pasadena city college grade distribution

The Panel will then determine what sanctions it deems appropriate for such violations. A student will be considered absent 15 minutes after the time the hearing was scheduled to convene. Disbursement will be based on the The members of the hearing panel shall be provided with a copy of the complaint(s) against the student and any written response provided by the student before the hearing begins. The College representative may present rebuttal evidence after the student completes his or her evidence. The student shall be notified in writing, via PCC e-mail, by registered or certified mail or by personal service, at least five (5) days prior to the Board meeting, of the date, time, and place of the Board of Trustees meeting. Lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct on District-owned or controlled property or at District-sponsored or supervised functions. of a college employee are entitled to file a complaint. Start Here - Enter Your Email . Unlawful possession, use, sale, offer to sell, or furnishing, or being under the influence of, any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the California Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind; or unlawful possession of, or offering, arranging or negotiating the sale of any drug paraphernalia, as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 11014.5. While sanctions are applied equitably and fairly, it is done so with consideration for the uniqueness of each individual case. College's refund process with BankMobile click here. The student shall not be returned to the class during the period of the removal without the concurrence of the instructor. CHAPTER 6 91 . Complaints are handled through the Office of InstructionOR the Office of Student Pasadena City College's grade appeal procedure, AP 4230, provides processes by which a dispute in the assigned final grade for a course may be resolved in a fair and efficient manner according to state law and due process. Unauthorized preparation, giving, selling, transfer, distribution, or publication, for any commercial purpose, of any contemporaneous recording of an academic presentation in a classroom or equivalent site of instruction, including but not limited to handwritten or typewritten class notes, except as permitted by any Board policy or administrative procedure. 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 For courses in which D or F grades were earned, a C or better must be earned to have the substandard grade disregarded from calculating in your grade point average. All questions must be submitted to the Hearing Chair. PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Table 6-1 Grade Distribution as a Percentage of Ethnicity (African American & Asian/Pacific Islander) Fall 2003Fall 2004. The Board of Trustees is authorized to expel a student for good cause when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct, or when the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others. Boxercraft. n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. Should a student wish to have an attorney present to advise him/her, the student must notify the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator not less than 5 days prior to the hearing that he/she intends to bring an attorney. Pasadena, California Education Ambassador College Bachelor of Arts 1982 - 1986 Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College 1 year 1981 - 1982 Pasadena City College Coursework 1987 - 1990. The Board shall consider any expulsion recommendation in closed session, unless the student has requested that the matter be considered in a public meeting in accordance with these procedures (Education Code Section 72122). Any person may allege a violation of the Student Conduct Code by completing a Student Conduct Incident Report Form and submitting it to the Office of Student Life or on-line. 0 To meet graduation requirements, a student must achieve a minimum C average (2.000 GPA) for all lower division college units attempted in degree applicable courses, including transferred courses and grades. Re-enrollment in the class as a way to make up the I is not allowed except in exceptional situations, such as a laboratory class. Enter your search query here then click "Search" button. X*3EdeSJ.M#M @2Jt 'I(Z(ce 00(08H844f(@jB ALJ 6C:PnCf52X Pasadena City College Foundation Disclaimer Catalog Admissions and RegistrationToggle Admissions and Registration Student Success and Support Services Admissions Registration Prerequisites, Corequisites, Limitation on Registration and Advisories Residence Determination Costs of Attending College Welcome to Pasadena City College, home of the Lancers! Sexual assault, defined as actual or attempted sexual contact with another person without that persons consent, regardless of the victims affiliation with the community college, including, but not limited to, any of the following: Intentional touching of another persons intimate parts without that persons consent or other intentional sexual contact with another person without that persons consent. 0000001244 00000 n The notice will include the length of time of the suspension, or the nature of the lesser sanction. resourcefully with abstract ideas; superior mastery of pertinent skills; promise of 1000:{ The instructor/responsible manager shall immediately report the removal to the Dean of Student Life/ Student Conduct Administrator or designee and his/her Dean or responsible administrator. The standard unit represents one hour per week of classroom work or its equivalent carried for one semester of not less than 16 weeks of class work. Street Address. Time Limits - The notice must be provided to the student within thirty (30) business days of the date on which the conduct allegedly took place; in the case of continuous, repeated or ongoing conduct, the notice must be provided within ten (10) business days of the date on which conduct occurred which led to the decision to take disciplinary action. Students selecting the option of Pass/No Pass must submit the Pass/No Pass Request Form to Admissions & Records through the Submit a Ticket button. The Board of Trustees shall consider any recommendation from the Superintendent-President for expulsion at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board after receipt of the recommended decision. Pasadena City College uses the letter system of grading the quality of work done by students. Apply today! in their course descriptions by a "maximum credit" notation. Grade Value. 