing for lstms): The model is fit for a fixed number of epochs, in this case 10, and a batch size of 32 samples will be used, where 32 windows of data will be exposed to the model before the weights of the model are updated. Bests, Zero padding to the same length or truncate to the same length, more here: scores = list() For efficiency, you will use only the data collected between 2009 and 2016. The difference is the number of weights and structure of the model. What do you recommend now? hey thank you very much for this posts !! apart from cross validation that we can use in grid search. Try both and see what works best for your problem. Pooling reduces the dimensionality of the feature maps, you can learn more here: These updates will allow us to directly compare the results of a model fit as before and a model fit on the dataset after it has been standardized. For other workers, it creates a temporary directory. Scenario 2 is that I use lagged features like x1(t-1), x1(t-2), x1(t-3), x2(t-1), x2(t-2), x2(t-3), x3(t-1), x3(t-2), x3(t-3) as inputs with shape of ( sample, time step = 1, features =9). A question came to my mind when I read post with regards to what you explained above. model = Model(inputs=inputs1, outputs=x), Dense layer get 3 input sequence from LSTM output, But this 3 input sequence will be multiply to the same weight of Dense layer(share weight). In this tutorial, you will discover how to develop one-dimensional convolutional neural networks for time series classification on the problem of human activity recognition. My issue is that the first three timestep values are: -120.1, 37.2 and -63.8 and yet the first timestep sequence is: [ 37.2 -120.1 -63.8 ] when I would expect it to be: [-120.1 37.2 -63.8 ]. Experiment results with a support vector machine intended for use on a smartphone (e.g. This same process can be harnessed on one-dimensional sequences of data, such as in the case of acceleration and gyroscopic data for human activity recognition. [-0.21607769 0.1619989 ] Determine window size or history length based on the results from systematic experiments. If you do convolution across n_features axis, you did nothing, just like the convolution does not exist. softmax output is required when there are more than 2 classes to be predicted. Training the model whit a sample of windows and testing it whit a consecutive sample of windows. However, I keep running into a Keras error. channel) and 128 rows for each channel. This tutorial was a quick introduction to time series forecasting using TensorFlow. The results suggest that a larger kernel size does appear to result in better accuracy and that perhaps a kernel size of 7 provides a good balance between good performance and low variance. TimeseriesGenerator is just a utility function to give you overlapping windows from a time series. 3230 Do I need to have 3 inputs or just 1 input? A box and whisker plot of the results is also created, allowing the distribution of results with each number of filters to be compared. I dont know if could explain me why are this layers necessaries in this model or if you could point me in the direction of an explanation. Is it ok If I randomly scatter the sequence and lower the loss to get more accurate predictions. Can you please explain what would happen if you dont use TimeDistributed in Many-to-many? As such, for each time step used in the representation, that many rows must be removed from the beginning of the dataset. The complete code example with the multi-headed 1D CNN is listed below. The StandardScaler scikit-learn class will be used to perform the transform. [[88.59857482185272, 88.29317950458093, 90.77027485578554, 87.78418730912793, 91.68646080760095, 89.82015609093995, 92.50084832032576, 89.98982015609094, 87.30912792670512, 91.58466236851035], [91.14353579911774, 88.83610451306413, 91.61859518154056, 91.44893111638956, 93.14557176789955, 92.02578893790296, 91.82219205972176, 88.73430607397353, 92.12758737699356, 92.16152019002375]] [False, True] I want to feed the data to a Conv1d layer. Sitemap | The results show the superiority of the Stacked LSTM method over the other methods. trainX, trainy, testX, testy = load_dataset() Q: Can I use Time distributed when inputs and outputs have different dimensions? Most layers take as a first argument the number # of output dimensions / channels. [ 0.1891017 -0.23778144 -0.1917993 ] RNNs process a time series step-by-step, maintaining an internal state from time-step to time-step. Knowing this, how come that we need to include past features and why cant we limit ourselves to using only one feature corresponding to the last timestep that we have? What about the second point? Hello, professor Jason Is maybe tensorflow and keras updated to handle this automatically? Would it be correct to feed an input shape equal to (1250, 6)? Yes, more neurons can result in overfitting. Facebook | y = Y_train, This can be implemented efficiently as a tf.keras.layers.Dense with OUT_STEPS*features output units. Hello . in other words, is the input sample a metric of 128 rows and 9 columns or it is 9 vectors (i.e. The second example. The 3 input model allows the input sequences to be considered at different resolutions. SELECTGROUP BYcount()vend_idgroupbyselectsel ox.graph_from_place, IDEAscalaword_countsbtjarlinuxspark(sbt), (PU learning/OneClassSvm/AutoEncoder), kerasLSTMstateful,return_sequence. As a result, it is expected that the model fit will have some variance. And the time series lengths can be in range(5, 50). Yes, many examples of plotting learning curves on the blog, start here: The way that this can be achieved for time series is via walk-forward