who killed robert baratheon

Robert Baratheon is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, After his death, Robert's bastards are ordered to be killed by his heir Joffrey Baratheon, Robert's supposed legal heir and the new king; Gendry, subsequently flees the capital. In different languages, the number of books may not be the same. Tales of Dunk and Egg is a series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin, set in the world of his A Song of Ice and Fire novels. Lyanna had three brothers, Brandon, Eddard, and Benjen. Thomas J. Her castellan, the haughty Ser Lucas Inchfield (known as the "Long Inch" for his 6-foot 7-inch height), is her most insistent suitor, but she has already refused him. Outside perhaps Ramsay Bolton, Joffrey Baratheon was the worst Game of Thrones villain and Jack Gleeson played the character so well that he got death threats in real life. According to legend, the Night's King was originally a Lord Commander of the Night's Watch who found in the Haunted Forest a cold woman with We have no idea what the Voice is. He claims one of the direwolves for his own and names him Grey Wind. Instead, Dunk offers his own blood to Lady Rohanne by slicing his cheek. The role was hard on Gleeson, and his performance as Joffrey ended up overshadowing his work in theater and in other projects. This proved to be an event with kingdom-spanning consequences, as it set in motion a sequence of conflicts that consumed every season of the show. Varys enlisted Ros to assist him in executing his plan to help the Tyrells consolidate power, promising her a partnership and protection in exchange for spying on Littlefinger. Rosby yielded to Rhaenys and Meraxes without a fight. Three novellas have been published The Hedge Knight (1998), The Sworn Sword (2003), and The Mystery Knight (2010) and Martin has stated his intention to continue the series. They follow the adventures of "Dunk" (the future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall) and "Egg" (the future king Aegon V Targaryen), some 90 years before the events of the novels. However, Lyanna was allegedly kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen. The Night's King is a legendary figure known both in the Seven Kingdoms and among the Free Folk dwelling Beyond the Wall.. The finished teleplay would be Espenson's only credited writing contribution to the series. Upon the death of Lord Jon Arryn, the principal advisor to King Robert Baratheon, Robert recruits his childhood friend Eddard "Ned" Stark, now Warden of the North, to replace Arryn as Hand of the King, and to betroth his daughter Sansa to Robert's son Joffrey. The act of doing this is called "warging". Lauren K. Nathan of the Associated Press wrote that the book "grip[s] the reader from Page One" and is set in a "magnificent" fantasy world that is "mystical, but still believable. Robert I Baratheon is the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm of Westeros, and the head of House Baratheon of King's Landing. Although his rule began benevolently, he succumbed to the madness caused by his incestuous lineage, and was eventually deposed by Lord Robert Baratheon in a civil war. Tales of Dunk and Egg is a series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin, set in the world of his A Song of Ice and Fire novels. The Guardian outlines characters who are frequently "forced to choose between their love for those close to them and the greater interests of honour, duty and the realm. Outside perhaps Ramsay Bolton, Joffrey Baratheon was the worst Game of Thrones villain and Jack Gleeson played the character so well that he got death threats in real life. He was far too willing to turn over power to others, with terrible results. Robert I Baratheon is the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm of Westeros, and the head of House Baratheon of King's Landing. He co-hosts the Queens of the B's podcast with Mark Muster and writes a regular newsletter, Omnivorous, on Substack. Likewise, Daenerys' storyline develops around the Targaryen's upheaval in Westeros, in which the Starks played a significant role. "[15] John Prior, writing in the San Diego Union-Tribune, called Martin's writing "strong and imaginative, with plenty of Byzantine intrigue and dynastic struggle", and compared it to Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books, "though much darker, with no comedy or romance to relieve the nastiness. Bloodraven, at Egg's request, gives Dunk the gold to ransom his armor. Biography Background. Joffrey's antics foreshadowed the threat he would become. After Aegon landed on Westeros and began his conquest, he dispatched his sisters to secure the submission of the nearest castles. On the way they encounter a septon beheaded for preaching treason; and later a group of knights and minor lords traveling to a tourney in honor of the wedding of Lord Butterwell of Whitewalls to a Frey of the Crossing, wherein the victor's prize is a dragon egg. House Baratheon has had a significant fall from grace over the years. Maybe, the Voice is their name for an honorable trial by combat. You can help the. He was the ward of Jon Arryn and was raised at the Eyrie alongside Eddard Stark. The first comic was released on June 20, 2007, and the graphic novel was released on June 18, 2008.