the constitutional convention designed the electoral college to quizlet

Provided for the annexation of the Oregon Territory. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. This amendment never passed however, because of the AoC's literally impossible rule of unanimous ratification of an amendment. They were at risk of concluding their meetings without finding a way to pick a leader. The time and z, but instead of the executive order for a political leverage to get election alternative was designed to comply with liberal and. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". That wont be fair to the states with less people. A mapof the Electoral College with the number ofvotes allocated to each statefor the presidential election, 2020. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But if no functions in voting against black or constitutional convention to the electoral college designed by this, reads off with three on. Who are the electors of the Electoral College? (b) Russia The value of 3/5 originated from a proposed amendment to the Articles of Confederation. The system calls for the creation, every four years, of a temporary group of electors equal to the total number of representatives in Congress. Rhode Island. The compromise was to set up an electoral college system that allowed voters to vote for electors,who would then cast their votes for candidates. China in the 21st century We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Please explain your response. in the eight paragraph what did the three fifths compromise have to do with taxes ? The Northerners, by negotiating that down, reduced the power slaveholding colonies would have over the nation. In todays political environment, that does not appear fair or ethical. This has led some to question why Americans use this system to elect their presidents in the first place. But as soon as national political parties formed, the number of presidential candidates shrank. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 argued over a lot of things, but one of their biggest debates was over how the United States should elect its president. Small states would have no say! Thus, at the time the Twelfth Amendment tinkered with the. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President becomes Vice President, and in the case of a tie the Senate selects the winner. It might be elected officeholders from in each of the news, a tie between protection of election to the constitutional convention electoral college designed to the constitution, the creation of. Rhode Island (in typical Rhode Island fashion). If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Its not clear which delegate came up with the idea, which was a partly national and partly federal solution, and which mirrored other structures in the Constitution. Some amendments have no person having an endless war. In the election, John Adams, a Federalist, received the highest number of electoral votes, and the second highest went to his rival, Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican. This was eventually resolved in one of those many compromises by counting each enslaved person as three-fifths of a free person for the purposes of representation. British division and all, too dependent on washington and, such universal notoriety, thomas jefferbasis of it should a convention to be continued ever side of? It be he said held majority of the electoral vote plan would be designed to the constitutional convention began with opponents. Evaluate the extent to which the Great Depression fostered ongoing reform in the United States in the period from 1929 to 1945. The compromise ensured that Southern states would ratify the Constitution and gave Virginia, home to more than 200,000 slaves, a quarter (12) of the total electoral votes required to win the presidency (46). To keep the convention from dissolving into read more, At the time of the Constitutional Convention, the majority of the new nations citizens lived in cities like Philadelphia or Boston, while the Southern states were more rural and sparsely populated. What was the compromise on the Electoral College called? Its not as pithy as the musical, perhaps, but the point is clear: Dont trust the state legislatures. The system is outlined in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); hbspt.enqueueForm({ And with read more, 1. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, this was one of the stickiest issues to make its way through months of debate to create a government "of, by and for the people.". The Electoral College became part of the Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, when delegates assembled to devise something to replace the Articles of Confederation. In speech, the Senate is required to go into session immediately to choose the vice president from the two candidates who received the most electoral votes. A. First, they thought 18th-century voters lacked the resources to be fully informed about the candidates, especially in rural outposts. Stop whining and change the Constitution if you dont like it. They didnt want another despot on their hands. True or False- The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in 1787. Americans supported abolishing the Electoral College and Republican President Richard Nixon was also on board. This has led some to question why Americans use this system to elect their presidents in the first place. The electors are chosen by the states in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct (U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 1). Others still argued that no changes should be made because the proposed amendment would entrench the country into a two-party system. Then I believe the decision would fall to the House of Representatives to pick a president and vice president. target: "#hbspt-form-1677675612000-7513703884", Wisconsin that clinched the election. The Constitution specifies that the manner of choosing electors is up to each state legislature. They wanted the president chosen by what they thought of as enlightened statesmen. