shewanella oneidensis pronunciation

All plateswere incubated at 30C for 10 h or as noted otherwise. A., Stewart, V. & Tiedje, J. M. Respiratory nitrate ammonification by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. CAS Unlike most flagellated bacteria, it contains only one major chromosome segment encoding the components of the flagellum with the exception of the motor proteins. To test whether over-expressed flaB alone is enough to promote motility, flaAflaB was complemented with flaB. One of common approaches is that cells move away from detrimental environments and reach relatively favorable niches. Two different stator systems drive a single polar flagellum in, Nealson KH, Scott J. Ecophysiology of the genus, Thormann KM, Duttler S, Saville RM, Hyodo M, Shukla S, et al. Reduction of nitrate in Shewanella oneidensis depends on atypical NAP and NRF systems with NapB as a preferred electron transport protein from CymA to NapA. Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 nanowires are outer membrane and periplasmic extensions of the extracellular electron transport components . Funding: This research was supported by Major State Basic Research Development Program (973 Progam: 2010CB833803) and by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities to HG. Gao WM, Liu YQ, Giometti CS, Tollaksen SL, Khare T, et al. More intriguingly, transcription of both genesis considerable as is the amounts of FlaA and FlaB. Logan SM. A field guide to bacterial swarming motility. The most abundant flagellin modification is glycosylation by the O-glycan pathways [17], [62]. The ability of SirAN589C to restore sulfite reductase activity to the sirA mutant was tested by measuring H2S production with sulfite as the sole electron acceptor. A reactive band of 72kDa that corresponded to the predicted size of SirA was detected in the wild type and to a lesser extent in the sirH and sirG cell extracts (Fig. S. oneidensis 's ability to grow in such a vast range of . 3), indicating that the reduced motility may not be due to impaired filament formation. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Given the high degree of sequence identity between S. oneidensis FlaA and FlaB, the contrasting phenotypes of these two mutants are likely to bedue to differences in gene expression levels. The wild type. Results showed that the fliD mutant was completely non-motile on swarming or swimming plates and the plasmid borne fliD fully rescued the defect (Table 1, Fig. Genetic identification of a respiratory arsenate reductase. Received 2011 Mar 2; Accepted 2011 Jun 2. There was no nitrite reductase activity in the cell lysates of nrfA or ccmI. To date, maturation of the MccA family of c type cytochromes has been studied only in W. succinogenes. The 28 recognition sites were found in the promoter regions of flagellar genes including motY, flaB, flgM, and pomA, all of which were among the top 15 most confident. strain MR-4 were resistant to SPY and SMX concentrations as high as 60 mg/L. Loss of sirR completely abolished sulfite reduction. Furthermore, FlaA and FlaB are glycosylated by a pathwayinvolving a major glycosylating enzyme,PseB, in spite of the lack of the majority of theconsensus glycosylation sites. This may be especially true in the case of S. oneidensis, which has two sets of stator systems to drive flagellar rotation [26]. PubMed Third, the high decrease of methane production by addition of CH 3 F demonstrates that acetate dismutation played a major role in methane production (Fig. The resultant plasmids were transformed into E. coli XL1-Blue MRF Kan and screened on LB-chloramphenicol (for pBT transformants) or LB-Tetracycline (for pTRG transformants). Pick your prefered accent: Alex US English Fred US English Samantha US English Victoria US English Julia US English Daniel British Oliver British Emily British For c-type cytochromes with atypical heme-binding motifs, such as CXXCK found in the nitrite reductase of E. coli and other bacteria, specific heme lyases are required for heme attachment to these non-conventional sites. Elucidation of the CMP-pseudaminic acid pathway in, Schoenhofen IC, Vinogradov E, Whitfield DM, Brisson JR, Logan SM. We then constructed the 28 binding weight matrix using the experimentally verified 28 binding sequences from E. coli, S. typhimurium and V. cholerae to screen for the 28 binding sites in the S. oneidensis genome [13], [40], [43], [53]. The role of, Kuwajima