how do acids affect the rate of corrosion

by norman40 Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:31 pm, Return to Grades 6-8: Physical Science, You can find this page online at: . The film resistance decreases and the corrosion current density increases as the pH rises from 6.42 to 7.52 for 316L SS. I am very confused. Solid chemicals are considered corrosive when in solution; they fall in the above pH range. 3) At the extremes, acid or alkali are just too corrosive to enable survival. The rate of corrosion can be controlled or reduced by applying anti-corrosion coatings or corrosion protection techniques including composite repair compounds, metal . Theories 5. Corrosion penetration rate = K (ai / nd) where, a is the atomic-weight of the metal, i is the current density in micro-amperes per cm 2, n is the number of electrons lost, D is the density in g/cm 3. Prevention of Corrosion of Steel in Concrete. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about:- 1. When a region receives a great deal of snow or ice on the roads, the result is that the local department of roads or highways will put salt or other de-icing substances down on the roads. Chromium steel, in contrast, resists general corrosion caused by carbonic acid. The apparent activation energy (E a) of the corrosion process of the glassy Fe 68.6 Ni 28.2 Mn 3.2 alloy in 3.0 M of the studied acid was obtained from the linear variation of the rate of the corrosion reaction assigned as the I corr, or the reciprocal of the charge transfer resistance, 1/R ct, with temperature, which obeys the familiar . The corrosion rate of 316L SS increases with increasing pH in hydrogenated high temperature water at 300 C. When the pH is greater than 10, the metal becomes passive and corrosion rates decrease with increasing pH. The corrosion rate tends to decrease with respect to pH; this means that corrosion rate is proportional to the solution's acid concentration. PH stainless steels are a group of alloys that are resistant to the effects of corrosion. The corrosion rate of steel in soil can range from less than 0.2 microns per year in favorable conditions to 20 microns per year or more in very aggressive soils. End of preview. In specific controlled conditions, acids can be wont to form a restrictive finish on the steel. The corrosion rate tends to decrease with respect to pH; this means that corrosion rate is proportional to the solutions acid concentration. Chemicals with a pH value less than 4.0 (acidic) or greater than 10.0 (basic) are considered to be corrosive substances. Though HNO 3 is not as strong as H 2 SO 4, its effect on concrete at brief exposure is more destructive since it transforms CH into highly soluble calcium nitrate salt and low soluble calcium nitro-aluminate hydrate.. Nitric acid attack is a typical acidic corrosion for shrinkage of the corroded layer due to leaching of highly soluble calcium nitrate. Temperature also influences the corrosion rate. The H + ions will tend to react with metals, giving up their positive charge, giving it to the metal so the metal can oxidize (have its oxidation state raised) and go into solution. The surface effect produced by most direct chemical attacks (e.g., as by an acid) is a uniform etching of the metal. Which type of chromosome region is identified by C-banding technique? Hither, the acidity of the lemon juice reacts with the limescale (atomic number 20 carbonate) or the rusting (iron oxide) to yield and dissolve the deposits. 7.4 The change of pH values in human body environment literally does not cause extensive effect to corrosion resistance of both alloys. I am stuck because I do not know why lemon juice is not rusting the steel wool as much as the vinegar. Temperature increases add energy to the reactions, which increases the corrosion rate. In your experiment you measure the temperature of the steel wool to gauge the amount of oxidation. These fungi are of the thermophilic type Rusting out: how acids affect the rate of corrosion, Re: Rusting out: how acids affect the rate of corrosion. A. Hi Sam. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. Who were the siblings in Fred Claus' Siblings Anonymous group besides Roger Clinton Stephen Baldwin and Frank Stallone? When did Ariana grande lose her virginity? Electrolytes play a vital role in the corrosion . The "mean rainwater" should give the slowest temperature rise. The moment process gases or liquids are introduced to the plant, corrosion begins and the plant starts its slow but sometimes fast decline. Some Acids are highly corrosive in nature which means that they corrode or rust metals. the corrosion is "bad," because it corrodes quickly, weakening the original steel material. 