camelina seeding rate

[20] reported that under conditions of high productivity, camelina maximum seed yield is achieved at N rate of 185 to 300kgha1N. These findings were supported by Malhi et al. Both HPX-WG1-35 and HPX-WG4-1 flowered earlier than the other two cultivars and had greater seed protein content. Previous research seem to agree however, that seed oil content decreases as N application rate increases [18, 20, 22]. However, camelina yields were much lower in a dry year in the lower yielding environment suggesting the crop is unlikely to be economically viable in such environments. Seed oil concentration decreased at a rate of 0.40 to 0.60gkg1 for 1kgha1 increase in N fertilizer rate at Brookings and at a higher rate of 0.50 to 0.80gkg1 for 1kgha1 increase in N fertilizer rate at Pierre (Figure 2). For both experiments, weeds were managed with pre-plant application at all locations of Prowl H20 (Pendimethalin, BASF, Research Triangle, NC) herbicide. Both HPX-WG1-35 and HPX-WG4-1 flowered earlier than the other two cultivars and had greater seed protein content. takes less fertilizer than many other crops. Prolonged vegetative growth in the NGP would delay flowering and seed setting, the two most important growth stages determining yield potential, to later in the season (late-JuneJuly) when high temperature and drought stress often occur. The experimental design was a randomized complete block (RCBD) design with treatments replicated four times. chickens, feedlot beef cattle and swine, and is working to secure Camelina also has a very short maturity, ranging from 85 to 100 days (3270 GDD). The previous crop at the Brookings location was winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in all three years. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. The seeding rates used were 12, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 seeds m-2. Treatments included five different N fertilizer rates: 0, 28, 56, 84, and 140kgNha1, and one camelina variety (S-40). Small yield increases were seen with seeding rates greater than 100 seeds m-2. Seed should be planted 1/4 inch deep, or less, into firm soil. However, plants in thin stands are more exposed the elements of wind thus causing more pod shatter. By Toshio Sugimoto, Naoki Yamamoto and Takehiro Masum By Mawhoub Amirouche, Dalila Smadhi and Lakhdar Zella, IntechOpen Limited High N rates had a negative impact on seed oil concentration. A more recent study at the University of Minnesota puts yields at 600 to 1,700 kg/ha range at Rosemount, Minnesota (45 N latitude), averaging about 1,100 to 1,200 kg/ha over many years of trials. perhaps even again before the camelina emerges to ensure the crop gets Averaged across locations and sowing dates, Joelle camelina under the HD seeding rate yielded 24 % more seed than the LD rate (1212 versus 977 kg ha 1, for HD and LD, respectively, P 0.05). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. publisher = "Crop Science Society of America", Winter camelina: Crop growth, seed yield, and quality response to cultivar and seeding rate, West Central Research and Outreach Center, Nitrogen fertilizer in the form of urea (46% N), was broadcast manually on each plot soon after planting using an automatic hand-held spreader to ensure even application. Increasing seeding rate increased plant stands but had inconsistent impacts on seed yield depending on location and year. Alfalfa seed settings are a good starting point but always be sure to check combine losses. Seedbed and seeding method A firm, moist seedbed is ideal for seeding camelina. Seed oil concentration and oil yield were not influenced by seeding rate. note = "Funding Information: The authors would like to thank Joe Boots, Charles Hennen, and Scott Larson for their expert field assistance in maintaining experimental plots and collecting and processing plant samples. companies to give growers more herbicide options. Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA All rights reserved.". UR -, UR -, Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine 2022 Elsevier B.V, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. Camelina, Suneson. Wysocki et al., [19] reported that camelina seed yield in the Pacific Northwest was maximized between 44 and 88kgha1 depending on location. Camelina (Camelina sativa L. Crantz,) commonly known as camelina or false flax, is an annual herbaceous oilseed crop commonly grown in the temperate region of Europe and North America [1]. We observed higher yield compensation ability of camelina at a higher yielding environment at Brookings compared to a harsher lower yielding environment at Pierre. This study was laid out as a split plot design with irrigation rate as the main plot and seeding date as the subplot. These cookies do not store any personal information. More recently, camelina is being recognized for its value as an oilseed crop. [18] reported that application of 60kgha1N produced maximum seed yield and oil yield while Wysocki et al. Cold pressing (40C) is required, because high temperatures will damage the antioxidants. The erucic acid (C 22:1) content of camelina oil is variable depending on the genotypes and can range 2.11 to 4.30% [10] higher than the maximum allowed in food grade rapeseed oil (2%) [11]. The increase in seed yield with increasing N rate was linear in a high yielding environment and quadratic in a low yielding environment. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of four winter camelina cultivars (Joelle, Bison, HPX-WG1-35, and HPX-WG4-1) grown at three seeding rates (334, 668, and 1000 seed m2) on winter survival and growth, seed yield, seed oil and protein content, and fatty acid composition in west-central Minnesota. off to a good start. UNITED KINGDOM, Thandiwe Nleya, Dwarika Bhattarai and Phillip Alberti, Physiological, Agricultural and Ecological Aspects, Nitrogen in Agriculture - Physiological, Agricultural and Ecological Aspects. [21] who reported that camelina responded to high N rates (170kgha1) similar to Brassica juncea and Jiang and Caldwell [22] who concluded that camelina responded positively to increased N rates up to 200kgha1 but that seed yield response to applied N depended on genotype. Also, the HD seeding rate promoted a greater accumulation of aboveground biomass and seed yield (Fig. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Joelle had the greatest winter survival rate, averaging 64% across three growing seasons. It's proof that good things really do come in small packages. Plant density increased with seeding rate, but did not significantly affect seed yield. Camelina can be low input - it can survive on little water, and it This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA All rights reserved. Urbaniak et al. All plot areas were seeded to a depth of 0.25 inch on April 28 with a small commercial John Deere grain drill, (6-inch row spacing), at the rate of 8.0 lb/ac of raw seed. 20-21 Lbs of Seed will produce ~ 1 gallon of oil. Oops! Camelina exhibited a plastic yield response to seeding rate. Camelina is naturally resistant to flea beetles. Monthly total rainfall throughout the crop growing period for camelina grown at Brookings and Pierre, SD in 2015, 2016 and 2017 (numbers in parentheses indicate deviations from 1981 to 2010 average). Seeding at 334 seeds m 2 was sufficient to achieve maximum seed and oil yield. The plants grow 1236 inches tall. per acre depending on soil type and geographical planting area. Seed oil concentration was significantly influenced by N rate at both locations and in both years (Tables 4 and 5). Books > Seed Ranch. While the current results agree with the above observation, our results further suggest this ability to compensate for lower plant densities is likely influenced by environmental conditions. The N rate effects on plant height were significant at both locations in 2016 but were not significant in 2015 at both locations (Tables 4 and 5). This suggests that camelina has a potential for incorporation into both low-input as well as high-input cropping systems of the NGP. T2 - Crop growth, seed yield, and quality response to cultivar and seeding rate. Seeding. The control treatment yielded significantly lower (416kgha1) than all other N rates. Camelina oil has a high smoke point (246C) and therefore can withstand high-heating cooking methods like frying. In particular, the Pierre location experienced higher temperatures and lower precipitation for a longer duration during this critical growth stage resulting in lower yields at this location. S6). And since camelina can be harvested early, it 20-21 Lbs of Seed will produce ~ 1 gallon of oil. Four weeks after seeding, plant stands were assessed by counting the number of plants in a 4ft2 and converted to plants m2. Poor stand establishment under no-till or a dry seedbed can reduce plant densities limiting the plasticity of camelina plants. In 2016, both Brookings and Pierre had lower than average rainfall in June and July, coinciding with bolting, flowering, and seed filling periods, a critical time for seed development and quality. Maximum yield was reached at 450-500 seeds m-2. These results show that although