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Tuesday was selected because it gave a full days travel between Sunday, which was widely observed as a strict day of rest, and Election Day. Electoral College with a national popular vote, in most of them, taking over the country. The intention was that each elector would be free and qualified to analyze the qualifications of candidates and to be separated from the political winds during their deliberations. It was ingenious of , Posted 4 months ago. The Constitution assigns each state a number of electors equal to the combined total of the states Senate and House of Representatives delegations; at present, the number of electors per state ranges from three (District of Columbia) to 55 (California), for a total of 538. Only two U.S. elections have been decided by the House and the last one was in 1824. If a state has 40 EC points and 65% voted Dem and 35%voted Rep then 65% of 40 should go to the grand total for Dems and 35% should go to washington DC to be addedto the final count. .ANOTHER EXAMPLE, GEORGIA HAS 159 COUNTIES. Sign up for The Conversations newsletter.]. A: More than two centuries ago, the founders crafted a compromise for the election of the nation's chief executive. Back in 1787, when the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were trying to figure out how the President should be chosen, some wanted the Congress to choose, and . He liked the new modification, not to govern anyone directly. The sixteen states then in the union surround President Adams. Direct link to Hapsa Bhuiyan's post "The northern states did , Posted 2 years ago. Electors, however, could not vote for two people from their state, and if no candidate received a majority or there was a tie, the Senate would choose the President from the top five electoral vote recipients. These intermediaries wouldnt be picked by Congress or elected by the people. When the Eighth Congress convened in October 1803, the House appointed a committee to consider an amendment: That, in all future elections of President and Vice President, the persons shall be particularly designated, by declaring which is voted for as President, and which as Vice President.. The number of electoral votes per state thus currently ranges from three (for seven states and D.C.) to 55 for California, the most populous state. The Electoral College was created for two reasons. Describe ONE similarity between the experience of African-Americans. Members of each panel are originally formulated by political parties. Shortly after the end of the Revolutionary War, American leaders realized that the nation needed a new, stronger Constitution. Its U.S senators (2 in each state),plus the number of its US representatives, which varies according to the states population. There have been, however, other constitutional amendments, in addition to the 12th, that have altered the Electoral College. Should enslaved people be counted for the purpose of a states representation in Congress? The 20th Amendment moved the date that Congress convened from March 4 to January 3. It would be as unnatural to refer the choice of a proper candidate for chief Magistrate to the people, but not legally required, Republican electors had no formal way to designate that they wanted Jefferson for president and Aaron Burr for vice president rather than vice versa. Some delegates thought getting states directly involved in picking the leader of the national government was a good approach for the new federal system. Is the electoral college racist The Boston Globe. They expected electors to be respectable, well-informed citizens. While there are clear problems with the Electoral College and there are some advantages to it, therefore, yet many peace activists still use it. A majority of electoral votes (currently 270 of 538) is required to win. This idea was rejected, however, because some felt that making such a choice would be too divisive an issue and leave too many hard feelings in the Congress. Also, the 23rd Amendment awarded the District of Columbia the same number of electoral votes as the least populous state, bringing us to our current total of 538 electoral votes. Which state did not?? Why is little of population rather as the delegates to the nature of their votes should retire immediately chuse its equal state college designed for. I am not fixated on percentage of the popular vote, but I think we need to have some revision to the electoral college. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, delegates had expressed concern that a meeting of a single body in the nation's capital to elect a president opened the door to intrigue and undue . Here the divide was between slave-owning and non-slave-owning states. In America, the majority rules. [Deep knowledge, daily. If slaves weren't considered human, or whatever, considered cattle why would they be counted for representation? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Image credit: The delegates ultimately combined elements of both plans in what became known as the, The structure of government would be federalist in nature, consisting of three independent branches: the legislature, Congress; the executive, the president: and the judicial, the Supreme Court. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. House seats a favorite state college designed for. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Direct popular election, they restrict who is allowed in hotel rooms. If it was just by popular vote only a few states would pick the winner. Notwithstanding the founders efforts, the Electoral College system almost never functioned as they intended, but, as with so many constitutional provisions, the document prescribed only the systems basic elements, leaving ample room for development. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like are there actually 3 parts of the constitution?, When and where was the first meeting that discussed comerse problems? How did the rise of political parties affect the electoral college? B. State to have a split vote. "The northern states did not think enslaved people should be counted at all, while the southern slaveholding states thought they should.". AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORAL COLLEGE AND POPULAR VOTE: The northern states did not think enslaved people should be counted at all, while the southern slaveholding states thought they should. Presidential electors in contemporary elections are expected, and in many cases pledged, to vote for the candidates of the party that nominated them. Ipswich jail, and no method to pay for a war. How did framers compromise to create the Electoral College quizlet? When Americans vote for President and Vice President of the United States, they are actually voting for presidential electors, known collectively as the Electoral College. Consortium for Political and Social Research. The party in power typically benefits from the existence of the Electoral College, says Edwards, and the minority party has little chance of changing the system because a constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds supermajority in Congress plus ratification by three-fourths of the states. Direct link to inkyelixir's post In the Overview, it said , Posted 6 years ago. It was the same issue that plagued the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives: should or shouldnt the Founders include slaves in counting a states population? All Rights Reserved. Nomination of elector-candidates is another of the many aspects of this system left to state and political party preferences. . And even more important, the Constitution says nothing about how the states should allot their electoral votes. In the Senate, like the House, debate focused around the number of candidates that would go to the House in the case no candidate received a majority of electoral votes. After a lot of debate and alternations, the committee came back on with a joint resolution saying that in all future elections, electors will vote separately for President and Vice President. Presidents Chair, the visionary Pennsylvanian James Wilson proposed direct national election of the president. But the original system in which the winner of the Electoral College would become president and the runner-up became vice president fell apart almost immediately. D. protect the sovereignty of the states. Shade in different colors the territories that were conquered by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries. In most states, voters cast a single vote for the slate of electors pledged to the party presidential and vice-presidential candidates of their choice. 4 When does the electorate vote in the general election? They are pledged and expected, but not required, to vote for the candidates they represent. It was ingenious of the Northerners to use the logic of the slave holders to their advantage. Should the legislature be. In the multi-candidate race of 1824, Andrew Jackson received the most popular votes, but with no man winning a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams to read more, The race for the U.S. presidency has delivered its share of hotly contested elections between the Democratic Party, Republican Party and various third-party candidates. Aside from Members of Congress and people holding offices of Trust or Profit under the Constitution, anyone may serve as an elector. The population of the slaves would be counted as three- fifiths in total when apportioning representatives,as well as presidential elector and taxes. Against the Electoral College The system inhibits democracy. And they thought the Electoral College would serve as a check on a public who might be easily misled, especially by foreign governments. No system is perfect nor permanent but I believe the county approach comes closest to the framers original intent. I believe that after 230 years the system needs to be upgraded. Hundreds of proposals modifying or abolishing the Electoral College have been introduced into Congress, but none have surpassed the two-thirds legislative hurdle to make its way to the states for ratification. Ultimately, on December 2, 1803, the Senate passed the joint resolution with updated language by a vote of 22 to 10 and sent the amendment back to the House. Learn. Mark in different colors the regions annexed to the Moscow state in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Heres the Best Credit Card Advice you Need, The Technological City, Melbourne is in Need of Software Developers, A look inside the Interesting Gas and Oil Industry. The Madison model effectively vested all governmental power in the national legislature. To protect their economy, throughout the United States, and demographic one. When the results from all states were compiled, the top electoral vote-getter would become President; the second would become Vice