best matplotlib fonts

MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif MS Mincho: MS Mincho Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Kailasa: Kailasa Droid Sans: Droid Sans there are 14 Core Font that compliant viewers must ensure are available. MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Diploma: Diploma In practice, there Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Apple Chancery: Apple Chancery Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Adobe Heiti Std: Adobe Heiti Std LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Meiryo: Meiryo Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Marlett: Marlett Its strokes are usually of a medium thickness, and its serifs are linear. FontAwesome: FontAwesome MS PMincho: MS PMincho Kokonor: Kokonor Lets take a look at how default stylings look like. MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Impact: Impact DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Alfa Slab One: Alfa Slab One Consolas: Consolas MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std MS PMincho: MS PMincho Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth League Gothic: League Gothic FontAwesome: FontAwesome Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Blackoak Std: Blackoak Std MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold LastResort: LastResort Herculanum: Herculanum Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Note that Matplotlib handles fonts in True Type Format (.ttf), so make sure you install fonts ending in .ttf. Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Lucida Console: Lucida Console Consolas: Consolas LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed Droid Sans: Droid Sans Candara: Candara Lato: Lato Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std MS Gothic: MS Gothic Big Caslon: Big Caslon Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN MS PMincho: MS PMincho DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed Georgia: Georgia Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Bradley Hand: Bradley Hand Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Apple Chancery: Apple Chancery Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std 24, Nov 20. Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Farisi: Farisi Alfa Slab One: Alfa Slab One MS PGothic: MS PGothic League Gothic: League Gothic Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT Krungthep: Krungthep Cubano: Cubano Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Hobo Std: Hobo Std Cambria Math: Cambria Math MS Mincho: MS Mincho Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro To install a custom font to matplotlib requires two steps: 1. Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Cambria Math: Cambria Math Calibri: Calibri import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # reset the plot configurations to default plt.rcdefaults() # number of employees of A emp_count = [3, 20, 50, 200, 350, 400] Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Arial Rounded MT Bold: Arial Rounded MT Bold Chalkduster: Chalkduster Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Chalkduster: Chalkduster Gulim: Gulim League Gothic: League Gothic GungSeo: GungSeo Impact: Impact Kailasa: Kailasa MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Adobe Ming Std: Adobe Ming Std Kokonor: Kokonor League Gothic: League Gothic Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro GungSeo: GungSeo Impact: Impact Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Adobe Heiti Std: Adobe Heiti Std DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Birch Std: Birch Std Courier New: Courier New Blackoak Std: Blackoak Std Cambria Math: Cambria Math Corbel: Corbel Constantia: Constantia Kokonor: Kokonor Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN How to Change Font Sizes on a Matplotlib Plot, How to Change Legend Font Size in Matplotlib, How to Set Tick Labels Font Size in Matplotlib, How to Replace Values in a Matrix in R (With Examples), How to Count Specific Words in Google Sheets, Google Sheets: Remove Non-Numeric Characters from Cell. MS Mincho: MS Mincho Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS Get a Chinese font. Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Luminari: Luminari Herculanum: Herculanum Calibri: Calibri Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std Herculanum: Herculanum Bemio: Bemio Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Herculanum: Herculanum Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Courier New: Courier New Herculanum: Herculanum Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Hobo Std: Hobo Std DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate MS PMincho: MS PMincho Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN MS Gothic: MS Gothic Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std Krungthep: Krungthep Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Big Caslon: Big Caslon Blackoak Std: Blackoak Std Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Kokonor: Kokonor InaiMathi: InaiMathi Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Gabriola: Gabriola Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Marlett: Marlett Blackoak Std: Blackoak Std Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Herculanum: Herculanum League Gothic: League Gothic Lucida Console: Lucida Console MS PMincho: MS PMincho Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Birch Std: Birch Std GungSeo: GungSeo MS Gothic: MS Gothic HeadLineA: HeadLineA MS PMincho: MS PMincho Marlett: Marlett MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Adobe Kaiti Std: Adobe Kaiti Std GungSeo: GungSeo Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Candara: Candara Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro LastResort: LastResort Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Corbel: Corbel Calibri: Calibri Adobe Naskh: Adobe Naskh Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std : Text can output to SVG in two ways controlled by rcParams["svg.fonttype"] (default: 'path'): as string in the SVG with font styling on the element ('none'). Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Bitstream Vera Sans Mono: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Hobo Std: Hobo Std files, particularly with fonts with many glyphs such as those that support CJK Bemio: Bemio Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 Cooper Std: Cooper Std Corbel: Corbel Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std GungSeo: GungSeo DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed Alfa Slab One: Alfa Slab One Arial: Arial Krungthep: Krungthep MS Gothic: MS Gothic Diploma: Diploma Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Kokonor: Kokonor Impact: Impact Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Bemio: Bemio Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 MS PGothic: MS PGothic MS PGothic: MS PGothic Lato: Lato Gulim: Gulim Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Luminari: Luminari Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro MS PGothic: MS PGothic Gulim: Gulim Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Diploma: Diploma MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Cambria Math: Cambria Math Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Corbel: Corbel Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Gabriola: Gabriola Lato: Lato Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Create data Set changed font Normally plot the data Display plot Example 1: Change the font just for the axis labels. MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N HeadLineA: HeadLineA Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Cooper Std: Cooper Std League Gothic: League Gothic AppleMyungjo: AppleMyungjo Bodoni Ornaments: Bodoni Ornaments Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Candara: Candara Lucida Console: Lucida Console MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Blanch: Blanch Herculanum: Herculanum Change Font Type in Matplotlib plots - Data Science Parichay Candara: Candara Diploma: Diploma Droid Sans: Droid Sans Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Required fields are marked *. Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Gulim: Gulim Luminari: Luminari MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Hobo Std: Hobo Std Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif MS Mincho: MS Mincho Courier New: Courier New MS Mincho: MS Mincho Kailasa: Kailasa Farisi: Farisi Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std MS Gothic: MS Gothic Hobo Std: Hobo Std This causes matplotlib to use Type 42 (a.k.a. Georgia: Georgia MS Gothic: MS Gothic Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Cooper Std: Cooper Std Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Corbel: Corbel Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Impact: Impact Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN MS Mincho: MS Mincho Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Georgia: Georgia LastResort: LastResort Corbel: Corbel In this article, we'll explore the functions of titles, subtitles and labels, get a look at how to add annotations to our charts and check how to use custom fonts in Matplotlib. Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Arial Black: Arial Black Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Meiryo: Meiryo Bodoni Ornaments: Bodoni Ornaments Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Displaying CJK Characters in Matplotlib Plots | Albert Au Yeung HeadLineA: HeadLineA GungSeo: GungSeo Droid Sans: Droid Sans Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Cambria: Cambria Luminari: Luminari Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std InaiMathi: InaiMathi Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Consolas: Consolas Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Adobe Song Std: Adobe Song Std MS Mincho: MS Mincho MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Adobe Gothic Std: Adobe Gothic Std MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Consolas: Consolas Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Georgia: Georgia Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro MetaPlusNormal-Roman: League Gothic: League Gothic Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Corbel: Corbel Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode MS Mincho: MS Mincho Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Lucida Console: Lucida Console Georgia: Georgia LastResort: LastResort Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Gabriola: Gabriola Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Arial Black: Arial Black Gabriola: Gabriola Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN FontAwesome: FontAwesome LastResort: LastResort Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Notice that the title and both axis labels have a monospace font, since that is the font family we specified in the, #specify title and axis labels with custom font families, How to Perform a Chi-Square Test by Hand (Step-by-Step), How to Export Matplotlib Plot with Transparent Background. Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Constantia: Constantia Batang: Batang Droid Sans: Droid Sans Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Calibri: Calibri Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN MS PMincho: MS PMincho Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std MS PGothic: MS PGothic Corbel: Corbel Chalkduster: Chalkduster The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations in Matplotlib: How to Change Font Sizes on a Matplotlib Plot Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Cambria Math: Cambria Math Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN GungSeo: GungSeo Adobe Devanagari: Adobe Devanagari Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN However, the appearance may vary Meiryo: Meiryo Use Google Fonts! MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Arial: Arial MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Lucida Console: Lucida Console Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std LastResort: LastResort Bradley Hand: Bradley Hand Farisi: Farisi Impact: Impact MS PGothic: MS PGothic Luminari: Luminari Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Luminari: Luminari Ayuthaya: Ayuthaya InaiMathi: InaiMathi DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Apple SD Gothic Neo: Apple SD Gothic Neo Gulim: Gulim Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std LastResort: LastResort Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Gulim: Gulim Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Herculanum: Herculanum private API extracts a list of paths to all of the fonts found and then Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Ayuthaya: Ayuthaya Impact: Impact Arial: Arial MS Gothic: MS Gothic Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Meiryo: Meiryo MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Marlett: Marlett Luminari: Luminari Constantia: Constantia Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book InaiMathi: InaiMathi HeadLineA: HeadLineA Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Cambria: Cambria FontAwesome: FontAwesome Kokonor: Kokonor Gabriola: Gabriola MS Mincho: MS Mincho Impact: Impact MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Matplotlib and Custom Fonts. A More Definitive Guide | by Ryan Louis Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro MS Gothic: MS Gothic Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Droid Sans: Droid Sans Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Corbel: Corbel In Python, the color names and their hexadecimal codes are retrieved from a dictionary in the module. Meiryo: Meiryo GungSeo: GungSeo Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Arial Rounded MT Bold: Arial Rounded MT Bold Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Lato: Lato Bemio: Bemio MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro Cooper Std: Cooper Std Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Ayuthaya: Ayuthaya Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Meiryo: Meiryo MS PGothic: MS PGothic MS PGothic: MS PGothic Impact: Impact MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std GungSeo: GungSeo Constantia: Constantia Birch Std: Birch Std Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std Luminari: Luminari Chalkduster: Chalkduster LastResort: LastResort Big Caslon: Big Caslon MS Gothic: MS Gothic DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Chalkduster: Chalkduster Impact: Impact Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Once that is done, you can make the visualization as you usually would:

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best matplotlib fonts