huguenot names in america

In 1562, naval officer Jean Ribault led an expedition that explored Florida and the present-day Southeastern US, and founded the outpost of Charlesfort on Parris Island, South Carolina. Huguenot Trails Is an Index of family names appearing in "Huguenot Trails", the official publication of the Huguenot Society of Canada, from 1968 to 2003. In this last connection, the name could suggest the derogatory inference of superstitious worship; popular fancy held that Huguon, the gate of King Hugo,[7] was haunted by the ghost of le roi Huguet (regarded by Roman Catholics as an infamous scoundrel) and other spirits. [35] The height of this persecution was the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in August, 1572, when 5,000 to 30,000 were killed, although there were also underlying political reasons for this as well, as some of the Huguenots were nobles trying to establish separate centres of power in southern France. They also settled elsewhere in Kent, particularly Sandwich, Faversham and Maidstonetowns in which there used to be refugee churches. Instead of being in Purgatory after death, according to Catholic doctrine, they came back to harm the living at night. Butin -- Pierre. [81] In colonial New York city they switched from French to English or Dutch by 1730.[82]. The fort was destroyed in 1560 by the Portuguese, who captured some of the Huguenots. They were regarded as groups supporting the French Republic, which Action Franaise sought to overthrow. After John Calvin introduced the Reformation in France, the number of French Protestants steadily swelled to ten percent of the population, or roughly 1.8million people, in the decade between 1560 and 1570. The Huguenot population of France dropped to 856,000 by the mid-1660s, of which a plurality lived in rural areas. Jon Butler. [citation needed] Some of these immigrants moved to Norwich, which had accommodated an earlier settlement of Walloon weavers. Tyrone Power (1914-1958), actor, descended from the Lavenu and Blossett families. Elie Prioleau from the town of Pons in France, was among the first to settle there. [8] The prtendus rforms ('supposedly 'reformed'') were said to gather at night at Tours, both for political purposes, and for prayer and singing psalms. "A Letter from Carolina, 1688: French Huguenots in the New World." It was still illegal, and, although the law was seldom enforced, it could be a threat or a nuisance to Protestants. [13], The Huguenot cross is the distinctive emblem of the Huguenots (croix huguenote). The government encouraged descendants of exiles to return, offering them French citizenship in a 15 December 1790 law: All persons born in a foreign country and descending in any degree of a French man or woman expatriated for religious reason are declared French nationals (naturels franais) and will benefit from rights attached to that quality if they come back to France, establish their domicile there and take the civic oath. Huguenot Family Lineage Searches. Louis XIV claimed that the French Huguenot population was reduced from about 900,000 or 800,000 adherents to just 1,000 or 1,500. Another 4,000 Huguenots settled in the German territories of Baden, Franconia (Principality of Bayreuth, Principality of Ansbach), Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel, Duchy of Wrttemberg, in the Wetterau Association of Imperial Counts, in the Palatinate and Palatine Zweibrcken, in the Rhine-Main-Area (Frankfurt), in modern-day Saarland; and 1,500 found refuge in Hamburg, Bremen and Lower Saxony. A number of French Huguenots settled in Wales, in the upper Rhymney valley of the current Caerphilly County Borough. Huguenots in Nouvelle France Qubec (New France Quebec) 1604-1763, Michel Barbeau Author, researcher, compilerand consists of, Huguenots from France (319 pioneers), Calvinists from Switzerland (21 pioneers), Huguenots in Nouvelle France Qubec(New France Quebec)1600-1765, Listing of family names obtained from the writings of many authors andVarious Online Sources, Click on the links below to open in new windows. This revocation caused France to lose half a million of its best citizens. [9] Reguier de la Plancha (d. 1560) in his De l'Estat de France offered the following account as to the origin of the name, as cited by The Cape Monthly: Reguier de la Plancha accounts for it [the name] as follows: "The name huguenand was given to those of the religion during the affair of Amboyse, and they were to retain it ever since. A peace treaty was arranged in 1658, and the Dutch returned", "444 