alternative feeds for cattle during drought

Triticale or rye planted in September after corn silage will not provide any fall forage but can provide a spring pasture or haylage crop 2-3 weeks earlier than perennial forages and are removed in time to double-crop with silage corn. For example, where cull potatoes or other root crops are an option, consider processing them before feeding. Soybean residue can also be considered but feed refusal will increase if this feedstuff is fed dry or too much high-quality feed is available free choice. Grass-seed straw (aftermath from growing grass seed) may contain endophyte fungi (which produce toxins) if its fescue or perennial ryegrass. However, during drought phosphorus supplementation is critical. It is important to be aware of possible forage use restrictions related to previous pesticide use on the field that may make it illegal to feed the cover crop to livestock. In many cases, the best solution for cow/calf producers is to utilize a limit-fed, high grain diet fed in dry lot or semi-confinement. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Substitute 1 pound of grain or other concentrate feed for 2 pounds of alfalfa hay or 3 pounds of grass hay. The first is to provide supplemental feed to ensure the cow herd has adequate energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Bakery waste and other wasted food is sometimes added to cattle rations. Table 1 shows the nutritional requirements and typical rations for beef cows either a fall or spring calving cow where the calf has been weaned or a lactating cow producing 14 to16 pounds of milk per day (calves should be creep-fed). Did you use a search engine to try find what you were looking for? Many producers use barrels, gated pipe split in half, bunks, or old hog feeders mounted on a trailer. Check out the MSU Fruit, Vegetable & Organic Horticulture Management Program! "During the last drought, there was a lot of hay baled very mature along roadsides and abandoned fields with the lowest density setting the baler could handle to produce light, low-density bales then . Additives can improve palatability and feeding quality. These can result in increased incidence of acidosis and founder. A suggested practice is to begin with 2 to 3pounds of whole shelled corn per head, per day and free-choice roughage. Once the cows are switched over to the limit-fed, grain-based ration, observe their body condition (fleshiness) over time and adjust the grain as needed to maintain adequate condition. The stress may be a result of drought, a freeze, excessive fertilization, or wind. Corn stover is often available on neighboring land and could benefit both parties if a portion of the residue is harvested and removed. Before you vote for a senator, here are COP27 representatives warned of planet Design a feeding program to fully utilize local feeds. In the Northwest some of the non-traditional forages coming into more common use include teff, triticale, grass-seed straw, distillers grains, and cornstalks, depending on where you live. Because its getting so late in the year, planting cool-season crops wont be an option but people might put in a summer annual like teff, millet, or sudangrass. When traditional feeds are in short supply or expensive, non-traditional crops and feeds can be used. See related information here: Ammoniation of Low Quality Roughages. When deciding on an alternative feeding program, there are several options to consider. These crops can provide emergency forage in about eight weeks and can be grazed, baled, or chopped. Opportunities for Feedlot Pen Surface Improvements, Biologically Effective Grazing Management Reduces the Detrimental Effects from Drought Conditions on Grasslands, Drought Emergency Grazing Practices will have Costs Next Season, Fertilization of Extremely Grazed and Moderately Grazed Mixed-Grass Prairie with Slow Release Phosphorus and Urea, Grazing and Feeding Restrictions for Herbicides, Livestock Producers have Options for Dealing with Forage Shortage, Supplementing Cattle on Drought-affected Pastures and Ranges, Drought Related Livestock Poisoning by Weeds, Drought Increases Cyanobacterial Poisoning Risk to Livestock, Managing Odor Nuisance and Dust from Cattle Feedlots, Overwintered Cattle May Spread Weed Seeds, Testing Livestock Water Quality Critical During Drought, Extending Mobile-Mapping Beyond Field-Level Collection, NDSU Breeding Programs Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Robots. Then, increase the grain by 1 pound per day, and reduce the hay by 2 pounds each day until the final ration is attained. Thus, a 1,200-pound cow should receive at least 6 pounds of roughage per day. Keep an eye on local hay availability and prices at the first signs of drought. Dry climatic conditions that persist into the summer and early fall may limit grazed and stored forage availability in beef operations. We comply with the Federal Trade Commission 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Corn gluten feed is a byproduct of the corn wet milling industry and is available in wet or dry form. Livestock producers should see crop residues and potential feed sources and consider including them in their annual feed inventories. If fed in appropriate amountsnot so much that it might cause digestive distressmany things can work. Plant sorghum-sudan for summer grazing. As livestock owners look for ways to feed animals through the winter in an extended drought, remember all hay is not created equal. Includes feeding, health, reproduction, and/or forages. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. All rights reserved. Ranchers must understand, however, that cattle are neophobic which means they are afraid of new foods, he said. 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Processing (shredding or chopping) the harvested portion also increases feed quality and palatability. Water availability and quality can become a major issue during a drought. A mixture of 50 percent trace mineralized salt and 50 percent dicalcium phosphate supplied free choice to the cow herd will meet the phosphorus requirement. This oil meal may contain up to 20% fat, and about 35% crude protein. Horses will consume less of lower quality hay. Nondiscrimination & Public Access Statements | Did you find what you were looking for on this page? Sorghum sudan might have enough water to get started, but in drought conditions there may be buildup of prussic acid. In January, the base price for 60-pound lightweight slaughter lambs was $3 per pound, up 70 cents per pound from this time last year, he said. Options for Alternative Feeds . David Bohnert, Beef Extension Specialist and Ruminant Nutritionist, Oregon State University (Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, at Burns, Oregon) says many beef producers are looking at alternatives, since in some places alfalfa is already $400 per ton. . During times of drought, feed costs can rise. Distillers grain is best fed in troughs. You need to start with just a little, then more, and over time cattle will eat it readily, said Davison. Look for a forage testing lab that is certified by NFTA (National Forage Testing Association). If pasture conditions are extremely poor, producers may consider feeding cows in drylot. The second is to reduce the nutrient requirements of the cow to a point where they can be met with available forage Cows should be slowly adapted to high grain feeding, just like feedlot cattle. Its too late to do that this year. This year in our region we have less than normal amount of irrigation water and it will be cut off early. As long as there are no toxins in the feed, rumen microbes can ferment and use nearly anything as a source of energy or protein. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They can be used as alternative feed resources for ruminants especially during the dry season. As livestock producers harvest and store forage resources for 2021-22, we may see significant risk with drought conditions reducing yields. by R. Baird LeValley -Revised by Eric McPhail. (Brownson, 1996). Keep in mind that it is rarely wise to terminate a perennial forage stand in order to plant annual forages, unless the field was already scheduled for renovation due to poor performance. Low quality forages can be ammoniated to increase digestibility and protein content. Drought-affected pastures and native range generally do not produce adequate forage to maintain "normal" stocking rates, so producers intending to remain fully stocked must provide supplemental energy to meet the needs of the cow herd. Beef Cattle Management During Drought Extension Beef Cattle Program. **Eric McPhail, Colorado State University Extension, county director, Gunnison. Producers considering a feed source theyre unfamiliar with should get it tested. However, other proportions of grain and roughage can be used depending on the forage supply, so long as the ration is formulated to meet the cows nutrient requirements. Feed the lower quality roughages to cows in the middle-third stage of pregnancy (i.e., can you save money by feeding lower quality feed strategically), Save the better quality feeds for periods before and after calving, and. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit They also impact forage and rangeland production across the state. A minimal amount of roughage is required to maintain rumen function. In especially dry times such as the 2018 drought in western CO, or the drought + COVID situation in 2020,you may consider unconventional feeds, depending on local availability. In June, plant winter varieties of rye, triticale or wheat. Those lambs are selling $1 per pound over the five-year rolling average. Wet vegetable waste may be too frozen to transport or feed. It is difficult to understate the impact that managed grazing can have on the length of the grazing season. Therefore, a 1,200 pound cow would consume 1.2 pounds of salt mixed in a grain or protein supplement. Alternative feedstuffs used to decrease the dependency on alfalfa or grass hay include harvested corn stalks, millet hay, wheat straw, sorghum-sudan, cottonseed hulls, soybean hulls, wheat middlings, and corn gluten feed. Cattle producers generally have two main options for meeting the nutrient requirements of cattle on drought affected pastures and ranges. The goal is to re-breed cows while maintaining calving intervals, maintain pounds of calf produced per cow, and minimize feed cost per pound of calf sold. Up to a threshold, high nitrate forages are consumable by diluting them with other feedstuffs and supplementing with energy (fact sheet 1.610, Nitrate Poisoning). Jay Davison, Extension Crop Specialist (University of Nevada, Reno) is now retired, but still doing consulting, and says ruminants can eat just about anything. With 2 cuttings you can get about 5 tons per acre under normal irrigation and 2 tons with the