1) pH will affect the activity of all the enzymes in the plant. In this third paper, as part of a series of articles that evaluate how oxygen entry modifies the corrosion of (and hydrogen permeation across) low alloy steel membranes in H2S-containing solutions, we investigate the effect that changing the solution chemistry has through testing X65 steel in different concentrations of acetic acid and sodium . mpy = (weight loss in grams) * (22,300)/(Adt) mpy = corrosion rate (mils per year penetration) A = area of coupon (sq. The inhibition increases with oxygen concentration and is about 30% in an atmosphere of 21% O2 and 0.03% Co. 2. The purpose of this project was to discover how the pH level affects corrosion rate. Salt water affects copper by causing corrosion. The effect of acid deposition is basically the effect any acid has on metal: it tends to corrode it. The rate of emission of acetic acid depends on the species, and a wood of . The thing is sulfuric acid dissociate H+ ions more in diluted solutions, if the corrosive property based on H+ concentration of H2SO4 then 60% is corrosive. RISK ASSESSMENT Glen Waverley Secondary College How does the ph level From this Figure, it can be noted that, for 70 % of sulfuric acid, the corrosion rate is slightly smaller than 0.5 mm/year at 24 C while the rate increases about 10 times (5 mm/year) when the temperature is increased up to 107 C. (We chose pH 3, pH 4, pH 5, Distilled water (which had a pH of about 5.7) and tap water with a pH of 6.7. What is the shape of C Indologenes bacteria? Orange Juice Observations We cut the wool into 1inch sections. Corrosion is a term for the oxidation of metals. The factors that affect corrosion are: 1. Thus, the oxide dissolves as it is formed rather than depositing on the metal surface to form a film. In order to select the correct material the designer and operator of an acid plant must know how a . Moderators: kgudger, bfinio, MadelineB, Moderators, Post The geographical location of a shipwreck thus affects how fast it will decay - the more salt in the water, the faster the decay rate. The reactivity series of metals, which lists metals from most reactive to least reactive, can be used to predict which metals will react with acids. Corrosion means that a chemical reaction has occurred in which metal atoms have combined with oxygen to form an oxide coat. Effect 7. 1.2 AIMS: 1) To investigate the effect of pH level on corrosion rate. Rust is the result of corroding steel after the iron (Fe) particles have been exposed to oxygen and moisture (e.g., humidity, vapor, immersion). HOW ACIDS AFFECT THE RATE OF CORROSION.docx - HOW ACIDS AFFECT THE RATE OF CORROSION PROCEDURE Rusting is an example of a process called corrosion. Wiki User. The presence of pearlite is the cause of corrosion. Please enter a search term in the text box. They produce H+ ions when mixed with water. What acids cause rust? 2. That's why steel is often mixed with other metals, like, chromium. He placed 10 drops of each liquid or a small amount of solid (just enough to, flocculation basin is 80 feet (ft) long by 15 ft wide with water to a depth of 5 ft. What if the volume of the water (in gallons) in the basin? Answer (1 of 3): If you were talking about 1M (molar it mols/L) HCl it would have a pH of 0. What is the summary of the poem tiger tiger revisited? Other ways to prevent steel from rusting are to paint it or embed it in concrete. Can someone put you on tv without your consent? This covers almost all soluble acids, bases and salts. Some will stop functioning before others as the pH is changed. Corrosion affects the rise of a metal aside oxidizing the metal and converting IT into corrosion product (rust). It is found that the corrosion rate of carbon steel decreases with increasing pH value toward the alkaline end while increases with increasing AC current density. A highly corrosive chemical has a pH of 2 or lower or a pH of 12.5 or higher. Label 10 bags for each pH with the sharpie. viscosity and ion mobility), ferrous iron oxidation rate, thermodynamic properties of iron scale (leading to formation of different phases or compounds), How does pH affect steel corrosion? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Even though the vinegar has a pH level of 3 and lemon juice a pH level of 2.2. Lets review how these types of corrosion occur, and how they can damage carbon steel. Many parameters that influence corrosion can vary with temperature: dissolved oxygen (DO) solubility, solution properties (e.g. A. Corrosion of metal occurs when an exposed surface comes in contact with a gas or liquid, and the process is accelerated by exposure to warm temperature, acids, and salts. 6.42 to 7.52 The effect of pH on the corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel (SS) was investigated. Temperature speeds up the rate of corrosion just as it does most other reactions. Corrosion control treatment of drinking irrigate is indispensable to prevent deterioration of pipes and fittings, which eventually leads to water loss and pres loss. Acidic water tends to keep minerals in solutions and will typically cause corrosion problems when levels are below 6.5. 