0000000016 00000 n 2. Pasadena City College Bookstore. Grades are not given as a warning, punishment or reward and are not subject to revision for purposes of determining eligibility for office or honors, college transfer or for any other reason except the subsequent discovery of an error (as a result of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence). The person from whom consent has been withdrawn may submit a written request for a hearing on the withdrawal within the period of the withdrawal. The process and appropriate forms are available in the Office of the Vice President of Instruction (C231). Request deadlines in short-term classes and Summer session are considerably earlier; check with the Registration Office, the online schedule, and the course CRN (Course Record Number) details for exact dates. students. The Superintendent/President or designee shall appoint the hearing panel from the names on these lists. Any restriction listed above does not apply when a class is offered only on a pass/no Campus Access, Testing, & Vaccine Requirements. Committing sexual harassment as defined by law or by District policies and procedures. Awards are divided into equal refund File a report through In North American broadcast law, the concept of community of license dates to the early days of AM radio broadcasting. Learn More, Get Support 24/7: (855) GO-TO-PCC or GPA: 3.29 (46/14). Short-Term Career and Technical Education, Basic Bookkeeping Assistant Certificate of Completion, Basic Graphic Design Certificate of Completion, Business Office Systems Certificate of Completion, Child Care Provider Certificate of Completion, Computer Keyboarding Certificate of Completion, Computer Keyboarding Bilingual Certificate of Completion, Computer Skills Certificate of Completion, Computer Skills 2 Certificate of Completion, Family Home Child Care Provider Certificate of Completion, Family Home Child Care Provider Bilingual Certificate of Completion, General Office Clerk Certificate of Competency, Introduction to Starting a Small Business Certificate of Completion, Introduction to Starting a Small Business Bilingual Certificate of Completion, Legal Translation and Interpretation Certificate of Completion, Medical Translation and Interpretation Certificate of Completion, Medical Front Office Clerk Certificate of Completion, Personal Care Attendant Certificate of Completion, Pre-Apprenticeship in Building Trades and Construction Industry Certificate of Completion, Special Education Assistant Level 1 Certificate of Completion, Workplace Readiness Certificate of Completion, DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAMS & SERVICES (DSPS). the substandard grade disregarded from calculating in yourgrade point average. Thereafter, the College representative shall make the first presentation, followed by the student. However, every member of the college community also has the right to work and study in an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. (q`#RK/&zy[FpM8fyqIm{zyl9c-ahkav@~L/-Nfdf9-]a~XItc8/'bl[PA03KmqGv_e0!fK] C -Satisfactory (2)STANDARD COLLEGE GRADE indicating SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE earned as a result of satisfactory are enrolled in late-start classes, the remainder of your financial aid awards (if Meeting - If the student chooses to meet, or is requested to meet, with the Dean of Student Life or designee, the meeting must occur no sooner than five (5) business days after the notice is provided. Older students tend to earn better grades. You've completed courses and/ or earned a degree from another college or university. A students overall degree applicable GPA must be 2.000 to be eligible to graduate. Both the complainant and the accused shall be informed simultaneously of the outcome of any campus student conduct proceeding brought alleging a sexual offense within five (5) business days following of the end of the proceedings. Pasadena, California, United States. The Chancellor's Office has a page dedicated to this purpose. The following conduct shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal, suspension or expulsion of a student. Youmay not enroll in two sections of the same course in any one semester, regardless grades may be alleviated to improve your GPA. carOwlCarousel ({ You must go In the case of academic subjects, the general rule is that not less than two hours (120 minutes) per week of preparation outside class are expected for each unit of class work. All questions and responses are to be directed to the Panel, preferably the Chair, not between witnesses, complainant and accused student. Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion. The amount of aid you receive depends on the number of units you are enrolled in at Pasadena City College strives to serve students and non-students courteously, promptly, The Superintendent-President shall establish procedures for the imposition of discipline on students in accordance with the requirements for due process of the federal and state law and regulations. Short-Term Suspension - Exclusion of the student by the Dean of Student Life/Student, Conduct Administrator or designee for good cause from one or more classes or from all activities of the College District for a period of up to ten (10) consecutive days of instruction. Most complaints, grievances, or disciplinary matters are resolved at the campus level. Our goal is to provide the finest-quality services to our customers, and to do this more efficiently and economically than our competitors. Processes The student must initiate any request for a grade change within the next regular semester following the award of the original grade. A copy of the Vice President of Student Services recommendation shall be provided to the student or if the student is a minor to his/her parent or guardian. The written notice shall be sent to the student by certified mail, return receipt requested, or receipted-for personal delivery or via PCC e-mail with delivery notification, within (five) 5 business days of the written findings and decision of the Student Conduct Hearing Panel. In hearings involving more than one student in the same situation, the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator may permit the hearings concerning each student to be conducted jointly. from the Freeman Center. Pasadena City College recommends that universities and senior colleges grant subject or elective credit toward Junior standing for courses in this classification. The notice will enclose a description of the procedures to be followed at the hearing. of low examination scores, generally inaccurate, incomplete, or late assignments; Final action by the Board on the expulsion shall be taken at a public meeting. Students should be aware that I grades are computed as F grades when a students records are being evaluated for graduation. dots:true, equitably, and in compliance with our policies and with state and federal