Years: The Massacre of the Huguenot Christians in America", "Huguenots of Spitalfields heritage tours & events in Spitalfields Huguenot Public Art Trust", "Eglise Protestante Franaise de Londres", "The Huguenot Chapel (Black Prince's Chantry)", "The Strangers who enriched Norwich and Norfolk life", "The strangers and the canaries - Football Welcomes 2018", "Paths to Pluralism: South Africa's Early History", Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland, Mitterrand's Apology to the Huguenots (in French). In the Dutch-speaking North of France, Bible students who gathered in each other's houses to study secretly were called Huis Genooten ("housemates") while on the Swiss and German borders they were termed Eid Genossen, or "oath fellows", that is, persons bound to each other by an oath. We would all benefit (appeal for indexers), Michael Gandy 36 Issue 10 Introduction, Michael Gandy 2 Books on Huguenot History available on CD-ROM, Tony Fuller 2 Chamier from Dauphin and Deschamps from Bergerac, Anthony Chamier 4 Plewis, Miss E.M. Plewis 8 The First English Bulteels, Vivien Allen 9 Notes on the Chartres Family, T.G. O. I. The ties between Huguenots and the Dutch Republic's military and political leadership, the House of Orange-Nassau, which existed since the early days of the Dutch Revolt, helped support the many early settlements of Huguenots in the Dutch Republic's colonies. But many took the risk . At the time, they constituted the majority of the townspeople.[114]. The names of Huguenot leaders at that time included the royal houses of Navarre, Valois,and Cond; Admiral Coligny, and hundreds of otherofficers inthe military. The Huguenots responded by establishing independent political and military structures, establishing diplomatic contacts with foreign powers, and openly revolting against central power. Menndez' forces routed the French and executed most of the Protestant captives. River Phoenix (1970-1993), American actor, brother of Joaquin Phoenix. The official policy of the Dutch East India governors was to integrate the Huguenot and the Dutch communities. The Huguenots were French Protestants. Huguenot exiles in the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa, Australia, and a number of other countries still retain their identity.[20][21]. They settled in port cities, Charleston, New York, and Boston, or founded rural communities (New Paltz and New Rochelle, New York, Orange Quarter and French Santee, South Carolina, and Manakintown, Virginia). [91][92] The immigrants included many skilled craftsmen and entrepreneurs who facilitated the economic modernisation of their new home, in an era when economic innovations were transferred by people rather than through printed works. The French added to the existing immigrant population, then comprising about a third of the population of the city. The label Huguenot was purportedly first applied in France to those conspirators (all of them aristocratic members of the Reformed Church) who were involved in the Amboise plot of 1560: a foiled attempt to wrest power in France from the influential and zealously Catholic House of Guise. [59], By the 1760s Protestantism was no longer a favourite religion of the elite. 24 July, A.D. 1550. [125] At the same time, the government released a special postage stamp in their honour reading "France is the home of the Huguenots" (Accueil des Huguenots). Some Huguenots fought in the Low Countries alongside the Dutch against Spain during the first years of the Dutch Revolt (15681609). The Huguenot cemetery, or the "Huguenot Burial Ground", has since been recognised as a historic cemetery that is the final resting place for a wide range of the Huguenot founders, early settlers and prominent citizens dating back more than three centuries. Many of their descendants rose to positions of prominence. Description. The National Huguenot Society perpetuates the memory, the spirit, and the deeds of the men and women in France known as Huguenots who were persecuted in the 16th and 17th centuries because of their adherence to the basic tenets of the Protestant faith and who emigrated to the United States. This group of Huguenots from southern France had frequent issues with the strict Calvinist tenets that are outlined in many of John Calvin's letters to the synods of the Languedoc. Huguenot surname of unknown origin. [98] Andrew Lortie (born Andr Lortie), a leading Huguenot theologian and writer who led the exiled community in London, became known for articulating their criticism of the Pope and the