[4]. Steffon sides with the accusers for the reward of a lordship; and Raymun begs to be knighted and fight in Steffon's place. He was frequently His sexual desires were satisfied by inflicting pain, and he was using the Ros Game of Thrones arc to fulfill this proclivity. Fifteen years before the novels, Robert was betrothed to Ned's sister Lyanna, and after Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen disappeared, Robert killed Rhaegar and seized the throne. {Eastwatch-by-the-Sea}. At Ashford, Dunk sells one of his horses for a suit of armor by the smith Pate, and befriends Ser Steffon Fossoway's squire and cousin, Raymun Fossoway. The novel won the 1997 Locus Award and was nominated for both the 1997 Nebula Award and the 1997 World Fantasy Award. At Winterfell, an assassin attempts to kill Bran while he is unconscious, and Ned's wife Catelyn travels to King's Landing to bring word to Ned. Ned Stark found Lyanna in the Dornish Tower of Joy, nearly dead from childbirth. During the charge Lyn killed the already-injured Lewyn. It is located roughly halfway along the length of the Wall on its southern side, at the northern end of the Kingsroad. Her death showed everyone that the innocent are often the first to be sacrificed in the brutal world of Westeros. On the road back to Winterfell, Catelyn encounters Tyrion by chance, arrests him, and takes him to the Vale, where her sister Lysa Arryn is regent, to stand trial for the attempt on Bran's life. It wasn't Margaery he found alluring, but the possibility that she could understand and accept his deviant behavior. A Game of Thrones follows three principal storylines simultaneously. Joffrey was at his most dangerous when he felt emasculated, and since he possessed no physical strength or prowess, he had to rely on the submissiveness of his victims. Ned's hunt for the truth about King Robert Baratheon's children and the true heir to the crown quickly made him a target of the Lannisters. A history book with information on the early members of House Baratheon. Robert Baratheon is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, After his death, Robert's bastards are ordered to be killed by his heir Joffrey Baratheon, Robert's supposed legal heir and the new king; Gendry, subsequently flees the capital. There are That night, Ser Eustace's forest is burned, and Duncan recalls Lady Rohanne's threat of "fire and sword" to destroy Standfast. Tywin Lannister was one of the best characters in Game of Thrones. The novel won the 1997 Locus Award and was nominated for both the 1997 Nebula Award and the 1997 World Fantasy Award. It's not like evil dresses up in black clothing and you know, they're really ugly". A collection of the existing three novellas, with illustrations by Gary Gianni, was published as A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms on October 6, 2015. The Small Council headed by Tyrion Lannister, who quickly realized Joffrey's temperament and youth made him a liability, handled the real governing. Fifteen years before the novels, Robert was betrothed to Ned's sister Lyanna, and after Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen disappeared, Robert killed Rhaegar and seized the throne. KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING! The healer, angered by the Dothraki raids against her people, sacrifices Daenerys's unborn child to power the spell to save Drogo's life, which restores Drogo's physical health but leaves him in a persistent vegetative state. On account of the revelation of Robert's supposed children's true parentage, Stannis declares himself the rightful King after Robert's death as his rightful heir, and begins a campaign to take the Iron Throne. She described it as "an absorbing combination of the mythic, the sweepingly historical, and the intensely personal. All Locations Explained? He is the father of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon by his wife, Catelyn Tully, and uncle of Jon Snow, who he raised Renly was, of course, one of the most notable members of House Baratheon. In retaliation for Tyrion's abduction, his father Lord Tywin Lannister sends soldiers to raid the Riverlands, Catelyn's home region. The Night's King is a legendary figure known both in the Seven Kingdoms and among the Free Folk dwelling Beyond the Wall.. Robb attends the execution of Gared and discovers a litter of six direwolf pups in the snow. Afterwards, Rhaenys and Meraxes accompanied