water well have this year, he said. If your local climate faces low to moderate drought conditions and you get some rain, you could plant supplemental forages for your livestock. A leasing arrangement to grow annual forages on cropland in the off season can be beneficial to both parties, provided crop insurance requirements are met. If the relative feed value drops due to a higher acid detergent fiber, horses will reduce their intake. Finding hay for your herd may be a tough this year and looking at alternative feeds could be a viable option. Grain is not always practical to feed, but there are ways to feed it even in pasture or rangeland situations. When using alternative feeds, consider potential contaminants or toxins. Mailing address: NDSU Dept. As a general rule of thumb, up to 0.2 percent of body weight of supplemental grain per head per day will not result in large decreases in forage digestibility. Monitor natural water sources, such as ponds and tanks, to ensure cattle have adequate access to clean water. North Dakota State University is distinctive as a student-focused, land-grant, research university. Animals may choke on root vegetables, though this is more of an issue when animals are stressed and competing with others for feed. This information is for educational purposes only. But if you can get it delivered all at once and into a silo, it could make good silage. Hay, grain, and crop processing byproducts can all be used to supply energy to grazing cattle. Consider the following tips when feeding cattle through periods of drought: Analyze forages and feed Once the cows are switched over to the limit fed, grain-based ration, observe their body condition(fleshiness) over time and adjust the grain as needed to maintain adequate condition. Contact your local county Extension office through our County Office List. Cornstalks can be grazed, and some people bale them for transportbut theres a lot of waste with baled cornstalks. For example, if you learn of a cheaper alternative feed, consider the location of the feed source and the transportation costs to obtain the feed. The salt mixture should be placed close to stock watering locations. Some people are looking at things they havent used for a long time, like kochia. Food companies must occasionally dispose of cull products. Wheat middlings are a good source of protein (18 percent) and energy. "During the last drought, there was a lot of hay baled very mature along roadsides and abandoned fields with the lowest density setting the baler could handle to produce light, low-density bales then . Feed prices and cattle prices fluctuate, and there is no one-size-fits all solution, but general considerations with regards to economics can help maintain financial sustainability and herd health in drought. Relocating the cowherd into drylot is a management alterative that may allow producers to take advantage of grains and byproduct feeds (Wright, 2002). Looking for a more rewarding checking account?Explore the options here! Did you use the search tool on the NDSU Agriculture website to try to find what you were looking for? Lack of vitamin A may be a problem during fall and winter for cows that grazed drought-affected pastures during summer. They are excellent quality crops for fattening both sheep and cattle, and are also regarded as good feed for . Talk with your nutritionist . Then, increase the grain by 1 pound per day, and reduce the hay by 2 pounds each day until the final ration is attained. For resources on comprehensive drought planning for the ranch, see the Drought Outlook webpage. In addition, extremely dusty supplements are unpalatable. What should I do if I have Waterhemp Escapes in Sugarbeet? In planning for next year, plant these varieties in August or September to provide forage the following spring. 1230 Albrecht Blvd, Fargo ND 58102 As a result, intake is generally limited, and more concentrate feeds are included to cheapen the diets. Limiting Supplement Intake Using Salt. Turnips or camelina meal (a byproduct of processing camelina seeds for oil extraction in biodiesel production) can affect thyroid function. The most expensive nutrient for a cow is energy (TDN). AFBF Survey Assesses How Farmers and Ranchers are Dealing with Drought . Weekly educational program for cattle producers. A suggested practice is to begin with 2 to 3pounds of whole shelled corn per head, per day and free-choice roughage. Then pack with a tractor to resemble a silage-like quality. 5. Kevin Gould & Kim Cassida, Michigan State University Extension - . Hay prices average $200-240/ ton in western Colorado. American Farm Bureau Federation. You can waste money by overfeeding a cow that does not need it. Provide the same salt and mineral mixture during drought as you would during normal conditions. Consider the full cost of alternative feeds. 