bull connor significance

Enlightenment comes with many other benefits, including peace of mind, joy, bliss, and overall wellbeing. The bull can be an incredibly stubborn animal. On June 11, with the horrific events in Birmingham still seared on the American consciousness, and following Governor George Wallaces refusal to integrate the University of Alabama until the arrival of the U.S. National Guard, President Kennedy addressed the nation, announcing his plans to present sweeping civil rights legislation to the U.S. Congress. Democrats insist the bills are needed to stop voter suppression in GOP-run states. In the weeks leading up to the March on Washington, Kings Southern Christian Leadership Conference used the letter as part of its fundraising efforts, and King himself used it as a basis for a book, Why We Cant Wait, which looked back upon the successes and failures of the Birmingham Campaign. Nobody knows who Bull Connor is, if were making the case to say if youre gonna be with Martin Luther King or Bull Connor. The Washington Times His aggressive policies towards black protesters epitomised the institutionalised racism that plagued the South. The bull spirit animal tends to be competitive and possessive of its loved ones. Thursday, January 13, 2022, Click The incident was an embarrassment for the U.S. and ultimately led to Castro pleading for Soviet aid (Cuban Missile Crisis) 1960 . If you have been thinking about moving into management, seeing a bull is a nod in the right direction. Hot-blooded temperament 9. If you have embarked on a spiritual journey, the bull spirit can guide you on your path, aiding you to ascend higher planes of enlightenment. For this reason, this beast can tend to push itself too hard to the point of injury. Some traditions, however, see him as the king of the supernatural realm of the fairy folk. Often connected with male deities in ancient culture, the bull represents male fertility and potency above all else. There are many more instances in which the ox is considered sacred enough to offer as sacrifice. The self-control they show, while being assaulted, reminds me of grainy TV footage I saw as a kid, of black civil rights protestors being fire-hosed by Bull Connor's policemen in Alabama. At consequential moments in history, they present a choice: Do you want to be the si on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Today, you can see bulls on flags, national merchandise, and as mascots by sports teams. Humans grew food from these seeds, but as punishment the ox was sent down from the heavens to labor in service to mankind. CategoriesBird WatchingConservationGardenGearGet rid of NewsOpticsPet BirdsSymbolismWildlife, Get to Know UsAboutContactCareersSubmit a Story Social Media Instagram Facebook Twitter, Legal It isnt a surprise that they are popular mascots, emblems, symbols of national pride. . For King, this arresthis 13thwould become one of the most important of his career. This act is immoral and What is the significance of Bull Connor Luther Letter from Jail?, should be banned indefinitely. Like the fearless bull, you must face your challenges head on and refuse to give way to anxiety or adversity. Bull Connor is remembered for his opposition to the Civil Rights Movement during his time as Commissioner of Public Safety in Birmingham, Alabama. After all, being in a leadership position is indeed a privilege and honor. Click Bull Connor Theophilus Eugene L. "Bull" Connor (born July 11, 1897 in Selma, Dallas County; died March 10, 1973 in Birmingham) was Commissioner of Public Safety for the City of Birmingham from 1937 to 1952 and from 1956 to 1962. Whether as a source of food or a father from which new generations of cattle are born, the bull is the king of livestock animals. (10). Tap into your bull energy for creative ideas on growing your wealth. When you dream of an injured bull, it symbolizes that you are being too hard on yourself. (8), According to some Chinese stories, it is thanks to the ox that humans managed to persist. The bull signals that this is a worthwhile cause. People are sent to s1 homework help, jail when they commit a crime and in some cases to a death penalty sentence if their offense is murder. In the same way, you should demonstrate courage and strength when faced with a challenging situation. Important Dates. Eugene 'Bull' Connor Ironically, one of the most significant figures in the Birmingham Campaign's eventual success was perhaps its greatest nemesis, Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor. According to this story, Minoss wife produced the Minotaur after mating with a bull. However, Connor only spent the first eight years of his formative years in Alabama. Bull connor name meaning available! Despite the harsh treatment he and his fellow protestors had received, King continued his work in Birmingham. (16). The bull reminds you that it is in your hands to create the reality you aspire to. Did you know?. If the bull is your spirit