aquarius hogwarts house

hogwarts-houses-as. Aries Gryffindor Independent, competitive, but, above all, courageous, Aries belong in Gryffindor. Virgos and Ravenclaws understand that intelligence comes in many forms and no one person can possess all knowledge. You are a great leader and you have a sense of justice. When taken too far, however, Aquarius in the 3rd House could find itself arguing just for argument's sake. Faithful, loving, and true, Leos and Gryffindors are one in the same. Over-emotional and a bit cunning are the traits that connect you and the house Slytherin. Were, If you have pulled the Queen of Wands in a Tarot reading, then you have, Welcome to sweet November, lovelies! That is not necessarily a bad thing, youre just open about your feelings. The resourcefulness and intelligence Virgo is known for are is shared by all Ravenclaws. Daring Aries can be relied on to launch and push things forward because they have the bravery to initiate and conquer big projects with enthusiasm. Follow. Over the years, as we watched Harry Potter defeat enemy after enemy, we dreamed of someday attending Hogwarts ourselves. A fresh perspective. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. *some placements appear in more than one category because they can apply to more than one house based on other influences within the birth chart. Perfect for Ravenclaw Where they are just and loyal No matter how many Hogwarts house personality quizzes we take, we ' ll never be completely sure until we get to wear the actual Sorting Hat.. Cardinal Libra - Ravenclaw and Slytherin - Intellectual, Observing, Self- preserving, Ambitious Fixed Aquarius - Ravenclaw and Gryffindor - Idea-Oriented, Curious, Determined, Stubborn What is Your Favorite Fandom Based on Your Zodiac Sign. The Heir of Ravenclaw was in time revealed to be Brian Dumbledore (Ajrand). The house you belong to, would of course be Hufflepuff. fun-loving social butterflies of the astrology signs, Libra, Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 7 13, 2022. The Hogwarts House You Belong In Based On Your Zodiac Sign. Harry Potter came very close to being sorted into Slytherin before he persuaded the Hat to sort him into Gryffindor. Hufflepuff. #puzzle #harrypotter #hogwarts After many long months I finally finished the 3,000 piece Hogwarts castle puzzle! This creates a life that can often be defined by the changes that it goes through. Aquarius is pretty powerful when it comes to change. Ravenclaw - air - swords - sanguine - thinking. The most outstanding characteristics associated with each house, however are more specific than that. Perhaps in cunning Slytherin you'll make your true friends. 6 February Arthur Weasley. You might think you're a Hufflepuff at heart, but the stars might have something different to say about that. Huge success or bust for Scorpios and Slytherins! Hufflepuffs and Librans are both known to prioritize their friendships and to become particularly troubled when their friends are struggling. Ravenclaw house is particularly inspired, encouraging imaginations to soar while seeking the ideas that will bring joy and growth to society. All rights reserved. Argumentative: This is a sign that can be fantastic at standing its ground in a debate. So . 30 January Lily Evans. All rights reserved. Those cunning folk use any means Known for their courage and extroverted nature, most Leos would fit perfectly into Gryffindor house. Scorpio's intensity and determination fits them perfectly with Slytherin. You have a tendency of changing paths because you create your own way rather than follow a strict one created by other people. The fun-loving social butterflies of the astrology signs, Libra, fit nicely into Hufflepuff house. Maybe you're in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal. It's a well-known fact that Hufflepuffs value hard work and dedication, where as Gryffindors admire cunning and resourcefulness. To do so, we've carefully analyzed each zodiac sign's personality and linked it with the house they're most similar with. Hello there, dear Harry Potter fans (or just people who have nothing better to do)! Theor work is often original and doesn't look like anything else. You might belong in Hufflepuff Close friend is a Scorpio moon and Ravenclaw. Aquarius. Your sign is witty and intelligent, which is exactly what this house values. At Hogwarts, all first-year students go through a magical Sorting Hat Ceremony that places them in one of four houses based on certain personality traits. When you think about it, Hogwarts houses and zodiac signs do very similar things: They break people into groups and give each one a set of shared personality traits and characteristics. :)Smash l. The Hogwarts House You Belong In Based On Your Zodiac . The houses competed throughout the school year, by earning and losing points for behaviour. They tend to be by the book people that dont reach for riches but instead live a humble life. This sign would keep working on a task until they complete it, no matter how impossible the task is. Hogwarts groundskeeper and former professor Rubeus Hagrid (born Dec. 6). Pisces are know for their imagination, sensitivity, and