how does abigail protect her reputation in the crucible

It is important that you stand up for your beliefs. Protecting her reputation motivates Abigail Williams to accuse others of being a witch. Being honest builds on your reputation, I would not want to be infamously known as a liar. After being left alone in that awful room, the woman is very bored and lonely, so she decides to write in it. Her anger caused her to not comply to the lessons that she was being taught. John to Abigail Act 1. Several characters in The Crucible face a tough decision: to protect their reputation or their integrity. John P to Rev P and Putnam Act 1. If Three characters in the story would have been honest from the beginning, the town would not have been in such confusion. Lady Macbeth has a clear fervour to usurp the crown; unfortunately, this ambition warps their relationship as both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth change into completely different people. Abigail lies on the innocent people to protect her own self. Who was Rev. Mary Warren later states, My name, he want my name. These girls lost their self-restraint and awareness when they falsely accused other villagers in Salem to avoid the discovery of the events in the forest. Abigail The Victim A friend of mine named Mary Warren works in the courts ( Mary Warren: My insides are all shuddery; I am in the proceedings all day, sir.. Parris' daugher? John Proctor states that the woman of Salem who have been locked up for witchcraft:Excellency, does it not strike upon you that so many of these women have lived so long with such upright reputation(3.1.305-309). When John Proctor went to court, the girls pretended that he was the devil. They lied specifically about seeing certain people in the town standing next to the devil or there And the group of girls that accuse people of witch trial are lying pretty much the whole play. People must always act morally, in public and private. But also the townspeople believed them and got paranoid as well. She knows, however, that Salem would condemn her if they knew the truth, and works to protect her reputation. In the play there was a character by the name of John Proctor; Proctor was a family man that made a huge mistake. Though Giles tries to explain to the court how Abigail is pure evil, and trying to get revenge: Aye, how she is solemn and goes to hang people! (3.1.875). Although sin will remain inescapable, honesty, modesty, and hard work can retrieve lost purity and reverence. Proctor showed a difference throughout the story and those differences also relate to Kohlbergs Developmental Stages of Human Moral Reason.. I went to the extent of writing a good bye note, many times, but I always stopped myself, believing and on some level knowing that I had to fight and that I had to live at least for my mom, because she does for me. As stated in Act 1 Abigail tells the girls that "I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you" because the girls are scared of witchcraft and wants to admit to dancing and conjuring. How does Abigail abuse her power? Throughout the play Abigail choose to continue to lie about the witchcraft instead of telling the truth. Subsequently Abigail confessed, I want to open myself! Iska Alter further explains why Abigail would go to the length of full accusation of witchcraft by stating that As, When he was on the verge of clearing his reputation by claiming he was following the Devil, he refuses. Protecting her reputation motivates Abigail Williams to accuse others of being a witch. She used to work as a servant at Proctor's household and have an affair with him. In the beginning of the movie, Reverend Parris questions Abigail about why Elizabeth Proctor let her go from working at her home. themselves in witchcraft. Richardson1 Abigail threatens the girls right after Betty took fright by saying, let either of you breathe a word or the edge of a word about the other things and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. (Miller, 144). However, the accused had a chance to save themselves by confessing to a crime they did not commit. Elizabeth knew Proctor made the right choice when he chose not to sign his name, she did not stop him because he [has] his goodness now. In Arthur Millers The Crucible, Abigail is most to blame in the Salem Witch Trials. Mary tries to stand up to Abigail and tell everyone its all a lie, however, when Abigail threatens her of witchcraft, she gives up and joins Abigail again. Parris knows something occurred between John and Abigail. While reading the story, the reader learns that this story is told through a diary the woman used to vent. Why did Abigail drink blood in the Crucible? Proctor wanted Elizabeths approval, he wanted to please her. Jack Schertings idea helped me see the story in a completely different spectrum about the relationship between Emily and her father. Of all the concepts that were portrayed, communication barriers, shared meaning, and complementary communication were most evident. However, when the girls tell Abigail to confess her action, she threatens them to keep it a secret. Elizabeth Proctor was ill at the time and Abigail took on more responsibility within the Proctor household. Parris only hints at knowing about why she was asked to leave the Proctor house. The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a shocking novel about witchcraft in Salem in the late 1600s. Reputation is one of the major themes in Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible". By looking at The Crucible, one can see that Abigail Williams develops the theme of reputation, which is important because people who fear losing their reputation spread hysteria. Does Abigail Williams get caught? However, Abigail claims, "She made me do it" (Miller 592). Preserving ones reputation is a prevalent theme in The Crucible. Arthur Miller's The Crucible's protagonist John Proctor proves to be a flawed human being