4. When Sleep Issues Prevent You from Achieving Greatness, Taking Tests in a Heat Wave is Not So Hot, Uniform Corrosion. Depth in the ocean is also a factor in the salinity of . Why do you get faster connection at work than home? Low pH acid waters speed up corrosion by supplying hydrogen ions to the corrosion process. In this chemistry science fair project, you'll, change the rate of rusting as you compare a model of rainwater and models for, Acid rain is formed when sulfur and nitrogen, This textbook can be purchased at Grandness of Corrosion Moderate. As mentioned in the last section, a low pH promotes corrosion. Galvanic corrosion (hydrogen type) Galvanic Corrosion occurs when dissimilar metals of equal surface area are in contact in the presence of an electrolyte (moisture), an electrical current is formed and the less noble metal migrates and . Acids lose their acidity when mixed with a base. Is Clostridium difficile Gram-positive or negative? 2018-01-29 15:23:51. Temperature: Corrosion reactions are chemistry in nature and unremarkably accelerate d with profit-maximising temperature; therefore, corrosion issue faster in heater environments than in cooler ones. As a guideline for mild steel, the following corrosion rates can be interpreted as follows: 0-2 mils per year Excellent corrosion control. Not all metals react with acids in the same way, however, and some metals are more vulnerable to corrosion than others. This can be used, for example, to dissolve and remove bothersome calcium carbonate or other acid-soluble deposits. ), Science Teachers: Fairs, Projects, and General Support, Grades K-5: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Grades 6-8: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Grades 9-12: Getting Ready for the Science Fair, Math & Computer Science Sponsored by Hyperion Solutions Corp. Do Oranges Lose or Gain Vitamin C After Being Picked? When the solution pH becomes highly alkaline, say, 12, passivation occurs on carbon steel surfaces, with an enlarging passive region as pH increases. I recorded the temperature of the steel wool in vinegar and it increased more than the lemon juice. How do different acids affect the rate of corrosion Method 1. pour lemon juice, vinegar and distilled water each into a cup Discussion Hypothesis 2. However, issues have been raised related to formic and propionic acids which are . Stainless steel alloys are renowned for the corrosion-resistance, ductility, and high strength. But if the corrosion rate is controlled by other factors, such as the presence of oxygen in the corrosive It also can be defined as the amount of corrosion loss per year in thickness. Normal rainwater has a pH of about 5.6; acid rain has a pH of 5.0 or lower. These compounds mix with oxygen in the atmosphere and form acids that combine with water dropletsthe result is rain that is more acidic than usual. Causes of Corrosion 3. What is the difference between c-chart and u-chart? The higher the concentration of nitric acid applied in the corrosion solution, the higher the corrosion rate is obtained. Re: Rusting down: how acids involve the rate of corrosion To a greater extent sourness (indicated by lower pH) increases the rate of the wire wool oxidation. Wastes with a pH of less than 2.0 or greater than 12.5 are considered to be corrosive. Corrosion due to high pH is more dangerous than acidic corrosion as it can cause cracks in the equipment (a phenomenon known as Caustic embrittlement). Dissolved CO2 may react with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) as shown in equation. Mild steel does not have a high resistance to corrosion in its untreated form, however, the corrosion resistance can be greatly improved by applying an appropriate surface protection product to the exposed parts of any project. What do the C cells of the thyroid secrete? Oct 12, 2016 - Investigate how pH levels affect the rate of a common form of corrosion, called rusting in this chemistry science fair project. . When the pH is between about 4 and 10, soil corrosion is independent of pH. Thus this experiment focuses on pH; just one of the many factors affecting the corrosion rate of metals. The corrosion rate of in sulfuric acid is negligible in any concentration from 0 to 99% up to a temperature of at least 150C. General Corrosion Carbon sword volition eat identical quickly when it comes into link with carbonic acid. The higher the concentration of nitric acid applied in the corrosion solution, the higher the corrosion rate is obtained. Even in these situations, the corrosion rate increase with temperature may vary from 1.5 to 2X with