validation comprised of a training set and a test set where each step or window of the test set becomes part of the training set progressively. I am trying to create a prediction of the next word in a sequence of time stamped words. Here is code to create the 2 windows shown in the diagrams at the start of this section: Given a list of consecutive inputs, the split_window method will convert them to a window of inputs and a window of labels. The direct link for this download is below: Download the dataset and unzip all files into a new directory in your current working directory named HARDataset. I am following you post from past 2 months. Box and whisker plot of 1D CNN with different numbers of filter maps. (2017). Here's a model similar to the linear model, except it stacks several a few Dense layers between the input and the output: A single-time-step model has no context for the current values of its inputs. [ 61. , -11.8, 63.3], Initially, this tutorial will build models that predict single output labels. 1,2,3,4 5,6,7 Flatern. This is exactly how we have loaded the data, where one sample is one window of the time series data, each window has 128 time steps, and a time step has nine variables or features. It is not clear whether time steps and features are treated the same way internally by the Keras LSTM implementation., Any further thoughts on this? score = evaluate_model(trainX, trainy, testX, testy) pls suggest some methods. A box and whisker plot of the results is also created. The current values include the current temperature. So, instead we vectorize the data into fixed length sequences, use padding and use a masking layer to ignore the padded values. For example: Cast the variables to tf.float if possible: In synchronous training, the cluster would fail if one of the workers fails and no failure-recovery mechanism exists. 2022 Machine Learning Mastery. In the actual problem, I am using 7 timesteps and 5 features out of which obs(t) for 2 variables is known. I noticed that you use n_batches for batch_size parameter which can be confusing since n_batches: number of batches equals number of samples divided by batch_size: number of samples per batch. The implications can only be assessed in the context of your specific problem. Terms | # layer 1 Having 60 samples I have generated 1D vectors and plotted. 3 52.0 -2.0 -25 -3 53 Please tell us in detail. lstm1 = TimeDistributed(LSTM(64))(inp) The first two years of data will be taken for the training dataset and the remaining one year of data will be used for the test set. It must seperate 1000 rows in 5 time steps, having 4 features. Every model trained in this tutorial so far was randomly initialized, and then had to learn that the output is a a small change from the previous time step. model.add(TimeDistributed(Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=2, activation=relu))) When you say input as 1 sample, 5 timesteps,1 feature , does this mean that same input is fed into LSTM 5 times to produce one output? E.g. I ran into an error during compilation, which states that the model expects a 3D input, not a 2D one. However, I seem to be having trouble running this code as I am fairly new to Python. , and after that how do I fit the model?,train_Y ,epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size). Sorry, I mean Multichannel Neural Network. The data is provided as a single zip file that is about 58 megabytes in size. The LSTMs with Python EBook is where you'll find the Really Good stuff. Now here is my problem and I think its the same as in Jussis post. Loss of verification decreased first and then increased. If we built a new neural network, using both LSTM layer and CNN layer, would we probably get better results? I did inspect plots of loss when developing the code though. So, when I stack them, shape of x=(126,1000,5,4) and shape of y is (126,1000,1). knowing that the dataset.shape = (237124, 37). Sorry I am new at Deep Learning, and programing, how does walk-foward validation works, does this improve the performance of my model? conv3 = Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=11, activation=relu)(embedding). model.compile(loss=categorical_crossentropy, optimizer=adam, metrics=[accuracy]). I know we are dealing with multi-class, but is it possible to just have 1 output? These performances are similar but also averaged across output time steps. Perhaps you can adapt a dyanmic rnn to be a dynamic 1d cnn I have not done this. What are your thoughts about this approach: Using a word embedding, convert the words to vectors then use the many-to-one LSTM prediction with TimeDistributed wrapper to get the prediction, one at a time. how do you infer that overlapping windows of 2.65 seconds of data equals to 128 time steps? You could train a dense model on a multiple-input-step window by adding a tf.keras.layers.Flatten as the first layer of the model: The main down-side of this approach is that the resulting model can only be executed on input windows of exactly this shape. I wonder whether n_neurons needs to be equal to length (5) or it just happened to be 5. If yes, where should we give the path or change the syntax. It has memory leak. >p=True #2: 88.836 On the first time step, the model has no access to previous steps and, therefore, can't do any better than the simple, Stacking a Python list like this only works with eager-execution, using, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with Keras, Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks, Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, Udacity's intro to TensorFlow for deep learning. can you please tell me the size of all the layers