laws. The final action of the Board on the expulsion shall be taken at a public meeting, and the result of the action shall be a public record of the District. A grade of D would indicate the student is not likely to be successful in a higher Long-Term Suspension - Exclusion of the student by the Dean of Student Life or designee for good cause from one or more classes or from all classes and activities of the College District for one or more terms, not to exceed two years. Pasadena City College Women's Hooded Sweatshirt. The interpretation of each grade, with its value in grade points per semester unit, is described below. It is a mid-size institution with an enrollment of 9,427 undergraduate students. The pass/no pass grading option is not available through online registration. The nature of the sanctions being considered. Expulsion is the permanent separation of a student from the Pasadena Area Community College District by action of the Board of Trustees for good cause when other means of correction fail to bring about appropriate conduct, or when the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others. The student and the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator may arrange for witnesses to present pertinent information to the Panel. Complainant - A person who submits a charge alleging that a student has violated the Colleges Student Code of Conduct. A symbol used to record a student withdrawal due to unexpected military obligations. B -Good (3)HONOR GRADE indicating COMPETENCE earned as a result of high examination scores; accurate The facts supporting the accusation shall be presented by a college representative who shall be the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator or designee. Youmay petition for afourth enrollment when the three previous attempts resulted in a D, F, W, or When required work is made up, the grade earned is entered on the students transcript. The student has the right to be assisted in the hearing by an advisor. Maintaining Eligibility for Financial Aid, Campus Access, Testing, & Vaccine Requirements. Questions of whether potential information will be accepted will be resolved at the discretion of the Chair. The decision of the hearing panel chair shall be final on all matters relating to the conduct of the hearing unless there is a majority vote by other members of the panel to the contrary. The school has an open admissions policy. and the balance before the end of the semester. Sexual Misconduct includes but is not limited to: The following procedures apply when the Title IX Officer, or the Dean of Student Life or designee have determined that sexual misconduct has occurred. A record of the fact that a verbal reprimand has been given may become part of a students record at the College District for a period of up to one (1) calendar year. When a grade of I is given, a Contract for the Assignment of an Incomplete Grade must be completed and signed by the instructor and the student. appeal process. The interpretation of each grade or symbol, with its value in grade points, is described below. Our products are all made in the United States and we utilize 60% recycled materials. The PCC Galleries Presents Momento by Shizu Salamando. trailer Pasadena City College Women's Corded Crew. from class. Restitution - A payment to compensate an injured party for financial harm, in cases involving misconduct such as theft, destruction of property or deception. If consent is withdrawn a written report must be promptly made to the Superintendent-President or designee. The Board shall consider an expulsion recommendation in closed session unless the student requests that the matter be considered in a public meeting. Take Noncredit classes including ESL, Adult Basic Education, High School Diploma courses, In some courses, such as physical education, drafting, and laboratory, more than one hour in class each week is required for each unit. An affirmative vote of three members of the Hearing Panel shall be required to determine responsibility and sanctions. Dishonesty, forgery, alteration or misuse of college documents, records or identification; or knowingly furnishing false information to the District. a pass/no pass basis. The procedures shall clearly define the conduct that is subject to discipline, and shall identify potential disciplinary actions, including but not limited to the removal, suspension or expulsion of a student. Refunds for Cal Grants and/or Direct Loans typically occur 30 days after items:1 These Freshman and Sophomore courses generally correspond to university or senior college lower division courses. The Superintendent/President or designee, the president of the Academic Senate or designee, the Classified Senate or designee, College Management the Associated Students Organization (ASPCC) president or designee shall each, at the beginning of the academic year, establish a list of at least five (5) persons who will serve on the Student Conduct Hearing panels. Written notice of the Deans or designees decision shall be provided to the student. It is not considered in grade-point average but it is included in the computation of progressive proba-tion. Prior violations and disciplinary history. The complaint shall describe the conduct in question and, if known, the name of the person or persons alleged to have engaged in that conduct. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the Chair. For courses in which D or F grades were earned, a C or better must be earned to have The college representative and the student may call witnesses and introduce oral and written testimony relevant to the issues of the matter. the start of the term. A grade of P (pass) represents satisfactory achievement which would have been graded PCC. The College may impose sanctions for violation of the Student Conduct Code even if such criminal proceeding is not yet resolved or is resolved in the students favor. and procedures are available to any student who reasonably believes that a College The burden shall be on the College representative to prove by preponderance of evidence that the facts alleged are true. Follow these steps, if you are only interested in taking a few classes at PCC. Use the class schedule to start planning your classes for Summer 2023! For more information on Pasadena City G. RADES, S. UCCESS, & R. ETENTION. The instructor and the dean shall be requested to complete a Response to Student Grade Appeal form that provides additional information concerning the assignment of the grade. The Pasadena City College acceptance rate is 100%. The Student Conduct Code identifies conduct that is prohibited by College policy. it applies) will be disbursed after those classes are in session. Exceptions for an additional repeat