each 10C rise in temperature. Acids tend to evolve hydrogen gas whilst reacting with an active metal such as Zn, Milligram, etc. Temperature: Due to the increase in temperature, the rate of corrosion also increases. Set-up: Stage One. What is the corrosion rate of carbon steel? A different class of corrosion inhibitors addresses the case when concentrated hydrochloric acid solution (15% or more HCl) is used as a stimulation/cleaning treatment for production wells. The bearing of salinity (or any electrolyte) in the water accelerates the reaction because it increases the conductivity of body of water, efficaciously increasing the concentration of ions in the water and soh increasing the rate of oxidation (erosion) of the metal. In natural waters the rate of corrosion generally tends to increase with increase in the velocity of motion of the water over . Message: Although the effects of acid deposition (which includes rain, snow and dry deposition [dust]) on forest and aquatic ecosystems are much greater, acid rain definitely has an effect on metals. When iron and oxygen combine to make iron oxide (rust). Hydrogen attacks and damage the surface of steel and increases the weight loss. When the solution pH becomes highly alkaline, say, 12, passivation occurs on carbon steel surfaces, with an enlarging passive region as pH increases. What logo is a black R with a star on a gold background? What is judge James Edwards' party affiliation? Thus, they will increase the rate of corrosion. The metals in Group 1 of the periodic . Very dilute concentrations of acids accelerate corrosion rates beyond the limits of usefulness. 3. Low pH acid waters clearly accelerate corrosion by providing a plentiful supply of hydrogen ions. Photosynthetic Co2 fixation of higher plants is markedly inhibited by oxygen in concentrations down to less than 2%. [5] pointed out that iron dissolution in HCl solutions depends on H+ ion more than the Cl-ion. For most applications, a corrosion penetration rate less than about 20 mpy (0.50 mm/yr) is acceptable. How do the types of acids affect the rate of corrosion? Nature of the metal: Some metals corrode more easily than others. On the other hand, Gad Allah et al. The acids involved may come from the aura, begrime or groundwater, and water is necessary for the reactions to proceed. The effect of pH level on corrosion . yes. They have provided you with a data set called, After your data is loaded, I suggest doing an ALTER table command and add column 'Region'. The hypothesis was if the pH level affects the corrosion rate, then the lower the pH level is quicker the corrosion rate would be. 1) The reaction between calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the more acidic or more alkaline a substance is, the more effective it will be as a corrosive substance. 2. Making Batteries from Fruits and Vegetables. More acidity (indicated by lower pH) increases the rate of the steel wool oxidation. by following the rate at which carbon dioxide is formed. For this purpose, ion exchangers are used to remove the bicarbonate ions from the water. Moreover, how do environmental factors promote corroding? Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Else environmental factors contribute to corrosion such As pH scale, salt concentration, and oxygen concentration, on with the velocity of the water and temperature. K is a constant. Uniform attack is the most common form of corrosion. Virulent erosion is the wear away, or gradual destruction, of materials by acid-forming compounds. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. There are many factors that cause corroding. How do the types of acids affect the rate of corrosion? other biological actions do not affect the formation of acetic acid, showing that the mechanism is purely chemical and not biological. Acids can corrode many different kinds of metals or wear them away through chemical processes. The general corrosion rate of carbon steel in an oxidizing environment is very high: in the range of 10100 m/year (3.94 10 4 to 3.94 10 3 inch/year) at room temperature in simulated mild initial groundwater (Jung et al., 2011). . This could be attributed to the fact that the carbon content in itself has little if any effect on general corrosion resistance of steels. Alloy with greater corrosion rate is stainless steel in PBS at pH value of 7.4. An electrolyte is any substance that undergoes ionization when dissolved in water or ionizing solvents. Let's get you started! Measuring the Sugar Content on a Liquid with a Laser Pointer, Spin Right 'Round with this Simple Electric Motor, Veggie Power! I do not know how this is possible because if lemon juice (citric acid) is more acidic why does it not rust faster than vinegar.Or how does the lemon juice even remove the rust when it supposes to cause rusting to occur or is it another type of corrosion. These ions increase the electrical conductivity of the water, making the electrolyte more effective. A few are - oxygen in air, temperature, the bearing of chemical substance salts, pollution, humidity of the environment etc. The experiments were conducted in a standard 3 electrode corrosion cell . There are several factors influencing the rate of corrosion including diffusion, temperature, conduction, type of ions, pH value and chemistry potential. 