considered a low-input crop, camelina can respond positively to high N rates in high yielding environments as indicated by a linear response to N rate observed at a high yielding environment in Brookings. The photo is of our recent germ test of this seed. Plant population density increased with seeding rate at Brookings in 2016 and 2017 and at Pierre in 2016. The remaining meal is a protein-rich feed source for [17] reported that a rate of 34kgha1N was sufficient to achieve economically viable camelina seed and oil yields. The plant performs well under drought stress conditions and may be better suited to low rainfall regions than most other oilseed crops. This is similar to previous reports [23, 24]. Joelle seed had the greatest oil content, averaging 407 g kg1, and had significantly greater oleic (C18:1) and lower linoleic acid (C18:2) contents than the other cultivars. document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Publishing on IntechOpen allows authors to earn citations and find new collaborators, meaning more people see your work not only from your own field of study, but from other related fields too. This means further evaluations under different environmental conditions are warranted. Overall, the 2015 growing season had rainfall and temperature conditions closer to the 30-year average at both locations. Prepare a weed-free seedbed in spring. year in a better position. Google automatically collects certain information in their server logs which includes device event information such as browser language, date and time of your request and referral URL in accordance with their data privacy policy: Pod shatter at Brookings in 2016 was slightly higher than in 2017 due to prolonged periods of late-season rains that delayed dry-down and harvest time resulting in increased prevalence of pod shatter. farmers. Gesch, RW, Matthees, HL, Alvarez, AL & Gardner, RD 2018, '. Data collected from each year were analyzed using PROC MIXED in SAS (Version 9.4, SAS Institute, Cary, NC) to determine the impact of N fertilizer and seeding rate on agronomic traits, seed and oil yield. Russ W. Gesch, Heather L. Matthees, Adriana L. Alvarez, Robert D. Gardner, Research output: Contribution to journal Article peer-review. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of four winter camelina cultivars ('Joelle', 'Bison', 'HPX-WG1-35', and 'HPX-WG4-1') grown at three seeding rates (334, 668, and 1000 seed m 2) on winter survival and growth, seed yield, seed oil and protein content, and fatty acid composition in west-central Minnesota. Modeling of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Lettuce Cul Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University, USA, University of Illinois Extension, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, USA. We use Google Analytics to track social shares made at our website. However, few studies have compared winter cultivars for variation in key agronomic traits, or have addressed optimizing seeding rate for their production. For canola, the seeding rate was 2.91 kg ha 1 of PLS. The seeding rates used were 12, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 seeds m-2. Poast, a post These results agree with previous research on camelina where plant height increased with increasing N rate was inconsistent among environments [20]. Due to the small seed size care needs to be taken setting the combine to prevent losses. workload. [25] reported a decrease in pods per plant with increasing seeding rate. In their study and in the current study, higher rates of N increased plant lodging. The recommended seeding rate is 5 6 pounds per acre, which will be provided with no upfront seed costs. Even with the The objective of this study was to compare the effects of four winter camelina cultivars ('Joelle', 'Bison', 'HPX-WG1-35', and 'HPX-WG4-1') grown at three seeding rates (334, 668, and 1000 seed m 2) on winter survival and growth, seed yield, seed oil and protein content, and fatty acid composition in west-central Minnesota. Seeding rate and camelina variety effects on plant height, pods per plant, seeds per pod, seed yield, oil concentration, oil yield and pod shatter in camelina grown at two locations in SD in 2016. allows an even earlier start to the growing season. Care should also be taken for Group 2 herbicide residues in the soil as Camelina can show injury from these chemistries. abstract = "Winter annual camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] is a freeze-hardy, early-maturing crop that allows potential for dual cropping in short-season temperate