matthew 8 23 27 explanation

To read about the Savior casting devils out of possessed men, see the commentary for Mark 5:1-20. What other person can speak and have the winds and the waves obey His voice? All motion was gone. [< Gk. This short sentence is overcharged with pronouns best- MATTHEWS GOOD NEWS (1.) Now Jesus is revealed in His power. What is there lacking except in your faith? Behold the Matthews just isnt the one. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a website or blog at, hermeneutics /hmnjutks/ ( And yet the disciples were looking at a man, a human being, who had some special kind of authority over nature. In fact, throughout the ancient Near East the sea was the symbol of Sheol, the abyss, the evil enemy. Jesus has also addressed a couple of would-be disciples, with remarks that underscore the costs of following Jesus. Just from a simple reading of the few verses we would rightly conclude that the account demonstrates Jesus' authority over the elements of nature, and, the disciples weak faith for being afraid. says that Jesus crossed the sea on the evening of the day the pa Matthew 8:23. The faith which Christs disciples had in His Godhead was little in comparison of what they had ground for. At its deepest it is about 160 feet deep, depending on the fluctuation over the years. Thru the Bible takes the listener through the entire Bible in just five years, threading back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. meaning A BOAT. Afterward their amazement is on who this one is. The magna charta of Christ's Kingdom: the unfolding Jesus is the second Adam, as the Bible expresses it, beginning another racethe righteous seed. So in the Old Testament God alone has the authority to command and control nature, especially the chaotic element of nature like this huge storm in Psalm 29. () of windthe waves beat into Ver 23. The people who "go down to the sea in ships" in Psalm 107 sound a lot like the disciples in Matthew: they are afraid in the face of the storm, and they cry out to God in their distress. he had given, Jesus comments on the smallness of their faith and calms the . WAVERING DISCIPLES - Vss. as dative after , the after this We do not know if the two men who approached Jesus got into the boat with Him or if they decided to stay. To them it would doubtless have a different look. 21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. THE STORM ON THE LAKE 2. But Matthew used a word that means of little faith while Mark says do you still have no faith? Mark did not mean to imply that the disciples had no faith at all--he has already described their following Jesus. Nothing is impossible for Him. A sudden and violent storm springs up, pouring water into the boat from the waves. In between their request and their amazement is Jesus rebuke of their weak faith. Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Jesus Healed a Paralytic Carest Thou not that we perish? Almost Have you no feeling at all for our need? Great indeed must have been the tempest within them to give such utterance to such thoughts. But God is portrayed as mightier than the raging seas (Ps. Context Summary. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. Now. GADARENE DEMONIACS dat. The other rebuke was but the sequel to this; its complement, as it were. Ensuring your father had a proper burial was among the . For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. I. The Cleansing of a Leper. Save us is the language of faith; we perish is that of fear. wisdom victoria principal andy gibb; bosch battery charger flashing green light The disciples wake Him and ask Him to save them. What can get lost in this account is the fact that Matthew 8:23-27 precedes it. worshipped him,_ 8:25 So [the disciples] approached and woke Him up saying, "Lord save us! It is also a sign of His calm conscience and pure heart. The Stilling of the Tempest. FEB 24 WILSON BOMBSHELL And now we know more about why so many people dislike Russell Wilson. . (G1684) , . MATTHEW 8:23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples foll. They said among themselves What kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him? (1.) 3. Their words are interesting: Lord, save us. In their experience this was a simple and urgent request. call to worship A stillness more than the stillness of peace, though doubtless, in their circumstances, that would be blessed and deep. This is part of the overall presentation of the king in these chapters as one who has the authority to do all the things that He said He came to do. (Parallels: Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25) an opportunity presented itself of displaying miracles, thereb JESUS GOT INTO THE BOAT. Longfellow is rightrain comes at different times to all of us. We have already discussed the boat and the storm so that we do not need to reiterate that now. Matthew 8:18-27 He was the Messiah, the King of Heaven and Earth. The fearfulness of Christs disciples in a storm, and their unbelief, the cause of it, are very displeasing to the Lord Jesus, for they reflect dishonour upon him, and create disturbance to themselves. Faith is holding fast to the truth of God's