Orys Baratheon on his mission to subdue Argilac Durrandon, the last Storm King.At the Battle of the Last Storm, the wind and rain forced them to A series of flashbacks narrated by Ser Eustace relate the events of the Blackfyre Rebellion and its conclusion at the Battle of the Redgrass Field. [7], On January 21, 2021, Variety reported that an adaptation of the Tales of Dunk and Egg series, a prequel to the events of Game of Thrones, is in early development on HBO. The Battle of the Trident resulted in a loss for the loyalists. The history of Westeros, the setting of the "Game of Thrones" universe, is a sprawling one, filled with great battles, great houses, and great (and, well, not so great) rulers. He was far too willing to turn over power to others, with terrible results. Shocked by the news of Ser Eustace's past treason, Dunk returns to Standfast to leave the old knight's service. They follow the adventures of "Dunk" (the future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall) and "Egg" (the future king Aegon V Targaryen), some 90 years before the events of the novels. [11] In June 2000, Meisha Merlin published a limited edition of the book, fully illustrated by Jeffrey Jones.[11]. After Tyrion (later betrayed by Shae) saved Sansa Stark from a very public display of abuse orchestrated by his nephew, he and Bronn decided that puberty could be the driving force behind Joffrey's behavior. A Game of Thrones is the first novel in A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin.It was first published on August 1, 1996. Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. She's still holding out hope that Happy Endings will get a revival. The novella Blood of the Dragon, comprising the Daenerys Targaryen chapters It lasted "close to a year"[1] and resulted in the end of the Targaryen dynasty in the Seven Kingdoms and the beginning of Robert Baratheon's reign. After meeting Prince Baelor again, Dunk chooses trial by combat rather than mutilation for his attack on Aerion, who demands a 'Trial of Seven' (in which two parties of seven knights contend on horseback). Robb attends the execution of Gared and discovers a litter of six direwolf pups in the snow. During the journey Dunk befriends three other itinerant knights: Ser Maynard Plumm, Ser Kyle the Cat of Misty Moor, and Ser Glendon Ball who claims to be the bastard son of the famous knight Quentyn "Fireball", who fought for Daemon Blackfyre. Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Tommen I (301303). On account of the revelation of Robert's supposed children's true parentage, Stannis declares himself the rightful King after Robert's death as his rightful heir, and begins a campaign to take the Iron Throne. It transpired that he had sold her to a man who appeared to share Joffrey's predilection for torturing women. There are It is also a powerful reminder, to both Roose and to the audience, that there is absolutely no certainty in this world. "[16], On November 5, 2019, the BBC News listed A Game of Thrones on its list of the 100 most influential novels. The latest news in entertainment from USA TODAY, including pop culture, celebrities, movies, music, books and TV reviews. He noted that he was not sure which of these two would be completed first. The Mad King had Eddard's father and brother killed for protesting against the kidnapping. The act of doing this is called "warging". The host of the rebellion marched south, where Robert Baratheon slew Rhaegar in single combat. According to legend, the Night's King was originally a Lord Commander of the Night's Watch who found in the Haunted Forest a cold woman with Maegor I Targaryen, also known as Maegor the Cruel, was the third Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne.He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his elder sister-wife, Queen Visenya Targaryen.He had an older half-brother, Aenys I Targaryen. Fans were crushed when one of their early favorites was decapitated by the new King Joffrey, kicking off the war between the families that would be one of the main focuses of the Game of Thrones series. Indeed, if anything, in Westeros the odds of either being killed outright by a member of ones family or being killed on their orders is pretty significant, showing just how precarious life in Westeros so often is. Fans were crushed when one of their early favorites was decapitated by the new King Joffrey, kicking off the war between the families that would be one of the main focuses of the Game of Thrones series. Her father arranged a betrothal between her and Robert KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING! The only pleasure Joffrey derived was ordering Ros to beat her companion and make sure Tyrion saw the result. He is the man, after all, who betrayed his lord, Robb Stark. The Hound, in particular, was a fan favorite, with his sardonic and cynical approach