environments. Maximum yield was reached at 450-500 seeds m-2. While Camelina is resistant to most diseases, it is susceptible to Downy Mildew and Sclerotinia. McVay and Khan [24] reported that a stand count reduction of 90% at the rosette stage only reduced seed yield by 19% supporting the above assertion that seed yield response to seeding rate is weak. 2021 The Author(s). Seeding at 334 seeds m2 was sufficient to achieve maximum seed and oil yield. Camelina competes well against weeds once a crop is has many names: gold-of-pleasure, false flax, wild flax, German sesame. Joelle seed had the greatest oil content, averaging 407 g kg1, and had significantly greater oleic (C18:1) and lower linoleic acid (C18:2) contents than the other cultivars. The number of days to maturity was recorded only in 2015 and was significantly influenced by nitrogen rate at both locations (Table 4). This suggests that higher seeding rates may be necessary to help compensate for reduced stand establishment in drier environments under no-till. In a study conducted in Canada optimum seeding rates ranged 400 to 600 seeds m2 [25], which is similar with the recommendation suggested by Berti, et al., [8]. In 2016, the study was harvested on 9 August at Brookings and 6 August at Pierre. KMP has entered into long-term agreements with Green Earth Fuels, LLC to build up to 1.3 million barrels of tankage that will handle approximately 8 million barrels of biodiesel production at KMP's terminals on the Houston Ship Channel, the Port of New Orleans and in New York Harbor. It is a short-seasoned, fast-growing crop that can help spread your workload. Camelina was planted on an average of five dates at each site (n=55) from early October to mid April at a rate of 5 lbs/acre by either drilling seed at a shallow depth or broadcasting seed on the soil surface. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The climate data shows that the Pierre location was drier (especially during June and July) and hotter than the Brookings location. No seedling damage has been seen at temperatures as low as 12 F in Montana. At physiological maturity, average plant height was determined by measuring height of five random plants within each plot from soil line to the top of the plant. Seed should be drilled very shallow, as shallow as possible, with a grain drill. . At Brookings in 2015, N rates of 28 to 140kgha1 yielded the same and significantly greater than the control. At the Pierre location, the previous crops were teff [Eragrotis tef (Zucc. Camelina production should be targeted to fields with low weed pressure, since there are no herbicide options for camelina. Camelina Seed - Camelina is used to produce bio-diesel, cooking oil and jet fuel. NEB C-1 camelina, Russo et al. Variation in some key traits was identified among cultivars that may benefit breeding programs by improving winter camelina productivity and increasing its use in dual-cropping systems. Twelve camelina genotypes will be evaluated at 3 seeding densities. into a new crop rotation option and consistent income source for Seeding Rate: 500-2500 lbs/acre. The optimum N rate was 50kgha1 producing about 760kgha1 seed yield suggesting camelina has a low N requirement. Camelina is a short-season crop (85100 days) that is well adapted to production in the temperate climatic zone. Within each column and location, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05. Camelina has been grown for 3000+ years in Europe for food, and more recently has attracted interest as a biofuel feedstock because of its high oil content and low carbon footprint. Episode 1 Meet Yield10 &; their Growing Camelina under Contract opportunity, Camelina oil for use as a low-carbon biofuels feedstock, PHAs produced in Camelina seed for use as a biodegradable bioplastic. Home > It should do very well on coarser textured or shallow, droughty soils. The specific objectives were to determine the effects of N fertilization rate and seeding rate on growth, seed yield and seed oil content of camelina. Plant height was only significantly influenced by seeding rate at Pierre in 2016 likely due to lodging at the highest seeding rate of 17.5kgha1. Camelina sativa is an oilseed plant in the Brassicaceae family related to canola or mustard seed. Project Methods 1) Camelina seeding rate and genotype effects on yield and yield components: Field trials will be conducted in 2009 and 2010 at Northwestern Agricultural Research Center (NWARC) near Kalispell, MT, and at a farm near Amsterdam, MT. camelina varieties. options, it is not as dependent on rain later in the summer when Mother The LINES option of LSMEANS statement was used to compare the differences among treatments at 95% confidence level. The two camelina varieties used in the study performed the same for most measured traits except for number of pods per plant and seed oil concentration at Pierre in 2016 and seed yield at Brookings in 2017. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Soil analysis details for each location in each year are shown on Table 1. Camelina plants are heavily branched, growing from one to three feet tall producing seed pods containing many small, oily seeds. The camelina cultivar 'Calena' was used at all locations and sowing rate was 6 kg/ha, with a typical seed weight of 1.2 g/1000 seed or about 5 million seeds/ha. For best, consistent stands, drilling as early as possible in the spring will give better results. Camelina has high oil and protein content. At the Brookings location, the lower three seeding rates (4.5, 9 and 13kgha1) yielded the same and significantly greater than the highest seeding rate of 17.5kgha1. deal seeding rates for camelina are 3-5 pounds of pure, live seed per acre. Other researchers have also shown similar results indicating different response of camelina to N rate depending on genotypes and environmental conditions. In 2016, on the other hand, the highest N rate of 140kgha1 yielded greater than all other N rates and the control at the Brookings location. [21] reported that maximum seed yield of camelina was achieved at an N rate of 170 kgha1 supporting the notion that camelina has a high demand for N. However, studies conducted in the US suggest that camelina has a lower N requirement. By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. Joelle had the greatest winter survival rate, averaging 64% across three growing seasons. The variation in stand counts between locations and years suggest emergence rates likely depend on environmental conditions and seed bed preparation which were inconsistent among environments. All plots were treated with a pre-planted incorporated herbicide and half of all camelina, and canola plots were treated with post-emergence herbicide. *Address all correspondence to: In one four-year study, crops were sown with standard farm machinery on large plots in late fall on stubble, without seedbed preparation or herbicides, or conventionally in the spring. 20-21 Lbs of Seed will produce ~ 1 gallon of oil. and harvested in late July most years. High content of erucic acid in edible oils is of concern as excessive consumption of erucic acid has often been linked to heart diseases. Seeding rate and camelina variety effects on plant height, seed yield, and pod shatter in camelina grown at Brookings, SD in 2017. The objective of this (2008-2009) study was to determine optimum seeding dates to maximize camelina seed yield in South Central Chile. Seed oil content is reported to range from 26.7% to 46.0% [9, 10]. Camelina meal can be used as animal feed including cattle, swine and poultry [12, 13, 14] and has been reported as a potential aquaculture feed [15]. Cultivar Alba (commercial variety provided by Camelina Company Espaa) was sown in the first half of December 2019 with a seeding rate of 8 kg ha 1. The result revealed that application of nitrogen has significantly increased the seed yield camelina compared with the control. )Trotter] in 2015 and corn (Zea mays L.) in 2016 and 2017. Once the crop had emerged, weeds were managed by manually removing weeds from within each plot, as necessary. To validate the substantial contribution of the photosynthetic pod wall to seed metabolism, camelina leaves or pods present at the beginning of seed development were shaded (fig. The authors declared no conflict of interest. author = "Gesch, {Russ W.} and Matthees, {Heather L.} and Alvarez, {Adriana L.} and Gardner, {Robert D.}". camelina. Camelina can be planted using a drill or broadcast on the field, no special equipment required. However, overheating the oil can reduce beneficial compounds such as antioxidants and can impact the overall taste of the oil so it is not recommended that camelina oil be heated for prolonged periods of time. Winter camelina : Crop growth, seed yield, and quality response to cultivar and seeding rate. Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen perspective, Want to get in touch? Seed must be planted shallow ( inch) with good seed-to-soil contact. scene. proof that good things really do come in small packages. The recommended sowing rate ranges from 3 to 7. Number of days to maturity were recorded when 50% of pods on the main stem of plants within a plot had turned yellow. Emergence rate per day (ERPD) at 50% emergence for differ-ent cultivars, seeding depths, and incubation temperatures of camelina. However, we also observed the yield compensation capacity is influenced by environmental conditions. Camelina stands in Fall 2018 varied in terms of average stands and the evenness of the stands. For the Brookings location, individual plot size was 1.62 x 9.14 meters (14.86m2) and 1.62 x 8.23 meters (13.37m2) at Pierre. In some geographies, farmers have seen . Sustainable Oils has led an industry coalition The seeding rate study showed that camelina had a weak response to seeding rates supporting the theory that the crop has a great capacity to compensate for yield at low plant densities. Sprinkle the seed on the surface of the bed and press in. The influence of N rate on plant height and therefore lodging should be taken into consideration in environments with potential lodging problems such as areas with high wind speeds and high rainfall. Care should also be taken for Group 2 herbicide residues in the soil as Camelina can show injury from these chemistries. Germination occurs after soil temperatures reach 38 o F. Late spring plantings have shown decreased yields (McVay and Lamb 2008, Ehrensing and Guy 2008). 1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Camelina Seed Oil 1.2 Camelina Seed Oil Segment by Type 1.2.1 Global Camelina Seed Oil Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Type 2022 VS 2028 1.3 Camelina Seed Oil . In 2016 average plant stand counts was greater in Brookings (582 plants m2) than in Pierre (295 plants m2). These results confirm findings from previous studies suggesting that increased N fertilization rates can result in delayed crop maturity, due to prolonged periods of vegetative growth [28, 29]. We thank Lee Gilbertson, Reshma Thapa and Christopher Owusu for technical support. Overall, Bison yielded the greatest (944 kg ha1) followed by Joelle (865 kg ha1), whereas HPX-WG1-35 (650 kg ha1) yielded the least. Seed yield was significantly influenced by nitrogen rate at Brookings in 2015 and at both locations in 2016 (Tables 4 and 5). Summary: Camelina was introduced into Chile in 2008 as a biofuel feedstock and as an omega-3 supplement for the salmon feed industry. This study investigated the response of camelina seed yield and quality, and agronomic traits to applied N (5 levels, 0, 28, 56, 84, 140 kg ha1) and four seeding rates (4.5, 9, 13, 17.5 kg ha1). Sustainable Oils, Inc. is a producer and marketer of renewable, environmentally clean, and high-value Camelina-based biodiesel fuel. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. allows ground to absorb later-season rainfall so it can enter the new Separate experiments were conducted at four environments (site-years) for N and three environments for seeding rate in South Dakota. The project was funded by the South Dakota Oilseeds Initiative, USDA-NIFA and South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. Overall, Bison yielded the greatest (944 kg ha1) followed by Joelle (865 kg ha1), whereas HPX-WG1-35 (650 kg ha1) yielded the least. Cultivars did not differ in erucic acid (C22:1) content, which averaged 2.2% across cultivars. emergent grass control product, is labeled for the crop. Although the actual origin of this crop is uncertain, most studies report that the crop likely originated in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia [2, 3]. In a study conducted in Canada optimum seeding rates ranged 400 to 600 seeds m 2 [ 25 ], which is similar with the recommendation suggested by Berti, et al., [ 8 ]. Sub-samples of the harvested seed were collected and placed into individual manila envelopes and stored in a cold room (~10 C) for oil content determination. acid. But whatever you call The oil also contains vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant and also increases the stability and the shelf life of camelina oil compared to other omega-3 oils [11]. At Pierre in 2015, the highest N rate of 140kgha1 had the lowest oil yield (207kgha1) while the greatest oil yield (268kgha-1) was recorded in the control treatment though this value was similar to oil yields obtained at N rates of 28 to 84kgha1 (Table 4). Seeding Rate: 500-2500 lbs/acre. In the current study, regression analysis showed that seed yield had a linear relationship with N rate at a higher yielding environment at Brookings while the relationship was quadratic at the lower yielding environment at Pierre (Figure 1).

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camelina seeding rate