Word. Hence, the question, Why are you afraid? It is a rhetorical question not meant to be answered, but meant to tell them that since He was there they had nothing to fear. It is now on display in a lovely new museum there on the shores of the lake at Genneseret. But that is a stilted bookish view and totally unrealistic. The disciples, several of whom were experienced fishermen, were unable to bring the boat safely to shore and became fearful for their lives. the ship. The church must believe Christ to be God and able to deliver them. But remember, in reporting the event the gospel writers are not working from a dictated record; rather, they are all telling what happened and what was said in their own words._ftn22 And while the precise wording is different in each gospel, none of them are incorrect. We are perishing!" 26 And he said to them, "Why are . Matthew 8:23-27 . They were in a panic when they came to Him, not in confidence. What is it being saved from? As they crossed, Matthew tells his readers that a great storm suddenly arose on the sea. Wilson, a nine-time Pro Bowler in Seattle, last offseason engineered his way to Denver (and to a new . John Nolland, The Gospel of Matthew: A Commentary on the Greek Text, New International Greek Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005), 371: verb is superfluous. A Great Tempest Arose On The Sea-Just like in our life, there are times of smooth sailing and there are times of stormy waters! Healing of Men Possessed by Devils. MESSIAH'S WORK AS COMPLEMENTARY TO HIS TEACHING. And they took Him along in a boat, just as He was. . The ground of their appeal lay in the unexpected attitude of their Master and Lord at that time. The King passed down from the mountain and from teaching in order that Either way, the peril was great. And so his wording is meant to convey that the disciples did not have enough faith. Enquire into the reasons of your fear, and weigh them.. Over the next several years they treated and preserved it. He rebuked the winds and the sea (Matthew 8:26). they sailed was probably a small open boat with sails, such as was The ship or fishing-boat, i.e. WONDERING DISCIPLES - Vss. Shall we ever do so again? It is used usually against things that ought not to be, such as the weak faith of the disciples. INTRODUCTORY WORDS The disciples ask the Lord to save them in the storm (23, 24). Those that can lay their heads upon the pillow of a clear conscience, may sleep quietly and sweetly in a storm (Ps 4:8), as Peter, Ac 12:6. Christ had given sailing orders to his disciples (Mt 8:18), that they should depart to the other side of the sea of Tiberias, into the country of Gadara, in the tribe of Gad, which lay east of Jordan; thither he would go to rescue a poor creature that was possessed with a legion of devils, though he foresaw how he should be affronted there. The prevalence of our inordinate fears in a stormy day is owing to the weakness of our faith, which would be as an anchor to the soul, and would ply the oar of prayer. Many that have true faith are weak in it, and it does but little. It is interesting to note that here Jesus answered their prayer/plea and calmed the storm even though they had little faith. Any turning to Him in prayer is an act of faith. of His ministry summarised as teaching and preaching and healing _Excursion to the eastern shore with its incidents_ (Mark 4:35 to Mark When we have concluded Revelation, we will start over again in Genesis, so if you are with us for five years you will not miss any part of the Bible. Matthew 8. 27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! What is there really to fear? Everything was to be subjected to mankind (Gen. 1:27,28). The fifth chapter of And they went and woke him up, saying, "Lord, save us! He rebuked the disciples (Mt 8:26); Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Even though there are so many things in life that threaten our lives and cause us to fear, the more we know the Lord and His power, the less we will be afraid. Not exactly a sales pitch. THE STORMY SEA. love So it is always in His life, where, side by side with the signs of humiliation and participation in mans weakness, we ever have tokens of His Divinity breaking through the veil. All this is a symbol of our individual lives, as well as of the history of the church.A. Matthew 8:23-27 - Stilling the Storm 194 Matthew 8:28-34 - Healing the Gadarene Men 196 Matthew 9:1-8 - Healing the Paralyzed Man 199 . 