G. Construction of a minimum-size functional flagellin of, Capdevila S, Martinez-Granero FM, Sanchez-Contreras M, Rivilla R, Martin M. Analysis of, Koerdt A, Paulick A, Mock M, Jost K, Thormann KM. and D.A.S. 4a). The ccmISo phenotypes were surprising for several reasons. CAS A conserved haem redox and trafficking pathway for cofactor attachment. Web. [13]. Structural analyses on the 495 a.a. filament protein of S. typhimurium revealthat the protein consists of seven domains: D0-D1-D2-D3-D2-D1-D0, of which D2-D3-D2are not required for formation offull-length flagella for motility [37], [45][47]. Bardy SL, Ng SYM, Jarrell KF. and quantitative gene expression analysis point to S. oneidensis MR-1 nanowires as extensions of the outer membrane and periplasm that include the multiheme cytochromes responsible for EET, rather than pilin . Shewanella is the sole genus included in the marine bacteria family Shewanellaceae.Some species within it were formerly classed as Alteromonas. Atmosphere. The lack of a dedicated cytochrome c synthetase system for maturation of the nitrite reductase in S. oneidensis, suggests that CcmFHI may form the heme lyase complex responsible for heme attachment to the CXXCK site. A seven-gene operon essential for formate-dependent nitrite reduction to ammonia by enteric bacteria. To test whether mechanisms at other levels account for the contrasting phenotypes of the flaA and flaB mutants, we raised antibodies against a peptide fragment shared by FlaA and FlaB and used them to detect flagellin subunits in the flaA, flaB, fliA strains and in their parental wild type strains. The question arose whether SO3234 (106 a.a.)is functionally equivalent to FliT. Characterization of Shewanella strains via single downregulation of different genes. Have a definition for Shewanella sediminis ? Guerry P, Szymanski CM. Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is a potent hydrogen producer in the deficiency of exogenous electron acceptors. Subscribe to learn and pronounce a new word each day! Beliaev, A. S. & Saffarini, D. A. Shewanella putrefaciens mtrB encodes an outer membrane protein required for Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reduction. Childers SE, Ciufo S, Lovley DR. Geobacter metallireducens accesses insoluble Fe(iii) oxide by chemotaxis. Bouhenni, R. A. et al. S4. 5). Moens S, Vanderleyden J. Science (New York, N.Y.) 240, 13191321, (1988). CIP 106686, ATCC 700550, VKPM B-9861, JCM 31522, BCRC 17276, LMG 19005, NCIMB 14063 [Ref. Transformed cells were plated on M9 non-selective and selective media that contained 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (3AT) supplemented with chloramphenicol and tetracycline. As expected, the mutant was non-motile, but the wild-type phenotype was restored when pHG101 carrying the gene was introduced into, confirming that FlgK is functional in S. oneidensis (Table 1) (Fig. (b) Sulfite reductase activity of the sirGccmI double mutant was partially restored, similar to that of the respected single mutant, when complemented with either sirG or ccmI. According to the genome sequence, two ORFs encoding proteins of 386 and 141 a.a. reside at the flgK locus. and D.A.S. Bacterial Strains and Culture Conditions. For example, CcmI may interact with CcmF and CcmH when nitrite and DMSO are used as electron acceptors. Hydrogenase- and outer membrane c-type cytochrome-facilitated reduction of technetium(VII) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. To test the role of PseB in flagellin modification, we created an SO3271 (pseB) in-frame deletion strain. For instance, S. oneidensis MR-1 increased methane production only by 5% after 6 days of incubation with CH 3 F, whereas the increase reached 22.5% without CH 3 F. Calculations shows that . Genes with an asterisk above were subjected to the physiological analyses in this study. A swimming assay showed that the plasmid borne flaB was only able to elevate motility to a level equal to that of the wild type. b Metabolites were analyzed by HPLC at 12 h. The genes repressed in MR-1 are indicated Full size image With pflB downregulation, the formate and lactate were reduced by 10% to 15% compared with wild type (Fig. Pallen MJ, Matzke NJ. The special interest in S. oneidensis MR-1 revolves . The structure of operons was derived from in silico analyses (, with slight adjustments in reference to the well-defined counterparts of V. cholerae 2c). Manage Settings Bacterial lateral