to almost all things in life. Lyanna Stark was the daughter of Lord Rickard Stark and sister of Brandon, Eddard, and Benjen. His death at the hands of his own cousin is another of those periodic reminders that, in the world of Game of Thrones, there is no life that is truly safe from being taken by another, even a member of ones own kin. Tyrion arranged a belated birthday gift for the new king a night with Ros and another whore from Littlefinger's brothel. Robert Baratheon mourns at the funeral of Lyanna Stark. The ability starts out as vivid dreams in which the warg sees and perceives the world through the senses of an animal. The death of Shireen Baratheon was one of the most shocking in the history of the show. This was Joffrey's retaliation for his uncle coming to Sansa's defense and chastising him in front of the members of the court. Joffrey emerged as a villain during season 1 of the HBO series, but the lingering influence of his parents suppressed his bullying. The novel has inspired several spin-off works, including several games. Naturally, Varys' actions conflicted with Littlefinger's agenda to use Sansa for his gain and a bid for the Iron Throne. Just as had been the case for so long, the Targaryen dynasty was marred by tragedy and the murder of a family member by another. Shortly after the court of King Robert I Baratheon arrives at Winterfell, Robb spars with the crown prince, Joffrey, using wooden swords.Bad blood develops between the two when Joffrey challenges Robb to spar with live Without proof of his knighthood, he is nearly barred from competition until Prince Baelor Targaryen vouches for him. Edric is a sturdily attractive youth, with jet-black hair and deep blue eyes. We have no idea what the Voice is. The Battle of the Trident resulted in a loss for the loyalists. The Wall is defended by the Night's Watch: an order of warriors sworn to serve there for life, defending the realm from the fabled Others, an ancient and hostile inhuman race, as well as from the human "wildlings" who live north of the Wall. Robb defeats a Lannister army in the riverlands, capturing Jaime. Wargs are people with the ability to enter the minds of animals and perceive the world through their senses and even control their actions. Throughout the novel, characters are often faced with decisions that match one redeemable trait against another. The polygamous Maegor had six wives: Ceryse Hightower, Alys Harroway, Tyanna of the Tower, Elinor Costayne, Jeyne The Battle of the Trident resulted in a loss for the loyalists. Balon Greyjoy was one of those people who constantly sought to play the various power players of Westeros against one another. A warg's It is also the namesake and basis for the first season of Game of Thrones, an HBO television series that premiered in April 2011. Even Cersei Lannister, one of the series' strongest female characters, found herself at the receiving end of Joffrey's cruelty. Lyanna had three brothers, Brandon, Eddard, and Benjen. Bennis reacts angrily, cutting the cheek of one of the peasants. The Starks' and Lannisters' conflict is a central component of the novel, and the reader receives points of view from both sides. Castle Black was, initially, one of only three manned castles left on the Wall along with Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and the Shadow Tower. [17], This article is about the novel. [6] Howland's children with his wife Jyana are Meera and Jojen, and he is a close friend of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Dunk enters the first match of the joust under the name of 'Gallows Knight' (for a new shield acquired after the loss of his own); but is defeated in the first tilt by Ser Uthor Underleaf, known as the Snail Knight for his sigil. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, The 10 Saddest Deaths On Game Of Thrones, According To Reddit, Game of Thrones/HotD: Every Character Killed By A Family Member, 10 Best TV Episodes In History, According To Reddit. When she was killed by Jon Snow it was wrenching for so many reasons, not the least of which was the fact that she was his aunt (since he was the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark). Actions like the Ros Game of Thrones killing and his constant abuse of Sansa Stark were played out so well that the actor bore the brunt of these grievous overreactions for years. The story begins with Dunk and Egg leaving Stoney Sept, to ask service with Lord Beron Stark against Greyjoy raids on the northern coast. Wargs are people with the ability to enter the minds of animals and perceive the world through their senses and even control their actions. Each chapter concentrates on the third-person limited point of view of a single character; the book presents the perspective of eight main characters. This is especially true of Harwin and Lyonel, the former of whom is a notable