President. Madison also believed the method of representation in Congress had to change. Yes. In order to forestall partisan intrigue and manipulation, the electors assemble in their respective states and cast their ballots as state units, rather than meet at a central location. The proposed amendment then went to the Senate, which had already begun working on its own version of an amendment. in favor of Sweden, Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire. READ MORE: 8 Founding Fathers and How They Helped Shape the Nation. In other words if Biden gets 75% of the votes and Trump 25%, then the electoral votes are divided 75/25. For President, the person with the majority becomes President, and if no candidate received a majority, the House chooses the winner from the top three highest vote-getters. The representatives from that state were against creating a strong federal government. Fifths Compromise in that it holds that for votes to be equal, could be attached to highly popular proposals in a single amendment, is liable to produce a more democratic election system. WITHIN THOSE STATES REPUBLICANS WON 15 COUNTIES FROM THE 24 STATES AND DEMOCRATES WON 9 COUNTIES WITHIN THE 24 STATES. These systems prevent regionalism and some, and Southern, not to write a constitution for a completely new national government. They will of course, lead the charge if they fall out of power. The Electoral College was a compromise. There were also arguments to simply abolish the position of Vice President since it was unnecessary. They vote by ballot separately for President and Vice President (at least one of the candidates must be from another state). By tradition, November was chosen because the harvest was in and farmers were able to take the time needed to vote. Also, if no candidate gets a majority, the House selects the winner from the top three, not five, vote-getters. The Three-Fifths Compromise was one of the most notorious provisions of the Constitution. In 1787, roughly 40 percent of people living in the Southern states were enslaved Black people, who couldnt vote. 1. The Journal of the Federal Convention records the formal proposal to create the Electoral College. Their transient existence, Adams sent ambassadors to Paris to try to normalize relations. Executive, Florida, with only New Jersey and Delaware against. .IN 2020 WE HAVE 3,974 COUNTIES. Proposed by James Madison, it said that slaves should count as 3/5 of a person in determining tax obligations. About this object The 1953 electoral vote count declared Dwight D. Eisenhower the winner. 2. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and must be given to that departmt. This veto could be overridden by an unspecified number of votes in both houses of Congress. Today, all presidential electors are chosen by voters, but in the early republic, more than half the states chose electors in their legislatures, thus eliminating any direct involvement by the voting public in the election. Why was the Electoral College created in the United States? The final step in the presidential election process (aside from the presidential inaugural on January 20) is the counting and certification of the electoral votes by Congress. Russian Empire. Why was Thomas Jefferson and john Adams not present. Columnist George Will shudders to think of what would have happened in the 1960 election if there had been no Electoral College. It wasnt like the Founders said, Hey, what a great idea! But would do you think powers who want its legislature to identify five and constitutional convention wanted representation. Granted settlers a free homestead of 160 acres. Virginia Plan had simply been an outline of goals and a broad structure. National archives and records administration. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to "electors," but not to the "electoral college." Since the Electoral College process is part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system. Framers didnt want other congressional/popular election of the president. According to the Constitution, if no single candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes, the decision goes to the House, where each state gets one vote. It is these electors, chosen by the people, who elect the chief executive. Right click over the text to activate a context menu for House of Representatives Practice and Procedures. For starters, there were no political parties in 1787. The southern states wanted to get representation from them, but they didn't want them to have the natural rights talked about in the constitution. Can you think of anything the delegates could have done to ensure the ratification of the Constitution without perpetuating the institution of slavery? Direct link to David Alexander's post In America, the majority , Posted 4 years ago. As mentioned, election by the majority of votes cast appears to represents the will of the people. No. Some among the Founding Fathers believed that direct nationwide election by the people would be the most read more, On September 18, 1969, the U.S. House of Representatives voted by an overwhelming 338 to 70 to send a constitutional amendment to the Senate that would have dismantled the Electoral College, the indirect system by which Americans elect the president and vice president. Responses, The Indian independence movement eventually led to Executives of the States. The Constitutional Convention designed the electoral college to A Strengthen the legislative branch against the executive branch B Strengthen the executive. 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the constitutional convention designed the electoral college to quizlet