flagella: an inducible flagella system. S. oneidensis strains were grown for 24hr with SO32 and then tested for sulfite reductase activity on native polyacrylamide gels using methyl viologen as the sole electron donor. Login Bacteria use a wide variety of cellular structures to facilitate motility, of which the flagellum is the most important and thus the best studied [1]. Coordinating assembly of a bacterial macromolecular machine. These results indicated that the sulfite reduction deficiency observed in the cytochrome c maturation mutants was due to decreased protein levels, most likely due to instability and degradation of the unmatured apoprotein. Complimentary assays were performed in which SirA served as both the bait (pBT) or the target (pTRG) protein. Register Hydrogen sulfide concentrations were determined using sodium sulfide as a standard. K.L.B., S.S. and D.A.S. Images were visualized with the UVP Imaging System. Regulation and Maturation of the Shewanella oneidensis Sulfite Reductase SirA. performed experiments. First, all c-type cytochromes involved in TMAO, DMSO, and fumarate reduction contain only typical CXXCH heme-binding motifs and a role for CcmI in the maturation of these proteins is unexpected. Journal: Nat Biotechnol 20:1118-23 (2002) . Additionally, the mutation reduced the amount of flagellin drastically(lane 3 in Fig. To determine the role of these two genes, we constructed S. oneidensis strains containing an in-frame deletion in flaA, flaB, or flaAflaB. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are properly credited. A lacZ reporter system for S. oneidensis has been developed [43]. Shewregdb: Database and visualization environment for experimental and predicted regulatory information in. Shewanella bacteria are a normal component of the surface flora of . All of these proteins contain the . 10l were spotted on M9, M9+3AT and M9+3AT agar supplemented with 12.5g streptomycin per mL and allowed to grow at 37C for up to 48hrs. In conclusion, flagellar assembly in S. oneidensis has novel features despite the conservation of homologous genes across taxa. Phonetic spelling of Shewanella oneidensis, Examples of Shewanella oneidensis in a sentence. Production of recombinant multiheme cytochromes c in Wolinella succinogenes. No activity was observed in extracts from sirA, sirEF, ccmI or ccmIsirG. If this holds, there are at most 7 residues suitable for glycosylation. For example, the flaB/flaB strain refers to the flaB mutant containing complementation vector pBBR-FLAB. Shewanella oneidensis: Underground vs above ground environment (WIPP, US) Inside DUL: ~ 10 -6 mGy/h. Complementation with SO3271 on pHG101restored motility comparable to the parental wild type (Fig. However, in the case of swarming, the motility increased much less significantly. PubMed Central Shewanella oneidensis MR-1: Sediments (marine water/freshwater) Aliivibrio fischeri MJ11: Animal symbiont: Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar . A new pathway for the secretion of virulence factors by bacteria: The flagellar export apparatus functions as a protein-secretion system. In recent years, S. oneidensis, the representative species of Shewanellae, has become a research model for respiration diversity, metabolic network, and biofilm formation [21]. Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! The DNA fragments upstream of sirA and sirR were amplified by PCR and Phusion polymerase (New England Biolabs), digested with HindIII and BamHI, then cloned into pMC1045. The additional two flagellar filament genes reside on a fragment of 5.4 kb betweenanalogs of S. oneidensisflaA and flaB. Growth of deletion strains in LB was measured by recording cell densities of cultures at 600 nm under aerobic conditions in triplicate with strain MR-1 as the control. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. Shewanella oneidensis forms biofilms in soil and sediment environments when there is an abundance of electron acceptors. The second plasmid, pHG102, was derived from pGH101 by placing the S. oneidensis arcA promoter in the front of the MCS. Additionally, results showed that fliA possessed the smallest number of flagellins proteins, all presumably FlaA. As one of the most genetically conserved organelles composed of a large number of components,flagella may perfectly serve that purpose [24]. Polar flagellum biogenesis in, Lambert C, Evans KJ, Till R, Hobley L, Capeness M, et al. In the case of polar flagella, genes are transcribed in a four tiered hierarchy [13]. STANDS4 LLC, 2022. Sulfite concentrations were determined using the fuchsin assay as described previously44 using sodium sulfite as the standard. A novel bacteriophage CUB19 specific to the bacterial species Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was isolated from hospital sewage and characterized as a new species belonging to a proposed new phage genus 'Cubvirus' (Caudoviricetes).Its genome contains a total of 48,301 bp and 79 predicted genes, among which some have been associated with packaging and lysis-associated proteins, structural . flgK encodes a hook-filament junction protein, which is essential for flagellar assembly and motility [11]. Towards environmental systems biology of, Heidelberg JF, Paulsen IT, Nelson KE, Gaidos EJ, Nelson WC, et al. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Collectively, compared to the other studied polarly flagellated bacteria S. oneidensis seems to assemble flagella with weaker major and stronger minor flagellins, thus representing a novel model. The sirR mutant was deficient in sulfite reduction but grew with all other electron acceptors tested. Shewanella knowledgebase: integration of the experimental data and computational predictions suggests a biological role for transcription of intergenic regions. and a Distinguished Dissertator award to K.L.B. WikiMatrix. Shewanellae Environmental microbiology 13, 108115, (2011). The blotting membrane was probed with anti-FlaB antibody, followed by a 110,000 dilution of goat anti-mouseimmunoglobulin G-alkaline phosphatase conjugate, and thealkaline phosphatase was detected using a chemiluminescence Western blotting kit (Roche Diagnostics) inaccordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Reduction of nitrate in, Gao H, Barua S, Liang Y, Wu L, Dong Y, et al. Evdokimov AG, Phan J, Tropea JE, Routzahn KM, Peters HK, et al. Travaglini-Allocatelli, C. Protein Machineries Involved in the Attachment of Heme to Cytochrome c: Protein Structures and Molecular Mechanisms. A ccmISo null mutant produced mature sulfite reductase more slowly than the wild type as indicated by reduction and enzyme assays. A., Zachara, J. M., Fredrickson, J. K. & Brown, C. F. Reduction kinetics of Fe(III), Co(III), U(VI), Cr(VI), and Tc(VII) in cultures of dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria. To elucidate organization of flagellar genes in S. oneidensis, flagellar gene systems from E. coli and V. cholerae were chosen as general references, representing the best understood and the closest in phylogeny. Whole-cell lysates were prepared from S. oneidensis cultures in mid-exponential growth phase and assayed as described in Experimental Procedures. Reduction of nitrite was performed anaerobically in a Coy anaerobic chamber. PloS one 8, e75610, (2013). Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Consequently, in S. oneidensis it is possible that FlaA or FlaB may not be essential for formation of full-length flagella despite the high degree of conservation in all of the domains of these two proteins. A definition of an LDR as < 0.1 Gy/day is equivalent to < 0.07 mGy/min, which is very close to the definition given in the UNSCEAR 1988 Report of < 0.05 mGy/min. Structure of the. For transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cells grown overnighton 1% tryptone agar plates were suspended in sterile distilledwater, spread onto carbon-Formvar copper grids, and then negativelystained with 1% phosphotungstic acid (pH 7.4). Molecular microbiology 12, 153163 (1994). Third, we present data that SO3234 may not be the chaperon for FliT, arguing that the polar flagella may not require chaperons for their assembly. The functionality is limited to basic scrolling. Reductase activity was indicated as a band of clearing in the gel. Our mutational analysis has validated that the annotated fliD indeed encodes the cap of the flagellar filament so we constructedan S. oneidensis strain devoid of SO3234. V. parahaemolyticus, Caulobacter crescentus, and Aeromonas hydrophilaare representatives of the group without dominant filament subunits [11], [71], [73]. [44]. Journal of molecular biology 284, 421433, (1998). . Shewanella oneidensis is a highly motile organism by virtue of a polar flagellum. Unlike most bacteria with multiple separating segments for flagellar genes, S. oneidensis allocates only one major region, making it an