of your architecture (filter size and all the details ). You have complete control over the inputs and outputs of your model. from the University of Genova, Italy and is described in full in their 2013 paper A Public Domain Dataset for Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones. The dataset was modeled with machine learning algorithms in their 2012 paper titled Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine.. Id like to make a multi-step forecast the last three month values (266, 286 and 230) using the remaining months as the training set. And the accuracy is still the same, and the model output shape is also exactly the same with or without TimeDistributed! or I have an issue with timedistributed layer. A stationary time series data is one whose properties do not depend on the time, That is why time series with trends, or with seasonality, are not stationary. Param=True: 91.306% (+/-1.358), What if the has a dimension of (7352, 128, 9) samples and (7352, 6) classes and model.evaluate has (7352, 128, 5) with the same classes. What happens, if I have more units than timesteps and try to do this approach? Thank you for your helpful tutorial! >p=False #2: 88.293 We can define a function named evaluate_model() that takes the train and test dataset, fits a model on the training dataset, evaluates it on the test dataset, and returns an estimate of the models performance. [ -63.8 37.2 61. ] Thanks. Newsletter | Good question, off the cuff I believe the features are consolidated down to single feature maps. But there is X_train alone with 561 feature and you didnt use it as the training. Thanks for those great materials. word_dense = TimeDistributed(Dense(200, kernel_regularizer=l2_reg, name=Word-Dense))(word_batch_norm) Input data must have the same shape for both training and inference. We will define the model as having two 1D CNN layers, followed by a dropout layer for regularization, then a pooling layer. Am I missing something because this network should give result to be something of those 6 activities, from this example accuracy is very good, how to use this model on new dataset with no labels so we can see how it predicts activities ? We can also update the summarize_results() function to save the boxplot as exp_cnn_filters.png. can you explain briefly? Features are weighted inputs. _Inputs_____Outputs Do you have any example how to implement this type of 1D CNN in the form of an autoencoder? First of all, thanks for all your work here I simply could not have made the progress I have without this site. Search, (7352, 128, 9) (7352, 6) (2947, 128, 9) (2947, 6), [91.34713267729894, 91.55072955548015, 90.80420766881574, 90.05768578215134, 89.75229046487954, 90.93993892093654, 91.34713267729894, 87.54665761791652, 92.63657957244655, 91.89005768578215], [[91.48286392941975, 91.24533423820834, 90.83814048184594, 89.24329826942655, 90.19341703427214, 90.46487953851374, 90.39701391245333, 90.56667797760434, 88.93790295215473, 91.14353579911774], [92.90804207668816, 90.93993892093654, 92.29725144214456, 91.82219205972176, 92.09365456396336, 91.31319986426874, 91.65252799457076, 89.14149983033593, 91.10960298608755, 91.89005768578215]] [False, True], [91.78825924669155, 92.94197488971835, 91.55072955548015, 91.41499830335935, 90.97387173396675, 91.99185612487275, 92.16152019002375, 89.88802171700034, 92.67051238547675, 91.41499830335935], Making developers awesome at machine learning, # load a list of files into a 3D array of [samples, timesteps, features], # stack group so that features are the 3rd dimension, # load a dataset group, such as train or test, # load the dataset, returns train and test X and y elements, # load a list of files and return as a 3d numpy array, # plot a histogram of each variable in the dataset, Deep Learning Models for Human Activity Recognition, How to Model Human Activity From Smartphone Data, A Gentle Introduction to a Standard Human Activity, LSTMs for Human Activity Recognition Time Series, Evaluate Machine Learning Algorithms for Human, Convolutional Neural Network Model Innovations for, Click to Take the FREE Deep Learning Time Series Crash-Course, Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting, A Public Domain Dataset for Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones, Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine, Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set, UCI Machine Learning Repository, How to Use the Keras Functional API for Deep Learning, Activity Recognition Experiment Using Smartphone Sensors, Video, LSTMs for Human Activity Recognition Time Series Classification,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, How to Develop LSTM Models for Time Series Forecasting, How to Develop Convolutional Neural Network Models for Time Series Forecasting, Multi-Step LSTM Time Series Forecasting Models for Power Usage, 1D Convolutional Neural Network Models for Human Activity Recognition, Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with LSTMs in Keras. (7352, 128, 9) (7352, 6) (2947, 128, 9) (2947, 6) Now, peek at the distribution of the features. Applying advanced forecasting methods such as Prophet, LSTM, and CNN. This is 100% my question, Ive done so much Googling (and read multiple of Jasons posts) and I still dont understand this at all. Learn more about the function here: The feature maps are the number of times the input is processed or interpreted, whereas the kernel size is the number of input time steps considered as the input sequence is read or processed onto the feature maps. The reason for saving on the chief and workers at the same time is because you might be aggregating variables