doctrine of transubstantiation during Mass. The term may have been a combined reference to the Swiss politician Besanon Hugues (died 1532) and the religiously conflicted nature of Swiss republicanism in his time. Original source: Demarest, David D.,. Family Names on Other Sites. The flight of Huguenot refugees from Tours, France drew off most of the workers of its great silk mills which they had built. "[10], Some have suggested the name was derived, with similar intended scorn, from les guenon de Hus (the 'monkeys' or 'apes of Jan Hus'). The names displayed are those for which The National Huguenot Society has received and has on file in its archives documented evidence proving, according to normally accepted genealogical standards, that the individual listed was indeed a French Huguenot during the period of 1520-1787. Priscilla Mullins, famed in song and story, beloved of Standish and the bride of John Alden, was a Huguenot, her father's name being William Molines. The latter surnames in old French are also recognised Huguenot names. On that day, soldiers and organized mobs fell upon the Huguenots, and thousands of them were slaughtered. They did not promote French-language schools or publications and "lost" their historic identity. "Huguenot Immigrants and the Formation of National Identities, 15481787". The crown, occupied by the House of Valois, generally supported the Catholic side, but on occasion switched over to the Protestant cause when politically expedient. Civil wars followed. Since then, it sharply decreased as the Huguenots were no longer tolerated by both the French royalty and the Catholic masses. Virginia was land-rich and people-poor, and Protestant refugees were prime targets for expanding the local population. Many of these settlers were given land in an area that was later called Franschhoek (Dutch for 'French Corner'), in the present-day Western Cape province of South Africa. He called this tip of the peninsula which jutted out into Newark Bay, "Bird's Point". Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "[64], In the 1920s and 1930s, members of the extreme-right Action Franaise movement expressed strong animus against Huguenots and other Protestants in general, as well as against Jews and Freemasons. Some disagree with such double or triple non-French linguistic origins. However, enforcement of the Edict grew increasingly irregular over time, making life so intolerable that many fled the country. Gaspard de Coligny was among the first to fall at the hands of a servant of the Duke de Guise and was chopped to pieces. Ayrault, Nicholas. As both spoke French in daily life, their court church in the Prinsenhof in Delft held services in French. New: click here to download an on-line application for the Virginia Huguenot Society to print and fill out. They hid them in secret places or helped them get out of Vichy France. The earliest editions are presented in partnership w ith College of Charleston Libraries and the Lowcountry Digital Library. Now, we have got a complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! In 1628 the Huguenots established a congregation as L'glise franaise la Nouvelle-Amsterdam (the French church in New Amsterdam). Calvinists lived primarily in the Midi; about 200,000 Lutherans accompanied by some Calvinists lived in the newly acquired Alsace, where the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia effectively protected them. That decree will only produce its effects for the future. [27] The Waldensians created fortified areas, as in Cabrires, perhaps attacking an abbey. South Carolina French Huguenot Immigration - 1690 To 1700. The Cross of Languedoc Part 1. The Huguenots furnished two new regiments of his army: the Altpreuische Infantry Regiments No. In the south, towns like Castres, Montauban, Montpellier and Nimes were Huguenot strongholds. [78] Howard Hughes, famed investor, pilot, film director, and philanthropist, was also of Huguenot descent and descendant from Rev. It is an exhaustive account of the origins of the Huguenots . Relyea - Genealogy of the Huguenot Reille aka Relyea aka Relje Family. Some members of this community emigrated to the United States in the 1890s. The French Confession of 1559 shows a decidedly Calvinistic influence. Smaller settlements, which included Killeshandra in County Cavan, contributed to the expansion of flax cultivation and the growth of the Irish linen industry. O. I. . The French Protestant Church of London was established by Royal Charter in 1550. Persecution of Protestants officially ended