ideal organism for identification of unknown flagellar genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 88, 50015005 (1991). Our results indicated that SirAN589C was completely deficient in sulfite reduction (Fig. Each mutant containing its complementation vector is presented as the mutant/the gene. Journal of bacteriology 187, 50845089, (2005). The nrfI gene is essential for the attachment of the active site haem group of Wolinella succinogenes cytochrome c nitrite reductase. Saltikov CW, Newman DK. Furthermore, PseBwas identified to be essential forflagellinglycosylation although the entire glycosylation pathway remains elusive in S. oneidensis. Wild-type or mutant cells were grown overnight under aerobic conditions in triplicate. In our previous studies, broad host range vectors pBBR1MCS-2 and pBBR1MCS-5 were used for complementation by introduction of the intact gene and/or its promoter region into the multiple cloning site (MCS) of either plasmid [40][42]. Protein glycosylation in bacteria: sweeter than ever. Furthermore, SO3234 is unable to interact with FliD, eliminating the possibility of chaperoning FliD. In V. cholera, the major flagellin gene is 54dependent [11] while C. jejuni and C. coli employs 28 to direct expression of the predominant flagellin [49], [74]. The reporter plasmids were moved into S. oneidensisfliA or the MR-1 strain by conjugation. (b) sirH, sirEF and sirG were all able to grow on DMSO or TMAO similar to wildtype. As anticipated, ccmI was unable to reduce nitrite and reduction was restored by complementation. However, several lines of evidence suggest that FlaG is unlikely to be a flagellin subunit. Some of these bacteria are known to be pathogens of fishes and animals, while many are non-pathogens considered to play important roles in the global carbon cycle. This deficiency appears to be due to loss of protein as evidenced by the lack of a band that reacted with peptide antibodies generated against SirA (Fig. "shewanella oneidensis." To test this hypothesis, alignments of the S. oneidensis FlaA and FlaB amino acid sequences with S. typhimurium LT2 FliC were performed. Trends in microbiology 18, 266274, (2010). Article This bacterium has two predicted heme synthetases, CcmF and SirE and two apocytochromes c chaperones, CcmI and SirG. Upper panel. Structure of the bacterial flagellar protofilament and implications for a switch for supercoiling. 4 and indicating that both SirG and CcmI have a role in sulfite reducatase activity at this time point. Genes encoding proteins involved in flagellum synthesis are organized into an ordered cascade in which the expression of genes at a given level is required for the expression of other genes at a lower level of assembly [10]. Structural basis of Redox-coupled protein substrate selection by the cytochrome c biosynthesis protein ResA. To verify the sequence, an S. oneidensis culture with flagellated cells (confirmed by a microscope) was used as the chromosomal DNA source for gene amplification. Add Definition. Difficult. Sanders, C., Turkarslan, S., Lee, D. W. & Daldal, F. Cytochrome c biogenesis: the Ccm system. Journal of bacteriology 191, 42984306, (2009). Another unassigned gene in the first annotation is SO3240 (encoding an ortholog of FlgK), which was proposed to be non-functional due to two frameshifts in its predicted gene sequence. In contrast, all other sequenced Shewanella strains contain a full-length flgK, suggesting that there may be sequencing errors in the flgK gene of S. oneidensis. Molecular microbiology 75, 122137, (2010). To view a copy of this license, visit Given the synteny and the indispensible role of FlgK, it is unlikely that this crucial protein could be missing. The model species of this genus Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 was discovered in New York's largest freshwater lake because of its capacity to reduce manganese. The first plasmid, pHG101, was formed by replacing lacZ and its promoter region on pBBR1MCS with the amplified MCS of the same plasmid [83]. In contrast, a mutant that lacked sirH, which appears to form an operon with sirEF, was able to reduce sulfite at a rate similar to wild type after a lag period of 48hr (Fig. The atypical heme binding site of SirA is required for maturation and stability. Soutourina OA, Bertin PN. To determine if SirEFH were required for maturation of a functional sulfite reductase, a sirEF double mutant and a sirH single mutant were generated and tested for the ability to reduce sulfite. Although these two genesare under the control of different promoters, they are actively transcribed and subsequently translated, producing a considerable number of flagellin proteins. In this work, we coopt metabolic electron transfer from Shewanella oneidensis to control the activity of an exogenous metal . {{app.userTrophy[app.userTrophyNo].hints}}. You may notice problems with (c) Expression of sirR and sirA in the wild-type MR-1 and crp mutant. Applied and environmental microbiology 71, 74537460, (2005). Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Myers, C. R., Carstens, B. P., Antholine, W. E. & Myers, J. M. Chromium(VI) reductase activity is associated with the cytoplasmic membrane of anaerobically grown Shewanella putrefaciens MR-1. DOI: 10.1128/JB.187.10.3293-3301.2005 Abstract Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is a free-living gram-negative gamma-proteobacterium that is able to use a large number of oxidizing molecules, including fumarate, nitrate, dimethyl sulfoxide, trimethylamine N-oxide, nitrite, and insoluble iron and manganese oxides, to drive anaerobic respiration. In this 59-gene fragment, threemisidentified genes in the original annotation (SO3246, SO3214, and SO3201 between flgE and flgF, flhB and flhA, and cheW3 and SO3200, respectively) were removed when the genome was re-annotated, as presented at The secretion signal modulating efficiency is located in the amino-terminal sequence, more precisely the N-terminal D0 domain of flagellin [77]. Article Schoenhofen IC, Lunin VV, Julien JP, Li Y, Ajamian E, et al. Yang C, Rodionov DA, Li X, Laikova ON, Gelfand MS, et al. Cell extracts from the sirH and sirG mutants exhibited decreased sulfite reductase activity, which was restored to wild type levels by complementation of the mutation. 6a). In bacteria, System I (Ccm) or System II (Ccs) is required for holocytochrome c maturation and involves an apocytochrome c chaperone and a cytochrome c synthetase. SHES, SHET, SHETA, SHEVS, SHEW, SHEWT, SHEX, SHF, SHFA, SHFG. Similar atypical sequences have also been identified in the sulfite reductase of Wolinella succinogenes and in the MccA family of c-type cytochromes22,47. Article S. oneidensis MR-1 is widely utilized for bioenergy applications . galactosidase activity was determined using ONPG (9mg of ONPG in 10ml of 1mM MgCl2 and 0.1mM -mercaptoethanol) as described previously46. The color was allowed to develop for 20minutes and the absorbance was measured at 670nm. Surprisingly, the mutants appeared to produce full-length flagella (Fig. The total protein concentration of the cell lysateswas then determined by the bicinchoninic acid assay (PierceChemical). Unlike E. coli and V. cholerae, S. oneidensis allocates only one major location(SO3200-58) on the chromosome for flagellar genes and the third set of chemotaxis genes. SirEFG are similar to the E. coli proteins NrfEFG that constitute the heme lyase required for maturation of NrfA30,53. Cytochrome maturation and heme lyase components are required for optimal sulfite reduction. Surprisingly, the strain with plasmid-borne flgB showed a stronger capacity for swimming than its parental wild type, which is likely due to multiple copies of the gene in the complemented strain. Identification of 42 possible cytochrome C genes in the Shewanella oneidensis genome and characterization of six soluble cytochromes. In bacteria such as Rhodobacter capsulatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, CcmI, CcmH, and CcmF fulfill these roles, while in Escherichia coli CcmH appears to be a fusion protein that carries out the functions of both CcmI and CcmH23,25,50,51. Complementation restored SirA levels similar to that of the wildtype or corresponding single mutants, in the case of the sirGccmI mutant. For complementation of genes next to their promoter, a fragment containing the targeted gene and its native promoter was generated by PCR and cloned into pHG101. The double mutantflaAflaB, however, lost motility completely. In addition, flagella are indispensible in adhesion to substrates, biofilm formation, pathogenicity, and reduction of insoluble metal minerals [3][6]. Positions of the glycosylation sites of CjFlaA are in purple (S206, found in S. oneidensis) and in yellow (T481, missing in S. oneidenisis, only one is shown).

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shewanella oneidensis pronunciation