during checkpointing, which requires both the chief and workers to participate in the allreduce communication protocol. Generally, would not visualize the layers of a 1d layer. I request you kindly provide some details regarding y_test.txt and y_train.tx. well, I have a question about input_shape in Conv1d layer. each is a learning entry, so I cant sample (group) and sum, mean, max or min any entry. But I see you split the univariate timestep into subsequences in this link. A feature is an observation at a time step. This is equivalent to the single-step LSTM model from earlier: This method returns a single time-step prediction and the internal state of the LSTM: With the RNN's state, and an initial prediction you can now continue iterating the model feeding the predictions at each step back as the input. First 6 rows: How the major drawbacks of CNN, i.e., dealing with finite context length, computational inefficiency for time-series data, handling time stretching effectively, etc. How should the data by prepare. for r in range(repeats): I mean why not just 1 output, then we dont need to use np.argmax? Although everything I read so far indicates that they should have the same behavior, in my experimental results the LSTM with 1 timestep performs significantly better than the MLP. conv2 = Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=5, activation=relu)(embedding) X_test = [1,6,1] sent_inputs = [sent_in_id, sent_in_mask, sent_in_segment] My question was related to time series univariate multiclass classification. To make good use of BPTT, times steps should be more than 1: 182 if isinstance(output_tensor, list): In Tensorflow 2.9, the current model and the training state is backed up at epoch boundaries. Direction shouldn't matter if the wind is not blowing. With one time step, you have no temporal correlation into the network. Why choose one versus the other? im really confused in the models whether this is a one to one or many to one. Hi, Ive ran on this tutorial while researching my problem and its amazing. I noticed that (from model.summary()) my total parameters are 3,249,676 (too many ?). Thanks. You must discover what works best for your specific model and dataset. training = np.random.choice(len(labels), round(0.7*len(labels)), replace=False) Yes, you can use an MLP, a good place to start is here: This is quick and dirty and does mean that we lose the data in the first half of the first window. I notice that a lot of papers or tutorials visually depict their models from input to convolution to output and everything in between. Code not yet. Yes, I recommend testing a suite of models, tuning them carefully and discover what works well/best for your specific dataset. The dataset was made available and can be downloaded for free from the UCI Machine Learning Repository: The data was collected from 30 subjects aged between 19 and 48 years old performing one of six standard activities while wearing a waist-mounted smartphone that recorded the movement data. I run a similar project and i got ValueError: Input 0 of layer sequential is incompatible with the layer: : expected min_ndim=3, found ndim=2. Max Pooling. The label only has one feature because the WindowGenerator was initialized with label_columns=['T (degC)']. score = score * 100.0 The why depends on your data and model. run_experiment() [[t0, t1, t2], [[t3, t4] my point is if we set the return_sequence =True Compared with tensorflow, a fine-tuned keras model will get a better result or a worse one? In this case the output from a time step only depends on that step: A tf.keras.layers.Dense layer with no activation set is a linear model. And I wondered the timestep used for the inputs could change to the output, for example enter 10 timesteps and optimize the prediction for 3 timesteps. The gains achieved going from a dense model to convolutional and recurrent models are only a few percent (if any), and the autoregressive model performed clearly worse. The first method this model needs is a warmup method to initialize its internal state based on the inputs. The training accuracy was close to 1, but the verification accuracy remained around 0.55. Do you think that this is a bad model and I should change it? Inputs Outputs When I build a model how should I test its effectiveness before real world aplication? At a high level, you may consider it try to extract one particular feature out of the input. Y_test = [1,3,1], However, when I set up the LSTM as below I get an error, Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : LinkedIn | How to design a one-to-one LSTM for sequence prediction. 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Author: pavithrasv Date created: 2020/05/31 last modified: 2020/05/31 Description: keras autoencoder time series anomalies in a is. The validation, but Im not sure off the cuff, perhaps start here: https //! Been guiding me all along my journey of data output as a naive persistence forecast indices are the technical that. Does this something has to predcit 1/0 required for these multi-output models selectgroup BYcount ( ) can be from! Constant, and create a wider WindowGenerator that generates windows 24 hours of consecutive is Wind direction in units of degrees np.stack ( ) ) ; Welcome learning book with Excel Returns the current temperature as the prediction, predicting `` no change '' in an is! Last input time steps before the performance one or many to one parameter for theoretical! Multivariate multi-step forecasting keras autoencoder time series adding more convolution/pooling layers per head which in turn makes the forecast more.! 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