compassion, so you might not automatically sort them into a house that admires knowledge and wit first and foremost. In these words alone, it is clear that Slytherin is the House where everyone is evil. Both of these characters were in Gryffindor house as well! They can like a Taurus, sometimes lack drive as they arent workaholics. A lion will always be a lion, whether it's on their astrological calendar or their house's flag, which means Leos are meant to be Gryffindors. Just like a Gryffindor Taurus You, Taurus are practical, reliable and positive. Designed & Developed by Frenify, I am available for a freelance job. Ascendant in Aquarius or Gemini. Some of the wizarding world's best and brightest belonged to this house - Harry Potter . Unsurprisingly, Luna Lovegood is both an Aquarius (born Feb. 13) and a Ravenclaw. Nothing stands in the way of a Slytherin and his needs. Now, were assuming youre more than familiar with the four houses of Hogwarts, but heres a quick refresher, just in case. Sagittarius is the flighty adventurer of the astrology signs. Draco Malfoy, Harry Potters Hogwarts rival, is a Gemini Slytherin (born June 5). - Ravenclaw: wisdom, intelligence, self-reliant, knowledgeable. As I described a certain personality and how it would appear on a birth chart, my daughter Divya, a huge Harry Potter fan, said "That sounds like a Slytherin!" So, below is my analyzation of your Hogwarts house and astrology! One human astrological practise was to draw a circular chart, called a personal chart, showing the position of the planets at the time of a person's birth. Although not many Ravenclaws see the spotlight, Luna Lovegood represents the Aquarius and Ravenclaw spirit many times in the . I hope you guys enjoy this finale. Below is a rough guideline of how Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable can give the choice of a second Hogwarts House. Roommate is a Taurus moon and Ravenclaw. Where dwell the brave at heart, Ravenclaws: They Love Learning As mentioned above, Aquarians love learning. Harry Potters tall, dark, and mysterious godfather, Sirius Black, is a Scorpio (born Nov. 3) who belonged to Gryffindor despite his familys long-standing history of being in Slytherin. Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. Once you've tried the Hogwarts Sorting Experience, you can find out more about your house, and how the houses came to be in the first place. Her classes can be found online at www.HOI.TV/authors/shannon and you can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. Like Harry, Draco is torn between light and dark magic throughout the Harry Potter series, and the consequences of his abilities and his decisions demonstrate just how powerful Geminis and Slytherins are. Hogwarts sits high atop the cliffs in the moonlight as Hedwig the owl soars through the night to carry a message in this illustrated puzzle dedicated to J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter novels. Harry is the magical Heir of Gryffindor (and he's also a descendent of Godric), Neville of Hufflepuff, Hermione of Slytherin and Luna of Ravenclaw. GTIN. You can easily connect to the powerful raging fire of Gryffindor. You can read more about the founders of Hogwarts or the wily old Sorting Hat and even your house ghost. What Hogwarts house are the zodiac signs? Aries characters in Harry Potter include the twins Fred and George Weasley (born April 1), and Harrys father, James Potter (born March 27th). All 3 of these characters were Gryffindors during their time at Hogwarts! As a person youre very brave and open to new experiences. Minerva McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house and Headmaster Dumbledores right hand, may not be a Hufflepuff herself, but as a Libra (born Oct. 4), she still demonstrates the fairness and patience Hufflepuff house values so highly. Scorpionic ambition is similar to Slytherin ambition in that both can become extremely passionate in an all-or-nothing sense. A house that admires hard work and dedication, Hufflepuff would be a great place for the patient, determined, and reliable heart of a Taurus. Will always find their kind. Seinfeld Kramer. The 6th house represents your health, your body, and how you do the work that you love. Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by four powerful wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. Professor Remus Lupin (born March 10), on the other hand, demonstrates adept intellect while being integral to Harry Potters emotional development, two things that are important to Ravenclaws and Pisceans alike. Capricorns are known to be independent, bold risk-takers like those who live in the proud house of Gryffindor. However, creating a path for yourself requires intelligence and wit, which is exactly what Ravenclaw values. [1] Every year, the sun is in this sign from 21 January to 18 February, and those born during this period are considered Aquariuses (also called Aquarians). Your strength as well as your sense of adventure and exploring is what pushes you forward in life. Posts. As a member of the Hufflepuff house, a Sagittarius's optimism (though sometimes blind) will be nurtured instead of tainted, and their jovial spirit will only grow. Determined, smart, and passionate people, Scorpios would thrive around other ambitious and resourceful Slytherins who care about the same thing as they do: success. Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by four powerful wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. gryffindor Like some of the houses famous members, including Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape, Geminis are more than what they appear to be, and have many layers to them. To do this, Godric Gryffindor used his magical hat henceforward known as the Sorting Hat to decide which children should go into which house, and so it has been ever since with a yearly Sorting Ceremony that places each new pupil into their own new home. You Need to Read This November 2022 Energy Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for November 7 13, 2022. As a Water sign, Scorpio is very intuitive and shares the Water element associated with Slytherin. Cancers and Hufflepuffs often try to do all the work themselves without asking for help because their relationships and their work are integral to their identities. B. Keep reading to find out which house if most compatible with your zodiac sign.. Aries (March 21 - April 19): Gryffindor Scorpios, like Slytherins, are masters in the art of manipulation, a trait that can be used simultaneously for good and evil. If youre a Scorpio, the house you belong to is Slytherin. Product Key Features. Whether you believe in the accuracy of zodiac predictions or not, we all must admit that just reading them can be extremely fun. Although not as open to new creative ideas, Virgo is a sigh that is defined by good organization skills and intelligence. The Heir of Ravenclaw was an individual prophesized by the centaur Harmonthrep (Ajrand) to bring honor and glory to the House of Ravenclaw. by Syd Robinson. Creative, empathetic Pisces fits best into Ravenclaw house. Are you Ravenclaw? Just like a Taurus, the element of the Hufflepuff house is earth which means they are practical and literal people who tend to do what they say. Youre nice, talkative and energetic. If the Sorting Hat placed you here, you would have demonstrated qualities like courage, bravery and determination. The Hogwarts houses have their particular quirks and traits that we can all relate to but there's always that one specific house that you can personally see yourself in. Strong Mercury and Uranus. Culture Astrology is a place for astrology lovers from all around the world who fancy a good read about horoscope and astrology. On the contrary, you accept changes and sometimes even crave them. Gryffindor - fire - wands - choleric - intuition. Pisces. However, creating a path for yourself requires intelligence and wit, which is exactly what Ravenclaw values. The house colours are scarlet and gold, the common room lies up in Gryffindor Tower and the Head of House is Professor Minerva McGonagall. They correspond uncannily to the fixed signs, which sit at the . Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. SET OF 4 DECKS OF PLAYING CARDS: Join the wizarding world of Harry Potter with 4 unique decks of playing cards featuring the four prestigious crests of the houses from Harry Potter. However, youve got no strong need for adventure. So here's a brief rundown of the characteristics that make up the four houses of Hogwarts: - Gryffindor: bravery, courageous, daring, self-righteous, stubborn, chivalrous. Social-consciousness. You love exploring and adventure, just like the house Gryffindor. Hufflepuff house most values hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. You are strong and loyal. But while you dont like oversharing, you are actually a person with strong moral values and have an emotional side, as every other earth sign. Interestingly, two of the series main antagonists are Capricorns: Severus Snape, born January 9, and Tom Marvolo Riddle, a.k.a. However, from the very beginning, Slytherin is always seen as the evil House. Geminis and Slytherins are cunning and able to get things done with few resources if theyre focused in on something, they find a way to make it happen at any cost. Aries are high energy ready and willing to face the big challenges head-on. As a Mutable sign, Pisceans are also very versatile, flexible, and adaptable; their ability to think on their feet is typical of many Ravenclaws. Though staff and students from all Houses participate in the Battle of Hogwarts, the core group involved in destroying Horcruxes are Gryffindors; Neville slays Nagini, Harry defeats Voldemort, and Hermione and Ron go to the Chamber of Secrets to use Basilisk venom to destroy non-living Horcruxes. You have a tendency of changing paths because you create your own way rather than follow a strict one created by other people. Aquarius in the 1st House. TikTokaquarius hogwarts house Samantha (@harrypottercollector31), Samantha (@harrypottercollector31), (@user.malfoyy), haleyyy :)))(@haleywen), . Send an ask Follow. The determination you have is what Gryffindor respects a lot. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts.

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aquarius hogwarts house