2.0 THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES 2.1 THEORY When discussing the ionic content of an aqueous medium, the question often arises as to how acid (or alkaline) is the solution. Thusly the material way to measure corroding is is to weigh the nail before you start; then after the rusting period you chafe sour all of the rust, let it unsweet, and press how much raw metallic element is left. How does acid affect germination? Or if the reactivity of H2SO4 is more than 98% is corrosive. Thank You, I would really appreciate your help! In all cases, the historical developments show a similar trend. Corrosion of metals in soil is extremely variable and while the soil environment is complex, it is possible to make some generalizations about soil types and corrosion. What is the mood and tone for the tale of tonyo the brave? How does pH affect corrosion rate? Electrolyte Challenge: Orange Juice vs. Sports Drink, Forensic Science: Building Your Own Tool for Identifying DNA, From Dull to Dazzling: Using Pennies to Test How pH Affects Copper Corrosion. 2-3 mils per year Generally acceptable for all systems. HCl), bases . At times, gases like hydrogen chloride can also act in a similar way to electrolytes, given there is low pressure or high temperature. For an assignment, your professor asks all groups to query its database, in particular, Why do potassium levels have such a strong effect on muscle function? Then based upon the Region sheet provided, update that new column by state to use in your analysis. Hello, I am doing this project! To give a quick background, I tested the corrosion resistance of two types of ceramic coatings over mild-steel test coupons. . -log[1 M] = 0 Clam shells are made up of a lot calcium carbonate. July 22, 2012. Galvanizing corrosion is extraordinarily common, and occurs when two metals with different electrochemical charges are linked via a conductive path. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. In general, corrosion takes off metal and that leave shuffling surfaces rough, will reduce strength, and colour the surface. This will happen because liquids below the pH level of 7 possess stronger acidic attributes. CaCO3 Imagine what happens when vinegar (acetic acid, pH ~4) is mixed with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Is it healthier to drink herbal tea hot or cold? . this investigation will include three acidic liquids, rice vinegar, orange juice, and distilled water (acting as the acidic/normal rainwater), steel wool as the metal, an electric thermometer showing us how fast the rate of corrosion is happening with the change in temperature, all measuring utensils as well as gloves/face masks for safety to , Uniform Attack. You should see a faster temperature increase (change in temperature with time) for lemon juice than for vinegar. The corrosion of Zinc occurs when it is exposed to moisture and air. A significant side-effect of these acid treatments is a very high [] Why is water considered to be neutral. Place one green bean in a paper towel and one napkin in each ziplock bag. . The experiment is thus carried out on three samples each of aluminium, copper and stainless steel. As the pH increases from 5.5 to 7.0, corrosion rate starts to decrease before gradually gain the momentum of growth beyond pH 7.0 and reaching the maximum rate at pH of 9.5. pH limits are 5.5 6.5 (not 7.5). In these following options, Zinc is a highly corrosive metal. How does hydrochloric acid affect metal? There are many different types of corrosion that are visible to the naked eye: uniform corrosion, pitting, crevice corrosion, filiform corrosion, galvanic corrosion, environmental cracking, and fretting corrosion, to name a few. 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful. Add an answer. Corrosion rate is calculated assuming uniform corrosion over the entire surface of the coupon. Oxygen causes these electrons to rise up and form hydroxyl ions (OH). ABSTRACT This experiment involves determining the effect of pH on the corrosion of metals. Pearlite is made up of ferrite and cementite and the lamellar structure of pea. Likewise, a pH of 13 is 10 times more alkaline than a pH of 12, and 100 times more alkaline than a pH of 11. On the other hand, free acid does not appear when the wood is infected by certain fungi. You should see a faster temperature increase (change in temperature with clock time) for lemon succus than for acetum. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. It also reduces the leach of biologically toxic metals such as conduct and atomic number 48. how do different acids affect the rate of corrosion, Source:, To a greater extent sourness (indicated by lower pH) increases the, The bearing of salinity (or any electrolyte) in the, what country has an absolute advantage in coffee production. Which Orange Juice Has the Most Vitamin C? Reactive metals: In highly reactive metals, the rate of corrosion is very higher. Stainless steel. Corrosion of Non-Ferrous Metals 9. Asked aside: Franais Yven asked in class: General Last Updated: 3rd January, 2020. A high water temperature reduces the solubility of calcium . Standard Electrode Potential 10. All rights reserved. Lemon juice can also remove alkaline "stains" like limescale, that chalky white substance that often builds prepared on water fixtures or inside sinks and bathtubs, and eat. Examples are Rusting of iron as well as Silver tarnishing. For 98 %, the corrosion rate is about 0.13 mm/year at 24 C and less than Grades K-5: Life, Earth, and Social Sciences, Grades K-5: Math and Computer Science, Grades 6-8: Life, Earth, and Social Sciences, Grades 6-8: Math and Computer Science, Grades 9-12: Life, Earth, and Social Sciences, Grades 9-12: Math and Computer Science, Advanced Science Competitions (Intel ISEF, Intel STS, Siemens Competition, JSHS, etc. Corrosion is dependent on a host of factors like temperature, nature of material, humidity, pH etc, but this experiment focuses on pH as a factor. The vast majority of open literature on the effect of organic acids on CO 2 corrosion of mild steel focuses on acetic acid 3, 4, 5 as this acid usually dominates the mixture of organic 1. acids seen in the field. Quite . 3. Why does salt have an affect on the rate of corrosion? What effect does salt have on the corrosion of steel? Want to read all 3 pages. How will acids affect the state of corrosion Vinegar Day1:3 When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. 3NO 2 + H 2 O ==> 2HNO 3 + NO. Although the word 'corrosion' is used to describe the decay of metals, all natural and man-made materials are subject to decay, and the level of pollutants in the air can . Then, a thin oxide layer is formed after the reaction between zinc and oxygen. Potassium is needed to repolarize the cell membrane between action potentials. What time does normal church end on Sunday? Plain-cast iron appears to have a corrosion rate about one half that of 0.2% copper steel in a marine atmosphere. HOW ACIDS AFFECT THE RATE OF CORROSION PROCEDURE Rusting is an example of a process called corrosion. Someone, please help before Jan. 15 as I have an important due date. It is found that the corrosion rate of carbon steel decreases with increasing pH value toward the alkaline end while increases with increasing AC current density. Suitable preventive measures against carbonic acid corrosion are Maximize condensate recycling (this also saves water and energy). A farmer has 19 sheep All but 7 die How many are left? In general, corrosion takes off metal and that leave shuffling surfaces rough, will reduce strength, and colour the surface. Well-nig other reinforced acids cause rust. For pH values above about pH 10, the corrosion rate is observed to fall as pH is increased. Corrosion rate is the speed at which any metal in a specific environment deteriorates. What is t he story all about the crown jewels of heezenhurst by Sylvia mendez ventura? View How will acids affect the state of corrosion by Kwame and Gabriel.docx from SCHOOL OF CULINARY ARTS 6972 at McFatter Technical Center. A pH of 4 is ten times more acidic that a pH of 5, and 100 times more acidic than a pH of 6. Use a homemade electronic tester to find out if electricity can flow between two objects. Winter weather affects the rate of metal rusting from a cause beyond the temperature and moisture factors. View how-does-the-ph-level-affect-the-rate-of-corrosion.pdf from CHE 123 at Glen Waverley Secondary College - Glen Waverley. Terms and Concepts Steel Write a letter to your friend telling him her how spent your mid term holidays? corrosion rate is controlled by a chemical reaction, such as dilute sulfuric acid attacking carbon steel. Count out 50 green beans, 50 Ziplock bags, and 50 paper towels / napkins. Corrosion is the electrochemical degradation . Acid + Metal Salt + Hydrogen Since the reactivity of different metals varies, some metals react vigorously with acids, some react slowly and some do not react at all. When those metal atoms are iron,the corrosion is "bad," because it corrodes quickly, weakening the original steel material.

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how do acids affect the rate of corrosion