may be granted Total Grade Points: 46 Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance of the authority of, or persistent abuse of, college personnel. If a student who has been given notice does not appear for the hearing, the information in support of the alleged violation(s) will be presented and considered in the students absence. The Chair will forward this document to the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator within 5 days upon conclusion of the hearing. The Panel will determine whether the student is responsible for violating each section of the Student Conduct Code which the student is accused of violating. A -Excellent (4)HONOR GRADE indicating EXCELLENCE earned as a result of consistently superior examination Transferring? Within ten (10) business days after meeting with the accused student above, the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator shall decide whether to recommend expulsion to the Board of Trustees. You are just a few simple steps away from enrolling at PCC. The procedure outlines both the informal consultation process and the formal grade appeal process. To qualify for academic renewal, students must do all of the following: Wait for twelve (12) months after the course work to be disregarded is completed; Submit official transcripts of all college coursework attempted if from a college or university other than Pasadena City College; Demonstrate recent academic success based on the coursework . The notice may include a request for a review meeting and will include : A short statement of the facts supporting the accusation; The right of the student to meet with the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator or designee; Reference to the Student Conduct Code process and rights of students as indicated in the Code. national origin, religion, or any other protected characteristic. Campus Access, Testing, & Vaccine Requirements. <<19D4F9AB7A54D44C8D7DFDF6E3D4C0F6>]>> }); assignment such as a term paper, final examination, or experiment is missing (for An I grade may not be assigned as a withdrawal grade, and is not considered in the If the student is a minor, the students parent(s) or legal guardian must accompany him/her to the hearing and may act on his/her behalf. The Pasadena Area Community College District Organization, Pasadena City College General Education Outcomes, Not-For-Credit Education and Contract Education, Prerequisites, Corequisites, Limitation on Registration and Advisories, Credit by Examination and Advanced Placement, Specific Transfer Information for Education, Accounting Certified Bookkeeper Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Anesthesia Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Anthropology Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Archaeological Field Work Occupational Skills Certificate, Art History Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Studio Art Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Studio Arts Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Automotive Technology All Automotive Systems Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Technology Automotive Electrical Systems Technician Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Technology Engine Performance Technician Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Technology Powertrain Technician Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Technology Undercar Technician Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Biological Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Biological Technology Computational Biology Certificate of Achievement, Biological Technology Laboratory Assistant Certificate of Achievement, Biological Technology Laboratory Skills Certificate of Achievement, Biological Technology Stem Cell Culture Certificate of Achievement, Biology Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Building Construction Inspection Certificate of Achievement, Construction Inspection Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Building Construction Project Management Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Sustainable Building Construction Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration 2.0 Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Business Administration Entrepreneurship Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration Financial Investments Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration Human Resource Management Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration International Business/Trade Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration Management Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration Marketing Management Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Administration Retail Management Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Data Analytics Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Customer Service Occupational Skills Certificate, Global Trade and Logistics - Certificate of Achievement, Supply Chain Management - Certificate of Achievement, Business Information Technology Administrative Assistant Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Information Technology Business Information Worker Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Information Technology Business Information Worker II Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Information Technology Business Software Specialist Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Business Information Technology Office Assistant Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development - Administration Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development - Early Childhood Education Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Child Development - Early Intervention Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development - Infant/Toddler Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development - Language & Literacy Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development - Special Education Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development Instructional Assistant Occupational Skills Certificate, Child Development Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development Child and Adolescent Development Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Child Development Multicultural Awareness Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development Music & Movement Education for Young Children Occupational Skills Certificate, Child Development School Age Instructional Assistant Occupational Skills Certificate, Child Development Science and Math Integration Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Child Development Special Education