7520, PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050. Consider whether some cattle need more nutritional support than others. It is high in protein (25 percent) and should be fed at a rate of 0.5 percent of body weight, with a forage source. Some of the liquid from distillers grains, or from making alcohol, can be used if you have a way to feed it. A minimal amount of roughage is required to maintain rumen function. Cottonseed hulls should be fed with 2 to 3 pounds of 30 percent to 40 percent all-natural protein supplement and mineral. Providing supplemental grain can reduce forage digestibility, resulting in less energy available to the animal from available forage. Pricing can be easily calculated by utilizing this link. Corn and oats can be fed whole but may be better utilized if coarsely rolled before feeding. Our job is to determine the unique issues, concerns, and needs of each Colorado community and to help offer effective solutions. Spring forage is always a premium. In many cases, the best alternative for cow/calf producers is to feed a limit-fed, high grain diet in dry lot or semi-confinement. Frank Garry, CSU, Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, and Integrated Livestock Management. Adequate dry matter intake will be dependent on rations balanced for protein. Distillers grains are a good source of energy and protein but can have high sulfur levels, which can cause polio in cattle. Cull onions, turnips, potatoes, carrots, dry beans and other vegetables are available in some areas. The first is to provide supplemental feed to ensure the cow herd has adequate energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals. On a short-water year, it pays to choose a crop that doesnt take much water, like summer annuals, and choose one that has a short growing season. Since its a perennial it must become established before you graze it. Most drought-related financial losses stem from a combination of factors related to poor livestock performance and the need to source alternative feed. Feed and Nutrition. 2022, Colorado State University Extension, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 USA. Drought is a part of the normal production cycle. Additional feeding and harvesting strategies include windrow grazing, stockpiling forage, ammoniation of forages, and adding liquid supplementation to the forage. Grain is not always practical to feed, but there are ways to feed it even in pasture or in rangeland situations. Hay supplies were declining, and prices were at $65-$75 per round bale.Cattle prices were steady. Keep in mind that it is rarely wise . For some grains, processing may be necessary for optimum use by cattle. A suggested practice is to begin with 2 to 3 pounds of whole shelled corn per head, per day and free-choice roughage. Barley and wheat should be coarsely rolled. However, this dry stover has challenges with lower relative feed value and lower palatability. Feed two times per day if possible. Equal Opportunity | Feed preference is learned behavior. Since intake on concentrate diets is restricted, cattle may appear gaunt and behave as though hungry. This combined with elevated grain prices may create the perfect storm for significantly higher feed costs for livestock producers across large portions of the country. Many of the pastoralists are now feeding their remaining animals on animal feeds and fodder like hay . Farm Progress is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. CSU A-Z Search Learn more about us and our partners. Repeat this as much as is safe (i.e. For some producers, the only option will be to purchase feed, and/or get the cows to eat something they normally wont eat. The crude protein in soybean hulls ranges from 10 percent to16 percent. Its good feed if you already have it planted.. Planning in advance ensures that there is ample grazable forage available for the livestock. NDSU Agricultural Affairs educates students with interests in agriculture, food systems and natural resources; fosters communities through partnerships that educate the public; provides creative, cost-effective solutions to current problems; and pursues fundamental and applied research to help shape a better world. Brassicas (turnip, radish, forage rape) planted in late July to early August can be ready to graze in eight weeks and their excellent cold tolerance means you may still be grazing them in December. Beware of toxic plants, as cattle grazing short pasture . (See fact sheets 1.610, Nitrate Poisoning and 1.612, Prussic Acid Poisoning in Livestock.). Cattle should adapt to high-grain diets in seven to 10 days and should be observed closely during that time. Provide adequate water when using salt limiting supplements. Apply to CSU | KiowaCountyPress.netmay earn an affiliate commission if you purchase products or services through links in an article. Prices, when displayed, are accurate at the time of publication but may change over time. As a result, intake is generally limited, and more concentrate feeds are included to cheapen the diets. Harvesting forage with livestock is also less costly than harvesting it with machines. Drought is part of the normal production cycle in Colorado and integrating it into the overall management plan can help prevent financial losses, reduce stress associated with it, and lesson impacts to the health of the herd and land. When considering alternative feedstuffs, conduct a nutritional analysis. Cow-calf/yearling producers may consider removing yearlings from drought affected pastures and placing them directly in the feedyard to reduce stock numbers. Within three days of planting, if it has a little water, it comes up. In the face of drought, producers may sell livestock to decrease herd size and grazing pressure, but alternative feeding strategies are an option for the remaining population. Stanton, T. 1994. However, care must be taken when grazing or harvesting sorghum-sudan. Alternative feeds an option for cattle amid drought, Achieving hybrid vigor through crossbreeding, composites, Judging program reports record enrollment, New HPAI case sparks quarantine in Oregon, WSU, FFA partner to address ag teacher shortage, Listening session to discuss OSU forest research, Allowed HTML tags:

. For example, to feed three pounds of salt-limited soybean meal supplement, use approximately 35 percent salt in the mixture. Producers may consider renting additional pastures or moving cattle to areas where pastures are in better condition as an alternative to supplementation. As a general rule of thumb, cattle will consume up to 0.1 percent of body weight in salt. . Alfalfa hay, sunflower meal, canola meal, distillers grains, as well as other protein meals may also be used as protein supplements. Livestock have been sold or relocated out of state in record numbers; however, there are alternatives for the remaining population. Corn or soybean residues are likely the most available and abundant in most areas of the country. Annual forages offer a solid alternative in drought emergencies because many can produce harvestable forage within eight weeks after planting given a minimal amount of water. In a drought year, livestock management decisions become more difficult when feed resources are limited. Feed the highest quality feeds to animals that have higher feed requirements (i.e., growing replacement heifers or growing calves). In addition, it may allow pastures a much needed rest period to begin recovering from the drought. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Carefully balance every ration against the animal's requirements. Offering solutions to help stretch limited forage supplies and budgets when the weather isnt cooperating. Diets for dry lot cows are formulated to meet the nutrient requirements of the cows while minimizing feed costs. Revised by Retta Bruegger, Jenny Beiermann, Frank Garry, Eric McPhail and Seth Urbanowitz**. Sampling hay, silage, and total mixed rations for analysis, 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Revised 11/20. With hay and related forage inventories at lower levels and reduced first cutting yields, winter supplies are projected lower than normal. Management of sorghum-sudan includes: Other forages that can be planted for summer grazing are millets, teff, Italian rye or oats. Cattle must have free access to all the quality water they will consume. Therefore, forage testing is critically important to determine actual nutrient concentration so that diets can be balanced to meet specific animal production needs. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Do not exceed grain feeding beyond 0.4 percent of the live body weight when forage is the major component of the diet. Grain processing coproducts, such as wheat midds, soyhulls, barley malt sprouts, beet pulp, and corn gluten feed, which contain highly digestible fiber provide energy while alleviating much of the negative impact that grain supplementation has on fiber digestibility. It is best to mix at least 5 pounds of forage with the wheat middlings. Other management options can be found at Some of the newer varieties have less chance for that, he said. Short and long-term ramifications will continue to affect the management of livestock. Without water, feed intake greatly decreases, the animal becomes dehydrated and body functions fail. Small grains, such as cereal rye, triticale, or oats, can be used to fill the void of spring forage. This may be more cost effective than supplementation if large amounts of supplement must be transported and fed to cows daily. The Kiowa County Press is an independent newspaper published in Eads, Kiowa County, Colorado, and to the world at Two NFTA forage testing labs have locations in Michigan: Dairyland Labs in Battle Creek (269-753-0048) and Alliance Analytical Labs in Grand Rapids (616-837-7670). Since forage production is generally limited during a drought, energy may be the most limiting nutrient for grazing cattle. Haul manure? In addition, plant oats, sorghum-sudan, teff or canola. Substitute 1 pound of grain or other concentrate feed for 2 pounds of alfalfa hay or 3pounds of grass hay. Cattle can also harvest low-quality forages but these must be supplemented with protein and/or energy. Then, increase the grain by 1 pound per day, and reduce the hay by 2 pounds each day until the final ration is attained. When considering feed options, think about the following: Substitute 1 pound of grain or other concentrate feed for 2 pounds of alfalfa hay or 3 pounds of grass hay. 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Excess sweet potatoes can cause dental caries and possibly loss of molar teeth. As livestock owners look for ways to feed animals through the winter in an extended drought, remember all hay is not created equal. Reductions in stocking rate will benefit range plants by reducing stress and will also provide more forage for the remaining cattle. Protein supplementation may be necessary for optimum breeding rates during drought conditions. Since intake on concentrate diets is restricted, cattle may appear gaunt and behave as though hungry, however, after 14 to 21 days, they will adapt to the reduction in feed intake. Which Insecticide is Best for Grasshopper Control? Livestock and horse owners must decide if they want to spend more money on hay or alternative forage sources. We are located at 1311 College Ave. in Fort Collins, Colorado. 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alternative feeds for cattle during drought