who struggles to make sense of his past relationship with Abigail, his love for his wife, and his pride. They had not been the ones plotting to kill Telemachus but in betraying Penelope by not following her orders, only the orders of the wooers. This happens everyday in the world today, but that does not mean that it is the right thing to do. Even in real life, we worry too much about how others view our lives and whether or not we are accepted. I felt so lonely and broken that I wanted to end my life. Who is crying and praying over Betty in the beginning? Elizabeth: My husband is a good and righteous man. To protect her reputation, she accuses Tituba of witchcraft to draw the attention away from herself. Abigail only thinks about herself throughout the play and she doesnt care who it hurts. In The Crucible when Abigail is trapped in a web of her own lies, she is accused of calling the Devil. Abigail continues her revenge by leading the girls into another fit after Elizabeth leaves the courtroom, and this one is directly targeting Mary Warren as the source. When a person is accused of witchcraft, it is very easy for them to get out of the accusation if they lie. Mrs. Proctor learned of the affair and fired her immediately. Knowing a miss deed has happened and not speaking out on it is equal to committing the crime. As seen in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor defies the court, and it results in his execution. Reputation can directly correlate with pride, which is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one 's own achievements. Reputations are very important to the characters in The Crucible and if they want to preserve their reputation, through pride, they do whatever is necessary to keep it. Living a Lie Abigail threatens the girls that she will come in the black of some terrible night if they mention what happened to anyone that night (1.1.1244). Abigail becomes one of the main antagonists of the play through her deceitful and [.] At the beginning of the story, the woman is prescribed a cure for her problems.. Abigails, Reverend Parris, and Mrs. Putnums various accusations all come from their selfish motives. Abigail and group of girls danced in the woods naked and Abigail drank a blood charm. By looking at The Crucible, one can see that Abigail Williams develops the theme of reputation, which is important because people who fear of losing their reputation spread hysteria. In Miracle Worker, many concepts of speech were presented. In Arthur Millers play The Crucible, Abigail Williams lies, a lot, to keep herself safe. Parris wishes to know why she has not worked in more than half a year and asks if it is because of her reputation. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. "Beguile me not! Whether individuals readily Abigail bullies girls in her town to be loyal to her, while she feels no loyalty towards them. We must go and overthrow the court, he says! (III.226). She is a girl that will drink blood to kill someone, accuse people of witchcraft, and have a affair. In the play, Parris suspects something happened between the two, but does not come out and say it like he did in the movie. Miller revealed to the readers in Act I that John had an affair with Abigail and she was fired. Leslie is currently on probation for CHINS due to her history of not being able to follow rules and attending school. Abigail Williams is the vehicle that drives the play. By looking at The Crucible, one can see that Abigail Williams develops the theme of reputation, which is important because people who fear losing their reputation spread hysteria. Protecting her reputation motivates Abigail Williams to accuse others of being a witch. Abigail starts to point fingers at Tituba to stay out of trouble. Then, Abigail and her friends start to blame others for making them participate in witchery. Because I cannot have another in my life! Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller shows that despite the sacrifices that Abigail and, Rumors have spread throughout the town about Abigail, she denies the rumors saying there be no blush about her name. (12) Miller uses the word blush to show that Abigail is hiding something under the surface, she knows that she did something wrong but admitting the truth would ruin her already damaged name. A character named Abigail lived with proctor and his wife and his two sons. When Elizabeth discovered the affair, she dismissed Abigail. Her purpose was to save John's life at great personal cost, albeit ineffective. " When the witch hysteria, which was initially caused by girls falsely accusing others, got out-of-hand, the residents of Salem conformed to the hysteria out of fear because those who were accused were intimated certainty to death. 26 February 2017 Abigail William is an intelligent girl, she knows how to take control over people and forces them to follow her or do whatever she commands. Hence, they did deserve it when you look at what the wooers did and that the hand maidens supported their bad decisions. Giles Corey does not want to admit to false claims or please the court, he wants to die with dignity and for his family. Abigail is intelligent and more resourceful. Abigail, like her Uncle, also chooses to protect her reputation over integrity. While Abigail Williams and John Proctor both start out with lying and selfishness, Abigail never gets better, she stays with her selfish ways while John works towards selflessness and becoming a better person; therefore, Miller displays the theme of selfishness vs. selflessness in relationships or choices. Not only do the characters worry about their, Lying was acceptable as long as you spared your reputation. All he hears is crying out of screams and wailing which is a cause of the Devil 's work: What 's she doing? I She becomes unstable and afraid of what people think. Miller demonstrates that ulterior motives can lead to the destruction of relationships and even the