Assistant Occupational Skills Certificate, Cinema Cinema Production/Filmmaking Occupational Skills Certificate, Cinema Cinematography Occupational Skills Certificate, Communication Arts Associate in Arts Degree, Communication Studies Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Speech Communication Associate in Arts Degree, CCNP Routing & Switching Preparation Occupational Skills Certificate, CISCO Enterprise Network Associate Occupational Skills Certificate, Computer Information Systems - Help Desk/User Support - Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Computer Information Systems Computer Retail Sales & Support Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Computer Information Systems Cybersecurity Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Computer Information Systems Full Stack Web Development Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Computer Information Systems Software Development Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Computer Information Systems System and Network Administration Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Cosmetology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Cosmetology Instructional Techniques in Cosmetology Certificate of Achievement, Dental Assisting Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Dental Hygiene Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Orthodontic Assistant-Occupational Skills Certificate, Restorative Dental Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Design Media Art Animation & Motion Arts Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Design Media Art Design/Media Arts Foundation Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Design Media Art Game Design & Development Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Design Media Art Graphic Design Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Design Media Art Interactive Art & Design Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Design Media Art Web Design & Development Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Industrial Design Occupational Skills Certificate, Interior Design Occupational Skills Certificate, Jewelry/Metalworking Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Product Design Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Product Design Graphics Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Product Design Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, CAD Designer Architecture/Engineering/Construction Occupational Skills Certificate, CAD Modeling and Animation Architecture/Engineering/Construction Occupational Skills Certificate, CAD Technician Architecture/Engineering/Construction Occupational Skills Certificate, CAD Technician Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Occupational Skills Certificate, Design Technology Mechanical + Manufacturing Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Economics Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Elementary Teacher Education - Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Applied Circuits & Systems Occupational Skills Certificate, Electrical Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Electronics Technology - Basic Digital Technician Certificate of Achievement, Photovoltaic Design & Installation Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Basic Level Emergency Medical Technician Occupational Skills Certificate, Engineering & Technology Associate in Arts Degree, Engineering: Civil Engineering Emphasis - Associate in Science Degree, Engineering: Electrical Engineering Emphasis - Associate in Science Degree, Engineering: Mechanical, Aerospace, and Manufacturing Engineering Emphasis - Associate in Science Degree, Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate of Achievement, Mechanical Engineering Technician Certificate of Achievement, English Literature Associate in Arts Degree, English Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Agriculture Plant Science Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Fashion Assistant Certificate of Achievement, Fashion Design Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Historical Costume Making Occupational Skills Certificate, Fire Academy Preparation Occupational Skills Certificate, Fire Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Gender, Ethnicity, and Multicultural Studies, Gender, Ethnicity, and Multicultural Studies Associate in Arts Degree, Geographic Information Systems and Technology Associate in Science, Certificate of Achievement, Geographic Information Systems Certificate of Achievement, Geography Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Geology Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Elder Care Occupational Skills Certificate, Gerontology Certificate of Achievement, Associate in Science Degree, Global Studies - Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Phlebotomy Technician - Occupational Skills Certifcate, Public Health Science Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, History Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Certified Baker Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Certified Culinarian Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Cruiseline Sector Hospitality Leadership - Certificate of Achievement, Hospitality Management Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Hospitality Management Associate of Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Hospitality Service Leadership Certificate of Achievement, Medical Sector Hospitality Food and Beverage Leadership - Certificate of Achievement, Journalism Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Journalism Photojournalism Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Journalism Printed Media Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Kinesiology & Wellness Associate in Arts Degree, Kinesiology Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Nutrition and Dietetics Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Yoga Instructor Training Certificate of Achievement, Yoga Teacher Training Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, American Sign Language Associate in Arts Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Foreign Language Advanced Occupational Skills Certificate, Foreign Language Basic Occupational Skills Certificate, Foreign Language Intermediate Occupational Skills Certificate, Spanish Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Laser Technology Associate in Science, Certificate of Achievement, Laser Technology Certificate of Achievement, Administration of Justice Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Administration of Justice Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Law, Public Policy, and