with the Edict of Versailles, signed by Louis XVI in 1787. After the British Conquest of New France, British authorities in Lower Canada tried to encourage Huguenot immigration in an attempt to promote a Francophone Protestant Church in the region, hoping that French-speaking Protestants would be more loyal clergy than those of Roman Catholicism. In the early 18th century, a regional group known as the Camisards (who were Huguenots of the mountainous Massif Central region) rioted against the Catholic Church, burning churches and killing the clergy. William formed the League of Augsburg as a coalition to oppose Louis and the French state. Joyce D. Goodfriend, "The social dimensions of congregational life in colonial New York city". Louise de Coligny, daughter of the murdered Huguenot leader Gaspard de Coligny, married William the Silent, leader of the Dutch (Calvinist) revolt against Spanish (Catholic) rule. Marguerite d'Angoulme, whom scholars have called "the first modern woman," was an early supporter of reform in the Catholic Church. Even before the Edict of Als (1629), Protestant rule was dead and the ville de sret was no more. It sought an alliance between the city-state of Geneva and the Swiss Confederation. There were also some Calvinists in the Alsace region, which then belonged to the Holy Roman Empire. Today, there are some Reformed communities around the world that still retain their Huguenot identity. The persecution and the flight of the Huguenots greatly damaged the reputation of Louis XIV abroad, particularly in England. du Pont, a former student of Lavoisier, established the Eleutherian gunpowder mills. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot. [79], The Huguenots originally spoke French on their arrival in the American colonies, but after two or three generations, they had switched to English. The names displayed are those for which The National Huguenot Society has received and has on file in its archives documented evidence proving, according to normally accepted genealogical standards, that the individual listed was indeed a . machinist. But the light of the Gospel has made them vanish, and teaches us that these spirits were street-strollers and ruffians. Bethnal Green. Winston Churchill was the most prominent Briton of Huguenot descent, deriving from the Huguenots who went to the colonies; his American grandfather was Leonard Jerome. In that age religion overcame race and language. A lengthy review of all genealogical information on file was completed in September 2011. Agee Names. The superstition of our ancestors, to within twenty or thirty years thereabouts, was such that in almost all the towns in the kingdom they had a notion that certain spirits underwent their Purgatory in this world after death, and that they went about the town at night, striking and outraging many people whom they found in the streets. Frenchtown in New Jersey bears the mark of early settlers.[22]. Last Update: October 15, 2022. Persecuted by the French Catholic government during a violent period, Huguenots fled the country in the 17th century, creating Huguenot . McClain, Molly. Publication Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors, DAR/SAR Huguenot Ancestors with DAR numbers, Online Dues Payments for Members-at-Large, About The Huguenot Ancestral Name Listings, Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of The National Huguenot Society. [86] There was a small naval Anglo-French War (16271629), in which the English supported the French Huguenots against King Louis XIII. It was not until November 28, 1787, after the United States of America had gained its independence from England, that the Marquis de Lafayette, who was impressed by the fact that so many of the American leaders were of Huguenot descent, persuaded Louis XVI and the French Council to adopt an Edict of Toleration guaranteeing religiousfreedom to all in France. Examples include: Blignaut, Cilliers, Cronje (Cronier), de Klerk (Le Clercq), de Villiers, du Plessis, Du Preez (Des Pres), du Randt (Durand), du Toit, Duvenhage (Du Vinage), Franck, Fouch, Fourie (Fleurit), Gervais, Giliomee (Guilliaume), Gous/Gouws (Gauch), Hugo, Jordaan (Jourdan), Joubert, Kriek, Labuschagne (la Buscagne), le Roux, Lombard, Malan, Malherbe, Marais, Maree, Minnaar (Mesnard), Nel (Nell), Naud, Nortj (Nortier), Pienaar (Pinard), Retief (Retif), Roux, Rossouw (Rousseau), Taljaard (Taillard), TerBlanche, Theron, Viljoen (Vilion) and Visagie (Visage). 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huguenot names in america