member of the Kingsguard (and putative father of Rhaenyras children) and the latter of whom serves as Hand of the King. The episode includes the book's chapters 3841, 44-45 and 47 (Bran V, Tyrion V, Eddard X, Catelyn VII, Viserys betroths Daenerys to Khal Drogo, a warlord of the nomadic Dothraki people, in exchange for the use of Drogo's army to reclaim the throne of Westeros. Maegor I Targaryen, also known as Maegor the Cruel, was the third Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne.He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his elder sister-wife, Queen Visenya Targaryen.He had an older half-brother, Aenys I Targaryen. Whatever the reason(s) for Joffrey turning out to be a bad seed, the Ros Game of Thrones conclusion was ultimately the tragic outcome of a power struggle between Littlefinger and Varys. Robert: To be fair, the general said he was killed by using something called the Voice. Catelyn's childhood friend, Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, implicates Tyrion Lannister, the dwarf brother of Cersei and Jaime, in the assassination attempt. He was the ward of Jon Arryn and was raised at the Eyrie alongside Eddard Stark. To some extent, he managed to succeed, at least until the point where he was murdered by his own brother, Euron, when the latter came upon him in the middle of the night. Its official publication date was earlier than that of the US Bantam edition, but Bantam went to print several months earlier to hand out copies at the American Booksellers Association (ABA). He was also killed by a member of his own family when his wife schemed to ensure that he was killed while on a hunt. The host of the rebellion marched south, where Robert Baratheon slew Rhaegar in single combat. Tales of Dunk and Egg is a series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin, set in the world of his A Song of Ice and Fire novels. Prelude. Martin reflects: "I think the battle between good and evil is fought largely within the individual human heart, by the decisions that we make. At the river, Dunk rides into the ford to parley with Lady Rohanne where the noise of the water will prevent anyone on either bank from overhearing them. The novella Blood of the Dragon, comprising the Daenerys Targaryen chapters In April 2014, Martin also announced that he had roughed out another Dunk and Egg story with the working title The Village Hero which would be set in the Riverlands. Robert Baratheon is King of the Seven Kingdoms at the beginning of A Game of Thrones. When Ned is executed, Robb's followers declare the north's independence from the Seven Kingdoms, proclaiming Robb "King in the North". Why he did it, and who else was to blame. For the Game of Thrones episode, see, Series of novellas by George R. R. Martin, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Game of Thrones), "An Interview with George R. R. Martin, Part I", "George R. R. Martin's Adventures in Comics Part 1", "Talking with George R. R. Martin Part 2", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tales_of_Dunk_and_Egg&oldid=1110966443, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 September 2022, at 16:23. When Dunk attempts to appeal to Rohanne's fond memories of Eustace's youngest son, Addam, she angrily slaps him and demands he leave; as Dunk departs, he learns that she was once in love with Addam, who died at Redgrass Field. It could be considered the result of Joffrey climaxing after all those months of merely torturing Ros. This pays the debt for the wounded peasant; and for the claim that Lady Rohanne had the forest burned, she demands an apology or vindication, and all agree upon trial by combat between Dunk and Ser Lucas, to be fought in the stream as the only neutral ground present. Upon arriving in King's Landing to take his post as Hand, Ned finds that Robert is an ineffective king whose only interests are hunting, drinking, and womanizing. At the Wall, Jon wrestles with the predicament of joining his half-brother Robb in rebellion or staying with his sworn brothers in the Night's Watch. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. 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Aerys fought for his father, Aegon V Targaryen, in the War of the He is the father of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon by his wife, Catelyn Tully, and uncle of Jon Snow, who he raised Prince Maekar, Aegon's father, later offers Dunk a position in his household to train Aegon; but Dunk insists on permission to travel, and takes Aegon as his squire, under his former alias of 'Egg'. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, House Of The Dragon Quietly Sets Up Its Version Of A Big Joffrey Story, Game of Thrones: Why King Joffrey Killed Ros In Season 3. KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING! Jon Snow, Ned's bastard son, is inspired by his uncle, Benjen Stark, to join the Night's Watch, but becomes disillusioned when he discovers that its primary function is as a penal colony. Although his rule began benevolently, he succumbed to the madness caused by his incestuous lineage, and was eventually deposed by Lord Robert Baratheon in a civil war. Like The Sworn Sword, the book takes place during the reign of Aerys I and the aftermath of the Blackfyre Rebellion is examined in more detail. Maegor I Targaryen, also known as Maegor the Cruel, was the third Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne.He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his elder sister-wife, Queen Visenya Targaryen.He had an older half-brother, Aenys I Targaryen. Rhaegar was killed in combat by Robert Baratheon during the Battle of the Trident, while Lyanna died as she gave birth to their son, Aegon Targaryen (Jon Snow, yes we can say it now!). While sacking villages to fund the invasion of Westeros, Drogo is badly wounded, and Daenerys commands the captive folk healer Mirri Maz Duur to save him. It is located roughly halfway along the length of the Wall on its southern side, at the northern end of the Kingsroad. Fans were crushed when one of their early favorites was decapitated by the new King Joffrey, kicking off the war between the families that would be one of the main focuses of the Game of Thrones series. RELATED: Where Was Game of Thrones Filmed? When the series started, Robert Baratheon sat on the Iron Throne until he was killed by the Lannisters. The third novella was published in 2010 in the anthology Warriors, edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois.[5]. Six months later, the dead bodies of two men from his party are recovered; these re-animate as undead wights before being dispatched by Jon. Steffon and Raymun, and later Aegon, promise to acquire Duncan's partisans; and Aerion's other brother Prince Daeron, called the Drunken, warns Dunk that his father will have three knights of the Kingsguard fight in the trial. Robert was crowned king after King Aerys II Targaryen, his first cousin once removed, was killed during Robert's Rebellion. NEXT: 10 Best TV Episodes In History, According To Reddit. He resembles his father, King Robert I, and has the characteristic hair, eyes, jaw, and cheekbones of House Baratheon. King Robert I Baratheon was the first king of the Baratheon dynasty to sit on the Iron Throne of Westeros. After several spectacular tilts, Baelor's nephew, Prince Aerion Targaryen, disgraces himself by killing Ser Humfrey Hardyng's horse. The fighting costs the lives of both Humfreys; and Baelor himself is later revealed to have suffered a blow to the head, stuck by Maekar's mace, after removing his helm, perishing from the injury shortly afterwards to the lament of many present. He was far too willing to turn over power to others, with terrible results. [7] In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Howland is played by Leo Woodruff during flashbacks in Season 6. He was far too willing to turn over power to others, with terrible results. West III earned a PhD in film and screen studies from Syracuse University in 2018. Since his stint on GoT, Jack Gleeson quit acting for about 6 years, only to return to the stage for To Be a Machine and the TV show Out of Her Mind.He had many reasons behind taking a Death is common in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, but an unlucky few have met death at the hands of their own family. Rosby yielded to Rhaenys and Meraxes without a fight. It is located roughly halfway along the length of the Wall on its southern side, at the northern end of the Kingsroad. Martin argues: Having multiple viewpoints is crucial to the grayness of the characters. Biography Background. The ability starts out as vivid dreams in which the warg sees and perceives the world through the senses of an animal. Robert's Rebellion,[2][3][4][5] also known as the War of the Usurper,[5] was a rebellion against House Targaryen, primarily instigated by Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, and Robert Baratheon, for whom it is named. He was the eldest son and heir of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont and formerly the Lord of Storm's End. Tales of Dunk and Egg is a series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin, set in the world of his A Song of Ice and Fire novels. The novellas were adapted as comic books which were reprinted as graphic novels: Martin wrote in 2014 that film or TV adaptations of the novellas are being discussed. The series even foreshadowed Ros' grim fate during season 2. Egg becomes increasingly suspicious when he sees that most of the competitors belonged to the rebel party. Robert Baratheon is King of the Seven Kingdoms at the beginning of A Game of Thrones.

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who killed robert baratheon