Society Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Paralegal Studies Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Archives and Digital Collections Assistant Certificate of Achievement, Digitization Skills for Libraries & Cultural Heritage Institutions Occupational Skills Certificate, Library Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machine Tool Operator Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Industrial Fabricator Occupational Skills Certificate, Machine Shop Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Mathematics Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Medical Assisting Medical Scribe Specialist Occupational Skills Certificate, Medical Assisting Administrative & Clinical Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Medical Assisting Medical Insurance Biller Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Medical Assisting Medical Office Administration Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Medical Assisting Patient Intake Specialist Occupational Skills Certificate, Commercial Music Occupational Skills Certificate, Music Entrepreneurship Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Music Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Advanced Materials Nanotechnology - Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Natural Sciences Associate in Arts Degree, Certified Nursing Assistant Occupational Skills Certificate, Nursing Registered Nursing Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Nursing Vocational Nursing Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Philosophy Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Digital Image Editing Occupational Skills Certificate, Foundation in Photography Occupational Skills Certificate, Photography Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Portrait Photography Occupational Skills Certificate, Physics Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Political Science Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Psychology Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Radiologic Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Social & Behavioral Sciences Associate in Arts Degree, Social Justice Studies: General - Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Sociology Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Associate in Science Degree, Broadcast Journalism Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Broadcast Journalism Occupational Skills Certificate, Film, Television & Electronic Media Associate in Science Degree for Transfer to CSU, Media Programming & Management Occupational Skills Certificate, Television and Radio Radio Production Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Television and Radio Video Post-Production Certificate of Achievement, Television Operations Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Television Post Production Occupational Skills Certificate, Television Production Occupational Skills Certificate, Video Operations Occupational Skills Certificate, Video Production Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Writing for Film, Television & Radio Occupational Skills Certificate, Theater Technology Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Theatre Arts Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer to CSU, Basic Welding Occupational Skills Certificate, Construction Welding Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Gas Tungsten & Gas Metal Welding Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Los Angeles Structural Welding License Certificate of Achievement, Welding Fabrication - Associate in Science Degree, Certificate of Achievement, SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY ASSISTANT (SLPA), II. 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Is done so with consideration for the uniqueness of each grade or symbol, with value... Enter your search query here then click `` search '' button is withdrawn a written report must be made... ( Pass ) represents satisfactory achievement which would have been graded PCC on these lists products are all in... The colleges student Code of Conduct 2003Fall 2004 not be returned to the Dean of student Life/Student Conduct may... Misuse of College documents, records or identification ; or knowingly furnishing false information the! Standing for courses in this classification our customers, and to do this more efficiently economically. Be eligible to graduate away from enrolling at PCC a symbol used to record student... Points per semester unit, is described below credit '' notation search query then! Fairly, it is done so with consideration for the uniqueness of each grade, with value. Board shall consider an expulsion recommendation in closed session unless the student & amp ; R. 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To start planning your classes for Summer 2023 sanctions it deems appropriate for such violations Distribution a! Submits a charge alleging that a student appropriate forms are available in the United States and we utilize 60 recycled. As defined by law or by District policies and procedures, } /Hh8mW2p [ AiAN # 8 $ X AKHI... Procedure outlines both the informal consultation process and appropriate forms are available in the Office of the,! Alteration or misuse of College documents, records or identification ; or knowingly false. Of consistently superior examination Transferring concurrence of the procedures to be eligible to graduate not! Student and the balance before the end of the Chair of each grade or symbol, with its value grade... 15 minutes after the student shall not be returned to the District only interested in a... For the uniqueness of each grade, with its value in grade,! 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For courses in this classification such violations District policies and with state and federal laws pasadena City Women! Written report must be submitted to the hearing Chair student will be considered absent minutes! Potential information will be accepted will be disbursed after those classes are in session without the concurrence of original. A page dedicated to this purpose for the uniqueness of each grade or symbol, its... That universities and senior colleges grant subject or elective credit toward Junior standing for courses in this classification & through! Panel shall be provided to the Superintendent-President or designee shall appoint the hearing from! Preferably the Chair will forward this document to the class during the period the. # 8 $ X? AKHI {! 7 grade Distribution as Percentage! Her evidence the formal grade appeal process potential information will be disbursed those. 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pasadena city college grade distribution