8:23-27 When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. In addition to the items mentioned above, Mark adds some more information. We are studying Matthew 8:23-27 for Sunday, June 13. The people who go down to the sea in ships in Psalm 107 sound a lot like the disciples in Matthew: they are afraid in the face of the storm, and they cry out to God in their distress. (Delivered Sunday, August 28, 2005 at Bethany Bible Church. The forces of nature respond with a great calm. And now the disciples are astounded, and wonder who they are dealing with, because even wind and waves listen to / pay attention to Jesus. reading the Bible In passages parallel to Matthew 9:9, both Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:27 describe Jesus's calling of the tax collector . The boat which He had possibly spoken of previously (Matthew 8:18). Jesus Words. The great Baptist Missionary Adoniram Judson was in a Burmese prison for preaching the gospel. had given them wise instruction. The disciples said all these things and probably more as well. _HILDA BRIGHT_ They had never seen anything like this. The famed poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once penned the beautiful words, "Be still, sad heart! Matthew 8:1 Matthew 8:2 . He can carry Himself as one asleep, to the end He may be awakened by their prayers.6. Observe, They call him, Lord, and then pray, Save us. 25 And they went and woke him up, saying, "Lord, save us! The disciples fear for their lives and wake Jesus to ask Him to save them. They "follow" Jesus into the "boat" (R. V.). 23-27 It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to trust in and pray to, who knows what it is to be on the water, and to be in storms there. They did not want to drown. The fishing villages of Capernaum and Bethsaida so frequently mentioned in the gospels were on the north west and north shores of the lake. The first thing that Jesus did in response to their request was to rebuke their weak faith: O you of little faith, why are you afraid? They were right to ask Jesus to save them--and their request shows that they had faith that He could save them. and cease repining; Behind the cloud is the sun still shining; Thy fate is a common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall.". Matthew says that Jesus said to them, You of little faith, why are you so afraid? Mark says, Why are you so afraid? See his absolute dominion over all the creatures, which bespeaks both his honour, and the happiness of those that have him on their side. And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?(Matthew 6:25-27). Of the way in which He may be expected to bring them through their trials at last.Viz. The man was saying that someday he wanted to follow Jesus, when his father was dead and when he would be free to go. The real hero in the story is Jesus whom the disciples worship (for the first time in Matthew) as the Son of God. better rendering. Do you still have no faith? Luke simply says, Where is your faith? This is a little different because they are all reporting what Jesus said, not what different people said. Whil MATTHEWNOTE ON MATTHEW 8:1 The Authoritative Power of the Messiah: The text is brief, and we have already noted several things about it, so this part of the study should be brief as well. Jonah slept through the storm because his conscience was stupefied; but Christ as a tired child laying its head on its mothers lap. thinking about the Bible The first part is the storm on the sea and the disciples words to Jesus. So Matthew uses their words to drive home his point that Jesus is truly unique, for He is sovereign over nature. [So I could not help thinking of a tsunami.] CHAPTER 8 Ver. Let us consider the insincerity of the multitude. *MIRACLES WHEN JESUS HEALED PEOPLE 8:19:38 But the men marvelled. 2. It was the stillness of wonder; the hush of bewilderment; the silence of awe. Less remarkable, perhaps, that the others wake him up. The language of their fear; they looked upon their case as desperate, and gave up all for lost; they had received a sentence of death within themselves, and this they plead, We perish, if thou dost not save us; look upon us therefore with pity.. What is an excitement or fad today is quickly gone tomorrow. chapter 9:1-8 the king continues to display his royal power chapter 9:9-13 the grace of the kingdom chapter 9:14-17 the joy of the kingdom chapter 9:18-26 the king's dominion over disease and death chapter 9:27-31 the king's touch healing the . Sunday, June 13, 2021: "Delivered From Fear" Practical Points for Discussion (ISSL Curriculum) . _Storm on the lake_ (Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25). LEADER OF MEN AND RULER OF NATURE Let us remember: Even when you are following Jesus, you may go through the storms of life. He shows them and us the reason for overwhelming fear as being the deficiency in our faith. Some scholars try to analyze the stories to determine which of these things the disciples really said, and how the report got muddled by one or more of the gospel writers. Their response is amazement! And that is certainly true here, for without the speeches we have a storm, the disciples panic, Jesus calming the storm, and the disciples amazement. Out on the Sea of Galilee in a boat, Jesus is sleeping soundly. He slept at this time, to try the faith of his disciples, whether they could trust him when he seemed to slight them. And He said to them, "Go.". We will always struggle with fears in this life, because the world is not a safe place. We are dying!" Matthew showed Jesus authority by what he taught in Chapter s 5-7. Uniform Series His discovery of the cause and spring of their fears; O ye of little faith. You would discover them right away when you read the account in the three synoptic1_ftn1 gospels: Matthew 8:23-27 of course; Mark 4:37-41; and Luke 8:23-25. He shares three examples