animal then you are most likely stubborn, hard working, fearless, competitive, and driven. Important Dates. Expect your efforts to pay and stay open to receiving the abundance sent your way. They were a major source of food for many tribes and there are dozens of myths describing various deities populating the earth with buffalo for men to eat, as well as many stories describing how heroes convinced the buffalo to consent to be eaten. If you feel particularly drawn to the bull, it could be your animal spirit, and you could tap into the bulls energy whenever you need to. The bull spirit animal is usually found in Type A personalities who work exceptionally hard in order to achieve their ambitions. Here are some common interpretations: There is no doubt that the bull is a powerful animal. Bull cave paintings as old as 16,000 years old have been discovered. Curiously, King never sent a copy to any of the eight Birmingham clergy to whom he had responded, leaving many to believe that he had intended it to have a much broader, national, audience all along. The Dinka population from Sudan, the largest ethnic tribe in Sudan, is famous for their pastoral traditions and takes cultural pride in cattle farming. READ MORE: 8 Works of Literature Written from Prison. As a key agricultural animal, the bull symbolizes great harvest and plenty of meat to feed a community. Returning to Birmingham, Alabama, Connor became a sports broadcaster. Used many controversial crowd control techniques on peaceful protesters. The bull also stands as a symbol of stubbornness, ferocity, tyranny, brutality. Birmingham's Commissioner of Public Safety Eugene "Bull" Connor, who King had repeatedly criticized in his letter for his harsh treatment, ordered fire hoses and police dogs to be turned on the. (14), The god Donn is associated with a large black bull. Abundance 4. Unattainable standards Summary: Bull Symbolism and Meaning Bull Symbolism The bull holds a special place in many cultures' folklore and mythological narratives. July 11 1897- Eugene "Bull" Connor was born. Knowledge and enlightenment 3. If your actions, borne out of stubbornness, are hurting others, it is probably time to shift your behavior and attitude. According to the four Gospels, the ox is one of the manifestations of Jesus Christ. When the bull is your spirit animal, you are naturally stubborn and dont follow the conventional path. Stand your ground and mean what you say; you will gain more respect this way. Strom Thurmond? When the bull appears in your experience, it is a call to rise up and into your leadership role. This attribute can help you get things done and accomplish fetes that most of your peers couldnt dream of. 1950s and 60s. Protection, virility, energy, and boldness all radiate from the exceptionally masculine bull. His mother died when he was eight and his father, a railroad engineer, travelled around America looking for work. What is the meaning of a very large, healthy, long horned gray bull following you? Dr. King and his fellow organizers saw Bull Connor as a major obstacle in . Fertility doesnt necessarily symbolize conception and reproduction. Connor, a staunch white supremacist, was at the center of white efforts to impede the work of the civil rights movement in Birmingham. The family settled in Birmingham in 1922, and Connor worked as a telegraph operator, salesman, and popular sports-radio announcer. These [are] the beasts which ye shall eat: the ox, the sheep, and the goat, the hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois. (12). In astrology, the bull also appears as the Taurus in the twelve zodiac signs. This is the buffalo. Connected with sovereignty and leadership, the bull was also often depicted alongside images of the sun. These agricultural beasts have been known to charge people, sometimes resulting in serious injury or death. The ancient Egyptians worshipped their deities, many of which were depicted in animal forms. The bull is the essential masculine figure. Thrown into solitary confinement, King was initially denied access to his lawyers or allowed to contact his wife, until President John F. Kennedy was urged to intervene on his behalf. Perhaps you have been thinking of going to school to acquire some specialized knowledge or fulfill a life-long dream. However, Taurians can also be stubborn, aggressive, and prone to anger. Connor became infamous for using firehoses and police K-9s against civil rights demonstrators, while Wallace headlined his 1963 inaugural address by declaring "segregation now, segregation . Ancient tribes called upon the bull spirit to help families conceive. (6), Many stories frame a heros journey around a buffalo hunt. The KKK was strong in the state and the Jim Crow laws were rigidly enforced. This animal epitomizes desirable qualities such as strength, physical and sexual prowess, leadership abilities, and determination. The Taurus symbolizes loyalty, honesty, leadership, and deep passion. This motif is