demise of a community shown through Parris' need for a positive reputation and Abigail's mischief against Elizabeth Proctor. In hopes of a future with Proctor, Abigail drinks blood with the intention to kill his wife, Elizabeth. Reverend Parris confronted Abigail about her reputation in the village. Abigail William is an intelligent girl, she knows how to take control over people and forces them to follow her or do whatever she commands. By confessing to consorting with the Devil, Abigail frees herself from guilt in the eyes of Salem. The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953.The play consists of four acts and centers around the actual events of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. Howard Barrons corpse at the end was a shock to everyone in town that nobody predicted. This shows me as a reader that one should prioritizes a relationship before personal ambition, if it is to. of us; character is what God and angels know of us (Reputation). Of the major characters, Abigail is the least complex. Family composition/ Current Supports: Leslie. selves. It did not matter if others were hurt in the process, saving your own character mattered more during the Salem witch trials. In act 1 of The Crucible, Abigail drinks blood as a charm to bring about Elizabeth Proctor's death because she is envious of Elizabeth and desires John Proctor. Reputation Early on, she realizes that she is in trouble about the witchcraft, but she recognizes that she is able to confess to her wrong doing, of committing acts of the devil, if she did not confess she would have been hanged. Abigail threatens the girls that she will come in the dark of the black of some terrible night if they mention what happens to anyone (1.1.1244) By looking at The Crucible, one can see that Abigail Williams develops the theme of reputation, which is important because people who fear of losing their reputation spread hysteria. How may I live without my name? While all the people in Salem are concerned with keeping up a good reputation, three stand out above the rest. For example, The Crucible shows how the Salem Witch Trials mirrored McCarthyism. Abigail Williams is not your typical teenage girl. Girl what ails you? There are. She bears most of the responsibility for the girls meeting with Tituba in the woods, and once Parris discovers them, she attempts to conceal her behavior because it will reveal her affair with Proctor if she confesses to casting a spell on Elizabeth Proctor. She does not care about anyone but herself. Abigail Williams Influence In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, a group of girls start a huge uproar in Salem, Massachusetts when they start screeching about Salemites being associated with the Devil. John Proctors act of tearing up the confession is an act to regain his lost honor and integrity. I blacken all of them when this is nailed to the church the very day they hang for silence." (pg. In the Crucible many are to blame for the events that occurred, but one of the ones who seems to take blame the most is Abigail Williams. The Salem Witch Trials is based on a period of time where the devils work has found its way into the Christian city of Salem, causing everybody accused of witchcraft to confess, or be hanged. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Throughout the whole play, her allegation and dishonesty cause many people to be in pain and face difficulty. Throughout the play, characters have changed including Elizabeth, Hale, and John, making them dynamic. Abigail oftentimes makes me wonder what people would do in order to have a good reputation. When they were confronted about it they denied every interaction the people who were convicted they would say they werent a witch and would bring someone elses name into the equation. The people of Salem were Puritans and very religious so they associated witchcraft and anything impure or evil with the Devil. I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! Rebecca Nurse and, eventually, John Proctor, choose to protect their integrity. Its injustice that just because the maids were telling the truth about their experiences with their mistresses, they get fired. Abigail to John P Act 1. What does Rev. The curt manner in which she addresses Reverend Parris, causes her to obtain power and install fear in people. When did Abigail Williams die? When Reverend Parris demands to know what the girls have done the previous night, Abigail does not tell him everything. The Crucible is a play about the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in Massachusetts. In Arthur Miller 's play The Crucible, false accusations and fear are used to imprison and kill many people accused of being witches. Page 1 of 4 Protecting her reputation motivates Abigail Williams to accuse others of being a witch. Spectral evidence is when the accused claim that they saw the spirit of the person on trial do something that they should not have done. Hester reclaimed her righteousness by being truthful, serving the set punishment, and devoting her life to the community. This shows her distrust and suspicion of John. The lies and deception throughout the play were big factors causing the hangings of the twenty innocent people. Reputation affects their actions and majorly influences the choices they make. John Proctor was the only villager in Salem that keeps his self-awareness and restraint when he tries to make it known to Salem that the girls are lying about witchcraft. Medical Hx: None Reported He explained to her all of the behind the scenes actions she didnt understand and made misconceptions about. Abigails pay back to him affects everyone. Even though Marys accusation is not true, John is blamed guilty for witchcraft. She has been dancing - and practicing magic - in the woods, and she is not ashamed of it.

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how does abigail protect her reputation in the crucible