of Jesus miraculously healing people during His ministry in Capernaum. having preached his sermon, and discovered his doctrine, says Jerome, As had previously been pointed out to the would be disciples, those I. Christs sleep in the storm.His calm slumber is contrasted with the hurly-burly of the tempest and the fear of the crew. Though the Psalms are numbered and we read, study, meditate, or sing individual Psalms, there is an overarching context that will help us keep them connected: While the individual Psalm may be a lament, a . While it may seem obvious in this instance that His disciples were not asking Jesus to save their spirit from Hell to Heaven, whenever we encounter sozo or a similar salvation passages, it is important to always use the context to answer these three questions to make sure we are interpreting it correctly. The reason of it; Even the winds and the sea obey him. Our Lord, as He took on Him our nature, so also He subjected Himself to our natural and sinless infirmities. As our evangelist is giving a collection of heali might be called a dative absolute; if taken FAITHFUL Matthew 8:23-27 INTRODUCTION It is hard to amaze people today. multitudes followed him. Lesson Text: Matthew 8:23-27. They came and wakened him. TEXT: 8:23-27 The psalm closes by reminding the reader that God sat sovereignly at the great Flood (Gen. 6-8). PREVIOUS NEXT. history. Even the winds and the waves obey Him!. Masters orders. earth; the counterpart of the legislation on Mount Sinai; C CHRONOLOGY. I told them very specifically to write their work on only one side of the paper. over the wind and the waves. 26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith . (2.) It is easy to see how these men--some of them seasoned fishermen--would have been terrified in a storm in a boat like that. Their plea is, We perish; which was, [1.] But that does not make much sense, for these seasoned sailors thought they were going to drown right up to the moment that Jesus calmed the storm. While Jesus sleeps, a violent storm rages and the disciples are fearing for their lives. The reason for this is the account of the calling of Matthew is reported in Matthew 9:9, but it would have to have been before these events on and around the sea for the simple reason that Matthew was there. [2.] But building faith is a process, and so we have to be patient and continue to develop it. In Matthews gospel, it is also followed by Jesuss calling Levi, and subsequently identifying the twelve. So, in this version, we dont seem meant to assume that Levi/Matthew was in the boat when this happened. Why are ye fearfultimorousye little-faithed souls? 1. But observe, when he went to sea, he had no yacht or pleasure-boat to attend him, but made use of his disciples fishing-boats; so poorly was he accommodated in all respects. Of all the gospel writers Matthew is the most orderly. THE STORM ON THE LAKE. The authority that Jesus has is usually demonstrated by His mighty works, His miracles. What is being saved? 5:20; Luke 8:22-39). . for the Savior and the Twelve apostles, the disciples who accompanied LOVE IN ACTION (Matthew 8:1-34) AND WHEN HE WAS ENTERED INTO. The sea denotes the world, the winds The storm is contrasted with the calm after the miracle. 4). 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. What is it being saved to? They wake Jesus, hoping that He will do something about the storm and save them. But it gives us also a clue that the storm, although only a storm, is a symptom of something else about nature. Note. Moses commanded the waters with a rod; Joshua, with the ark of the covenant; Elisha, with the prophets mantle; but Christ with a word. The waves it generates are literally covering up the boat. in such a way as to learn far more both of His mercy and power; in such a way, therefore, as to reach a greater calm and deeper faith in the end; and to wonder, therefore, now as much at our former fears as we did at His slumber before. CLOSER READING: In verse 24, the storm that happens is literally a quake the Greek word that gives us our words seismograph and seismic. Which was got ready by his Both Matthew and Mark included Jesus question about their being afraid. In our story Jesus must have gotten into the boat in the region of Capernaum, on the north west shore, because He got out of the boat on the other side near Kursi (on the eastern shore about half way down the coast). Sunday school The Winds and the Waves Obey His Will (Matthew 8:23-27) Storms terrify many people. small open row boat, large enough Read with me in Mark 4, beginning in verse 35. But Jesus was sleeping. It was the sleep of physical exhaustion after a hard days work. We are perishing!". How easily this was done, with a words speaking. Whether He seem to sleep or to be awake, He is Lord of heaven and earth, Ruler and Commander of wind, sea, and land, whom all the creatures must obey.10. What alls here: notes, quotes, questions, and thoughts on what I read from where I read it . That sleep may have a symbolical meaning for us. 24 Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. 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matthew 8 23 27 explanation