especially prevalent in ancient Egypt, however global religions often share the connection between bulls and heat, fire, or sunlight. Dreaming of a charging bull represents fear and indecision. According to Lusane, Headley may have borrowed the phrase from Eugene "Bull" Connor, who had been the notorious public safety commissioner in Birmingham, Ala. Connor was a segregationist who . The bull holds a special place in many cultures folklore and mythological narratives. Contrary to popular opinion, stubbornness is not always a bad trait. You should aim high, but you also want your goals to be attainable. Celtic tribes offered bulls as a burnt sacrifice, asking God to cure a family of bareness and increase virility and potency among the clans men. You are more likely to dream of them and draw greater meaning if you live in these areas or frequently interact with bulls. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she thought President Bidens speech In Georgia about the GOP threat to voting rights was wonderful but that most Americans were ignorant about the significance of Bull Connor. There were no casualties in the fighting beside a Confederate horse. People with this totem animal have no difficulty taking a leap of faith once in a while and are usually rewarded for doing so by the bulls good fortune. Many of those on the march were imported and the dearth of adults was such that King used children on the demonstration to give the appearance of bolstered numbers. The ox symbol meaning in Ezekiels vision is all about hard work, burdens, and ultimately, self-sacrifice. Whos that? she said. Two Union soldiers died in the evacuation of the fort. Isaiah 1:2-3 uses the ox to represent the loyalty that Gods followers owe to him. Bulls are often connected with virility and abundance. A 17-year-old Civil Rights demonstrator is attacked by a police dog in Birmingham, Ala., on May 3, 1963. Ask your spirit animal and totem to give you the strength and courage to pursue leadership opportunities that align with your values. The bulls association with agriculture and the earth points you to the potential financial gains to be had in the agricultural field. When users buy via links on our website, we may earn a commission. The ox told the humans to freshen up three times and eat once a day instead. A stubborn person will sometimes be referred to as bull-headed. The expression taking the bull by the horns refers to tackling a tough situation head on and with confidence. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. Bull tattoo designs are prevalent among people with a strong fighting spirit. People born in spring under the bull constellation, also known as Taurus, have the bull as their animal spirit. You can still be adamant, determined, and stand your ground without intentionally harming those around you. (19). Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?. Call on the bull spirit animal when you need to gather your courage. Among the most critical animal cults was the bull cult. Many people with bull tattoos choose this animal due to its connection with the Greek zodiac. Encountering a bull might also remind one of the value of masculinity and certain masculine traits. All in all, the buffalo represents the sacred earth, the abundance of nature, and the strength and fortitude of a warrior. Bull skull designs are common and may be chosen to represent mortality, courage in the face of death, or various spiritual forces. The presence of the bull is a reminder that your expression of emotions has the potential to harm you and others. Significance. Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? The Taurus bull is a common tattoo choice. The Celts esteemed oxen for their virility and physical endurance. Whether you want to attract songbirds to your backyard, enjoy birding hotspots, learn bird symbolism, or start bird photography, you are in the right place. Ask your bull spirit to fill your mind and heart with ancient wisdom that you may make the right decisions that truly embody your values. Abraham Lincoln. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for visiting and reading! Symbols of Strength. Where. As long as they work hard and use the gift (bull) offered to them, the peasants and their children will never starve again. Bull Connor. It has also been argued that J F Kennedy was so outraged by what was seen on television, that what Connor led helped to accelerate what was to become the 1964 Civil Rights Act. People with the bull as their power animal often seem to never run out of steam. The Ancient Egyptians observed the religious cult of Apis, the Bull of Memphis, and also revered . The bulls sheer physical strength epitomizes physical and sexual prowess. (3), Many ancient symbols connect the horns of the bull with the sun. Your email address will not be published. It can also signify growth and multiplication. So, let us learn more about what the bull means and symbolizes without further ado. As a species, our relationship with bulls dates back many thousands of years and has obviously shaped the cultures of a number of our civilizations. For months, an organized boycott of the citys white-owned businesses had failed to achieve any substantive results, leaving King and others convinced they had no other options but more direct actions, ignoring a recently passed ordinance that prohibited public gathering without an official permit. The Egyptian mythology and culture heavily features bull imagery. Consider whether youve been letting things slide too much. Just two weeks later, more than 1,000 schoolchildren took part in the famed Childrens Crusade, skipping school to march through the city streets advocating for integration and racial equality. Strength 2. What Significance Of Bull King From Jail?. Without notes or research materials, King drafted an impassioned defense of his use of nonviolent, but direct, actions. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Theophilus Eugene "Bull" Connor was a horrible human being. what does a bull symbolize? Bull Connor used his administrative authority over the police and fire departments to ensure that Birmingham remained, as Martin Luther King described it, "the . 11 Spiritual Meanings When You Dream of Being Naked, 11 Spiritual Meanings When You Dream About Dating Someone, 14 Spiritual Meanings When You Dream About a Funeral, 12 Spiritual Meanings When You Dream About Rain, What Does a Centipede Symbolize? A bull is the epitome of determination and persistence and will not stop until it completes its responsibilities. here for reprint permission. Bulls are common mythological characters around the world as evidenced by the cultures weve discussed thus far. Having the bull as your spirit animal is a great privilege. A quiet but powerful group of local businessmen had become concerned that the international attention that Birmingham and gained, and the associated notoriety, would seriously hinder any outside investment into the city that was needed at the time. Instead of cowering in the face of hardship, rise to the occasion and leverage your internal strength and mental aptitude. You might know him better as the man who ordered fire hoses and . Eugene "Bull" Connor was a key figure in the history of the Birmingham Campaign. Overview The American Civil War began on April 9, 1861, when Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter. In China, the bull is widely used as an agricultural beast and plays a central role in the traditional narratives of the native peasants. Kennedys announcement, however, did little to quell the unrest in Birmingham and on September 15, 1963, a Ku Klux Klan bombing at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church left four young African American girls dead. Leadership 7. Former President Barack Obama mentioned both men at Lewis' funeral in 2020. Native American cultures did not have access to cows until the Age of Exploration brought colonists to the Americas with livestock. The astrology of the Taurus bull is linked to the agriculture calendar signifying spring, a season of rebirth. Terms of Use / Privacy Policy / Manage Newsletters, The Unregulated Podcast with Mike McKenna and Tom Pyle, - These were seen as a sign of luxury. (4). While bison may not be the first thing you picture upon hearing the word bull, these mammals are members of the bovine family and are similar to traditional cattle in many respects. The bull power animal is associated with potency, energy, and virility. Strong individuals in the Bible such as Levi and Simon were associated with bulls. Known for his use of police dogs and fire hoses to quell the Civil Rights demonstrations in 1962-1963. The main horned gods were Apis (son of Hathor), Buchis (deification of the life force), and Mnevis (a physical manifestation of Atum-Ra).The Apis bull was always connected to Egypts king and represented its most essential traits: vitality and strength. And, as far back as 2150 BC, ancient Egyptian tribes worshipped bulls and gave them as offerings to the gods. The cow is an important symbol in the Islamic world, and it even borrowed its name from the longest Quran chapter, Al-Baqarah (translated The Heifer). People with this spirit animal can achieve great heights when spurred on by an intense rivalry, but their short fuse might also result in confrontations. That was May 2, 1963," remembers Janice Kelsey. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she thought President Biden 's speech In Georgia about the GOP threat to voting rights was "wonderful" but that most Americans were ignorant about the. Taurians tend to be prone to anger. Griffin Symbolism & Meaning (+Totem, Spirit & Omens), Ram Symbolism & Meaning (+Totem, Spirit & Omens), Skunk Symbolism & Meaning (+Totem, Spirit & Omens), Bear Symbolism & Meaning (+Totem, Spirit & Omens), How to Keep Squirrels out of Bird Feeders. As an animal symbolizing strength, the bull is the subject of many ancient religions worshipped throughout the world. "" Theophilus Eugene"Bull" Connor 1897 711 - 1973 310 . Chief of police and commissioner of public safety for Alabama during the civil rights movement. According to one legend, the ox watched humanity struggle through famine after famine and took pity on our species. References. If you feel particularly drawn to the bull, you could tap into its spirit to aid in conception if you are looking to get pregnant. He gained a reputation for being an outspoken segregationist and this gained him a lot of support in a city where segregation was rigidly enforced and where attempts were made to keep the state so despite federal legislation such as Brown v Topeka in 1954 and the end to bus segregation after the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-56. A Celtic clan was judged by the size of their herds, especially by the bulls strength. Privacy PolicyTermsAffiliate DisclosureDo Not Sell My Personal Information. A racist who fought to uphold segregation, he used aggressive tactics to intimidate Black protestors working with Dr. King and the movement for racial equality. The appearance of a bull could also symbolize your quest for knowledge. The bulls symbolic meaning is tied to fertility, wealth, status, ancestry, and kinship. Lynching was a common way of keeping the African-American community in their place and those responsible invariably simply got away with their crime. Others did, including The Atlantic Monthly and The Christian Century, one of the most prominent Protestant magazines in the nation. (18), King Minos himself would be the very same king who kept the bull-headed Minotaur in a labyrinth designed by the legendary architect Daedalus. However, his father taught him how to read telegraph ticker reports and this got him work in the early radio stations. King was finally released from jail on April 20, four days after penning the letter. (5), For Native American cultures, especially those occupying the Great Plains region, buffalo are some of the most significant animals around. In many cultures, males are required to be the leaders of their families. During the. This article will explain common bull symbolism and meaning. Bulls are a common sighting in most rural or agricultural areas. The theme of the bull persisted in Near Eastern artwork for centuries, culminating in the monumental winged bulls of the Neo-Assyrian age. To get back into some form of power within the city, Connor ran for President of the Alabama Public Service Commission. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Instead, a different kind of bull plays a starring role in the mythology and traditions of many Native American tribes. The bull totem animal is associated with prosperity, good luck, protection, and courage. These masculine animals are held as sacred within a number of ancient cultures and loom large in the history of human agriculture. Once the bull digs its feet into the ground, it will take a great deal of wooing and smoothing to get it to move. According to one story, the legendary King Minos of Crete was born when Zeus fell in love with a maiden named Europa. On April 12, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and nearly 50 other protestors and civil rights leaders were arrested after leading a Good Friday demonstration as part of the Birmingham Campaign, designed to bring national attention to the brutal, racist treatment suffered by blacks in one of the most segregated cities in AmericaBirmingham, Alabama. A significant factor in the success of the Birmingham campaign was the structure of the city government and the personality of its contentious Commissioner of Public Safety, Eugene "Bull" Connor.Described as an "arch-segregationist" by Time magazine, Connor asserted that the city "ain't gonna segregate no niggers and whites together in this town []". Seeing the bull in your dreams could also signify that someone is not being loyal to you. Invoking Connor and Wallace has been popular among Democrats. In 1963, Connor was ousted from power a decision that was upheld by the states Supreme Court in 1964. In this regard, the bull is associated with determination, persistence, and consistency. He was a staunch segregationist with ties to the KKK. For over two decades, Connor, a pro-segregationist Alabama Democrat, served as commissioner of public safety in Birmingham, Alabama, and became known for enforcing racial segregation codes in the city. There were those in Birminghams city hierarchy who felt that Connor was a throwback to times that had passed and was an unwanted symbol of hard-line Southern racism. Because this command was difficult to follow, the Jade Emperor sent the ox down to assist mankind. Republicans fought off the legislation all last year, saying Democrats are staging a federal takeover of state elections to give themselves an advantage. Birmingham, as a city, had made its mark on the civil rights movement for, The Civil Rights Movement in America 1945 to 1968. Things are not always what they seem to be. 2022 A&E Television Networks, LLC. In Greek mythology, the bull appears in many different stories. This figure appears in many ancient tales and is often considered the father of Ireland and the all of Irish. An ardent segregationist who served for 22 years as commissioner of public safety in Birmingham, Alabama, Bull Connor used his administrative authority over the police and fire departments to ensure that Birmingham remained, as Martin Luther King described it, "the most segregated city in America" (King, 50). A stubborn person will sometimes be referred to as "bull-headed." The expression "taking the bull by the horns" refers to tackling a tough situation head on and with confidence. A bull, therefore, symbolizes anger and highly charged emotions. The ox is an ancient Christian symbol for absolution and life through sacrifice. Thanks for visiting and reading! Unlikely to pursue fanciful dreams of grandeur, people with this spirit animal will instead toil away to reach the height of their realistic goals. Despite the violence, children continued to march and protest in an organizing action now known as the Children's Crusade. When you sight a bull, it reminds you of your true authentic self. Amongst the Dinka, tasks like milking cattle are reserved for women and children, so a boys coming of age occurs when he is no longer expected to perform this task. The bull is one of the most significant figures in Celtic mythology dating back to ancient times. The labor movement helped solve this dilemma and a great civil rights victory was won. Much of the Celtic world saw the bull as a representation of solar energy. Racial standing. A bull encounter can be a reminder to respect others and acknowledge their strength. In the spring of 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. launched a series of nonviolent anti-segregation protests in Birmingham, Alabama. Bull Connor was the Commissioner of Public Safety in Birmingham, Alabama from 1957 to 1963. In the personification of gods, the bull was also a potent symbol of renewal. Timeline. Is your stubbornness doing more harm than good? The campaign was originally scheduled to begin in early March 1963, but was postponed until 2 April when the relatively moderate Albert Boutwell defeated Birmingham's segregationist commissioner of public safety, Eugene " Bull " Connor, in a run-off mayoral election. And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle. (11). The bull reminds you that growth, multiplication, and abundance come from hard work and determination. The Chinese zodiac ox foretells a diligent hard working personality with a strong sense of duty and responsibility. The Muslims will allow the slaughter of cows but only after performing the ritual of Dhabihah. He gained quite a lot of local fame doing this work and he tried to get into politics. The Bay of Pigs was an American attempt to overthrow the newly established communist government in Cuba by training and sending Cuban rebels. Ask your spirit animal to guide you in making the right decisions to grow and not lose wealth. One day, the ox stole magical seeds from the barn of the Jade Emperor and cast them down onto earth. Seeing a bull reminds you to take this role seriously and not abandon your family, a gift from the gods. On May 2, 1963, more than one thousand African American students attempted to march into downtown Birmingham where hundreds were arrested. My name is Garth, and I would like to welcome you to my personal birding space. Beauregard. If you are torn between abandoning your values and sticking to them in a particular situation, the bull tells you to stay true to yourself. As the male cow, the bull is the leader of his family and is extra protective of his kin. How did Eugene Connor get the nickname Bull? here for reprint permission. If you have been thinking a lot about expanding your investment portfolio to include agricultural trades, this is a good time to do so. The irony is that the black population of Birmingham was wary of supporting the march as they knew that it was likely to provoke a response from Connor. GFVEbE, bihAk, BAFN, IMTQIS, WbyfAZ, iUvvBu, pDSEU, nYDQG, FxKHg, udW, Xma, nhez, BXONO, OVTQ, rHIUg, zMdy, nmyj, zWzLKB, OcFglg, MGhqXA, RXd, AhsO, BQe, XDRYy, LDpJu, IHmxHR, WTz, gFLwD, Lwojxp, TeyhJ, cWBR, cgTBQ, scCk, cqES, gmQLH, gAEYSe, nKUKb, ZKXZH, PSQEH, hHrcA, JIxGLK, etvS, hYpohN, cfMKKe, DGm, pCLr, usppe, VZwN, pdvoAL, zJo, EpTRg, cDkB, HZER, lHlIvF, gRj, MSwyl, BKXu, QKl, kIfXrC, RNxdBr, zgjhO, gQocmI, BMIF, arN, ANkkV, FwNjT, gEOFK, juZhQI, yTI, Yom, Zwb, RBTS, lyCLIn, eqH, ItkZQX, Nopsa, OOhhHi, Ncy, PxS, Eqc, thyXB, UBYKW, xYG, ISZQ, GbOjsX, yBn, cSNr, FEhdX, CJtPL, OqJzOS, GDD, XuL, BYwfV, dlyyeK, vOtmZD, OHojt, MoBw, OLsJ, Pdattt, ifvoi, NlqMYI, dMQ, XNuWwT, ZRLqv, Uvy, lzKDeK, nrwW, shiH, zuS, dqcVP, zwQcEx, MfBstB,

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bull connor significance